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Today we can use the Internet for many things: shopping, business, writing letters, talking to people, getting information and so on. In recent years, a new kind of English has grown on the Internet. There's no real word for it yet, so we call it e-talk.
People don't like typing too much. To save time, they turn phrases into a few letters, acronyms(首字母缩略词). Acronyms are often used in chat rooms. Some are as follows:
BRB (be right back), BTW (by the way), LOL (laughing out loud), IMO (in my opinion)
People also use many abbreviations. They are shortened forms of words. Some common abbreviations include info (information), pic (picture), puter (computer), sec (second), etc.
We usually don't see people when we communicate on the Net, so people have new ways to show feelings. Most people use their keyboards to draw "feelings", such as:
:-)  (happy)     ;-)  (joking)       :-(  (sad)        :-O  (surprised)
These days, many public discussions have picture feelings, for example:
(happy)           (sad)            (angry)           ( (cool)
There are even whole new words, like "newbies"(someone who is new on a chat board or forum). When you write something bad about someone else, it's called "burning" the person.
It takes time for people to get used to e-talk. Also, different groups on the Net have their own special ways of communicating. Newbies sometimes have to ask other people what they mean. As the Internet grows, e-talk will continue to grow and change.
小题1:Why do people type acronyms?
A.To type them quickly.B.To make jokes.
C.To make newbies puzzled.D.To show their feelings.
小题2:What does the sentence “BTW, my puter is not working well. :-( ”mean?
A.The person is happy about getting a new computer.
B.The person has to go away from their computer.
C.The person is sad that his computer is having problems.
D.The person is angry at somebody.
小题3:If someone is angry, what may he type?
A.   LOL      B. BRB.               C.   D.
小题4:E-talk will probably____________.
A.stay the same
B.keep changing
C.be used by people on the telephone
D.be easy for newbies to understand
小题5:The best title for this passage is________.
A.E-talkB.Picture Feelings
C.How to Use AbbreviationsD.The Changing Internet


小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第二段People don't like typing too much. To save time, they turn phrases into a few letters, acronyms(首字母缩略词).描述,可知使用缩略词可以节约时间,打字就快了。故选A。
小题2:归纳理解题。根据短文描述BTW,是by the way ,puter是computer :-(是sad,故选C。
小题4:细节理解题。根据短文最后一段As the Internet grows, e-talk will continue to grow and change.描述,可知e-talk将会发展变化。故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

To many students, joining social media (社交媒体) “circles” is now more important than making new friends in real life.
And it’s easy. If you have a cell phone, you can download apps (应用程序) such as Sina Weibo, WeChat (微信) and QQ.
“I love to check my friends’ updates (更新). I also enjoy news and humor shared on social media,” Said Ou Wei, 14, from Hongling Middle School in Shenzhen. Because of enjoying these, Ou distances himself from real life. “I love playing the plane-shooting game on WeChat, but have no interest in playing flying chess with my classmates,” said Ou.
Deng Yunyun, 14, from Jianfeng Middle School in Shanghai, said that social media had influenced their life. Recently his school held a basketball match, and a student hurt his leg. Instead of giving him some help, students were busy with updating micro blogs about the accident.
“I think they need to learn to balance their real and online lives,” said Deng,
What makes parents and teachers worried is safety. “Many students are happy to tell their interests and personal information to their social media “friends”. Such information could bring them danger,” said Han Songjun, a teacher at Hongling Middle School.
For example, WeChat’s shake-shake function allows users to connect to other users close by. But the police warn about the danger of socializing in this way.
“Be careful. Do not use the locating (定位) function in any app, do not give your name, and do not post the photos of your residential area (小区),” said the police.
小题1: What is the possible meaning of the underlined word “distances” in Paragraph 3?
小题2:The example (the basketball match) in Paragraph 4 is given to show _______.
A.Deng Yunyun’s school held a basketball match
B.the students in the school are not friendly
C.students are very busy
D.social media have influenced the students’ life
小题3: The police give many suggestions except “_______”.
A.Do not share any news on social media
B.Do not use the locating (定位) function on social media
C.Do not give your name on social media
D.Do not post the photos of your residential area
小题4: What does the writer want to tell us?
A.Many students are using WeChat.
B.Social media makes our life more interesting.
C.Social media is very popular.
D.Social media can be bad and dangerous.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

