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When Bob was three years old, he suddenly fell ill one evening. The next day he got much worse.

His parents could do nothing but take him to a Negro(黑人) doctor. The doctor said that Bob was

badly ill and must be sent to a hospital at once. In a hurry, his father took him to a hospital nearby,

but the hospital refused(拒绝) to let him in because it was for the white only. Bob’s father took

him to another hospital. The same thing happened to him. At last, his father had to drive him to

a black hospital far away. But it was too late. Little Bob died on the way.

A. Bob suddenly 1. ill one evening at the age of 2..

B. His parents could not do 3. but take him to a Negro 4. .

C. Bob was 5. ill and must be sent to a hospital at 6..

D. Finally little Bob 7. on the way to a hospital far 8..

E. In 9.countries, many hospitals are only for the 10..


科目:初中英语 来源:冀教版2017-2018学年八年级英语上册单元评价检测Unit 3 题型:单项填空

It’s difficult for us the work by tomorrow morning.

A. finish B. to finish

C. finishing D. to finishing


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版英语七年级下册Module 9 Unit2 同步练习 题型:短文填空

The life of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems. Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. He 1.(be) born in 1564 in England.

At school he liked 2.(watch) plays. He 3.(decide) to be an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen. He 4.(marry) in 1582 and had three children.

At twenty-eight he 5.(move) to London and 6.(join) a theatre company. He 7.(become) a successful actor and started writing plays. Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ8. (enjoy) Shakespeare’s plays.

In 1599 the company 9. (open) the Globe Theatre on the River Thames in London. You can go to the Globe Theatre today.

William Shakespeare 10.(die) at the age of fifty-two. He was rich and successful. You still 11.(see) his plays in English and in many other languages. He is one the most famous writers in the world.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater第二课时sectionA 题型:单项填空

The radio station plays _ music. I don’t like it.

A. really bad B. really good

C. really worse D. really better


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater第二课时sectionA 题型:单项填空

is a meal in that restaurant?

—About 200 yuan.

A. How long B. How much

C. How many D. How often


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级上册Unit2 课时当堂训练 Period 3 题型:单词拼写

1.We spend half an hour_____________ ( 讨论) these maths problems.

2.I have many_____________(杂志)to read.

3.Wang Hao spends 6 hours _________ (practise)_________(play) table tennis every day.

4.How many_____________(图书馆)do you have in your school?

5.Our school is a __________(mix) school, boys and girls have lessons together.


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年人教版九年级英语下册中考模拟卷(一) 题型:阅读理解

Tea culture is varied in different countries by the way tea is made and drunk,and by the places for tea drinking.How to make tea may be different.According to the ways of making tea,tea is classified(分类)into white tea,green tea,black tea,etc.And how to prepare tea may be different,too.In Tibet,tea is commonly boiled(煮)with salt and butter(黄油).People may drink tea at home or in public,for example,at tea houses.

As part of culture,tea has a relationship with history,health,education,communication and so on.It is commonly used at social activities.For example,afternoon tea is a British custom.Families or friends can communicate with each other while having afternoon tea.

Tea has remained a way of daily life in China and drinking tea has a lot of advantages.It makes people less tired,clears heat in the human body and helps people lose weight.

Chinese people are good at using tea to make other things delicious.Tea,originally(最初)served as a medicine in ancient times,is now not just a kind of drink,but also excellent seasoning(调味品).Here are two delicious dishes made with tea:

Tea Eggs:You can find them cooked and sold in street markets in almost every city in China.

Dragon Well Tea Shrimp(龙井虾仁):It's one of the most wellknown dishes in Hangzhou.

Before you drink tea,please check the following tips:

◆ Drink tea hot.

◆ The best time to drink is between meals.It