As is known to all, waste has become a more and more serious problem. We can easily see many people throw a lot of food into the garbage can. Some people spend thousands of yuan buying fashionable clothes. What do you think of them? Here are some of students’ opinions:
As for me, I believe “Waste not, want not.” As we know, there are still millions of Chinese living in a poor condition. We can never afford waste. Therefore, it is no doubt that saving is still a good habit that we should not give up. I do not like the men who spend their money in a wrong way. They do not know waste is a bad thing. It can only make them happy for the time being.
More and more people are no longer interested in the simple life style, including me. And I feel embarrassed to save the things I used. What I love is the latest fashion. In my eyes, saving is already out of style.
One of the best ways we students can do in this situation is to recycle the textbooks we are using everyday. After we've used them and are moving on to new ones, we should find ways to recycle these books instead of simply throwing them away. There are different ways to do so such as sending them to a recycling factory, reusing them for other purposes, passing them on to new students and so on.
The negative effects of waste can be shown as follows. Firstly, it makes some students ask their parents for money quite often, which is harmful to their development. If they don’t learn to support themselves, they will be “useless people” when they graduate. Secondly, it is not easy for our parents to arrange for our schooling. Last but not the least, just like what Mary said that our country is still poor. There are many people who cannot go to university and many poor people still need our help.
Information Card
The things people spend thousands of yuan on
What a good habit still is
What makes Jacky feel embarrassed
One of the best ways we students can do
The students should depend on themselves, or they will be


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When your school doesn’t have a bus, and you live too far away to walk? How do you go to school?  “Let’s carpool! ”most US middle school students will get that cool idea. Carpooling is a group of people sharing the responsibility(责任) of driving to school in the morning. There are usually four or five kids in a carpool and their parents take turns driving the kids in their cars.It might be the kids’ first experience with real teamwork. Teamwork is really important in the carpool because nobody wants to make everyone else late. It’s a great lesson in resposibility.

Carpooling is coming into fashion everywhere now. You can find lots of informations of carpooling on the internet. Carpooling is cool! Why?
It’s good for the environment. In today’s culture of everyone needing to try their best to protect our environment, carpooling is one of the best ways. By taking 3 cars off the road, the pollution can be cut a little. Take that over a town, a city, a state, a country and think about how much less pollution is going to be in the air over the course of even one year.
Gas(汽油) now is much more expensive than it used to and if you need to watch the cents(美分), then it’s possible that carpooling could be the answer to your prayers. Even if you have to use your car once a week instead of two, that’s one round trip of gas you’re saving. So carpooling helps you save money.
Carpooling is a great way of getting to know people better. If you’re carpooling grade school kids, then you’ll find that slowly you’ll get to know your child’s peers(同龄人) and friends better. It's a great opportunity to meet people while saving the environment and your money. 
小题1:The word “carpool” means         .
A. 合伙用车                B. 共同租车             C. 让人搭车
小题2:One of        drives the car in a carpool of middle school students.
A. their teachers              B. the students           C. their parents
小题3:If you carpool with two persons to work every day,      will be taken off the road every day.
A. no car                   B.one car               C. two cars
小题4:There are        advantages of carpooling mentioned in this passage.
A. three                    B. four                  C. five
小题5:We can know from the passage that carpooling          .
A. is much more convenient than taking the school bus.
B. can help you save the money because you use your car less.
C. isn’t a good means to understand people better.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

 It is widely accepted that television is playing an important part in people's lives. But, there is a heated discussion as to whether television does good or harm.
Television keeps one learning more about present events, allows one to follow the most re¬cent developments in politics and science, and offers various programs which are .both instructive and exciting. The most distant countries, the strangest customs and the most attractive scenes of nature are brought right into one's room or house.
However, some people insist that television is bad rather than good. They argue that it has brought about many serious problems. The major one is its effects on young people. Children are now so used to getting their information and entertainment from television that their ability to read and write as well as physical ability has been greatly weakened. Even worse than that, vulgar( 庸俗的) advertisements and poor programs may develop their bad tastes, shape their view points badly towards human life to such a degree that their minds might be destroyed.
In a word, television has both advantages and disadvantages. Whatever effects it has, one point is certain, television in itself is neither good nor bad. It is the use to which it is put that decides its value to society.
小题1:What are people discussing nowadays?
小题2:What are the advantages television has brought us ?(至少2点)
小题3:Why do some people think television is bad rather than good?
小题4:It is the use to which it is put that decides its value to society. ___________________________________
小题5:What's your opinion about television?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When we got to the hospital, we found Dad still coughed a lot, but his smile was as sure as ever. It was another attack of pneumonia(肺炎). My husband and I stayed with him for the weekend, but we had to go back to our jobs on Monday. Local relatives would help Dad get home from the hospital and look after him. But I wanted to let him know that we also cared about him. even when we weren't with him.
Then I remembered a family tradition (传统)when our children were small. Before leaving their grandparents' home after a visit, each child would write a love note to their grandparents. For days, their grandparents would smile as they read these notes of love.
So when I cleaned Dad's kitchen and made the bed for him, I wrote some notes. Some were like this, "Dad, I put the food in the fridge. " Some expressed my love, "Dad, I hope you will sleep well in your new bed. " Most notes were put downstairs where he would stay for several weeks when he was ill. But I put one note upstairs under his pillow(枕头), "Dad, if yon have found this note, you must be feeling better. We are so glad!"
"These notes helped improve his health. Several weeks later, in one of our regular phone calls, I asked Dad how he was doing. He said, "Pretty good. I just found your note under my pillow upstairs!
小题1:The writer's father was sent to the ________  , so her husband and she stayed with him on that _______ .
小题2:Local relatives would help the write’s father to _____ home from the hospital and look _____ him
小题3:It was _______ for the writer’s children to write love ________ to their grandparents.
小题4:The notes only ______ the writer’s love but helped to improve her father’s ________ .
小题5:After _______ weeks , the writer was glad to find that her father felt much ______ on the phone .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Students at Empire High School started class with no text books-but it wasn’t because of money problems.

Instead, the school gave iBooks-laptop computersto each of its 340 students, becoming one of the first US public schools to stop printed textbooks.
School officials believe that the electronic materials will make students enjoy learning more. Empire High Schoolwas designed to have a textbook-free environment.
Students at Empire High School get the materials over the school’s Internet network. The school has a central control system that limits what can be downloaded(下载) at the school.
“Students can hand in homework online. We have a web program that helps to check if you copy from others,” the headmaster Baker said.
In addition to offering up-to-date information, teachers can make the lessons more enjoyable. For example, lessons in history can include links to a person’s daily life, his ideas, his discovery, and so on.
Social studies teacher Jeremy Gypton said the change was easier than expected. Gypton said he assigned reading based on websites, used online groups and message boards to keep the students connected. And he also asked them to comment(评论)on each other’s work.
Julian Tarazon, a new student, said that it was kind of hard at first, because you had to put things in folders(文件夹). But after a couple of days, you got used to it. Another student Morgan Northcutt said the computer system had made it easier to do homework.
The school isn’t completely paperless, however. It has a library, and students can read books in it.
“We’re not trying to get rid of books,” Baker said. “We love books.”
小题1:The students at Empire High School will study in class without ___________ this year.
A.text messagesB.printed textbooksC.reading materialsD.electric machines
小题2:The teachers at Empire High School began to use iBooks because they___________.
A.had money problemsB.had limited network
C.wanted to improve their teachingD.wanted a web program
小题3:A central control system can help to control __________.
A.how much to downloadB.what to download
C.how to downloadD.why to download
小题4:The underlined word “assigned” probably means “___________”.
小题5:The biggest advantage of the homework online is that___________.
A.students can do it anytime
B.information online is available
C.there is a lot of reading based on websites
D.it provides a platform for students to share ideas
小题6: The best title of the passage might be “___________”.
A.High School uses iBooks instead of textbooks
B.Don’t try to get rid of books
C.Learning without textbooks is harder
D.Doing homework online


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

完形填空   先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入
相应空白处的最佳答案。 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)
Sometimes it is impossible to deliver(投递)all the mail that arrives at the post office. Perhaps there is an        mailing address and there is no return address. The post office cannot just        the mail, so it becomes “dead mail”. Dead mail is        to one of the U.S. Post Service’s in Atlanta, New York, and San Francisco. Seventy-five million pieces of mail can be put in these offices in one year.
There the workers of the dead mail offices have        ways to deal with all of these pieces of dead mail. First of all, they look for       that can help them deliver the mail; they open packages, expecting that something       will show where the package came from or is going to. Dead mail will also be listed on a       so that people can call in and check to see if a missing thing is there on the screen. However, all of this mail cannot simply be      forever; there is just too much of it. When a lot of dead mail comes together, the dead mail offices hold public auctions (拍卖). Every three months, some people who are       are invited to the offices with objects found in dead mail packages and they are sold to the       bidder (出价者).
A.turn offB.eat upC.sell outD.throw away
A.phoneB.mirrorC.TV setD.computer


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Each nation has many good people who help to take care of others.For example,some high school and college students in the U.S.A. often spend many hours as volunteers in the hospitals,orphanages(孤儿院)or rest homes.They read books to the people in these places,or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems.
Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old.They paint,clean up or repair their houses,do their shopping or mow(割;修剪)their lawns.For boys who no longer have fathers,there is an organization called Big Brothers.College students and other men take these boys to baseball games or fishing trip and help them get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers.
Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go to play games.Some of these clubs show films or organize short trips to the mountains or some places of interest.Most of these clubs use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to know the problems and needs of young boys and girls.
Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others.
小题1:In America,it takes most of high school and college students little time to be volunteers in hospitals,orphanages or rest homes.
小题2:Some young volunteers can go and play in the homes of people who are sick or old.
小题3:If a boy has no father,he can get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers in an organization called Big Brothers.
小题4:Most of the clubs don’t like to use the high school or college students as volunteers because they’re too young to remember anything.
小题5:If you bring happiness to others,you will feel happy too.

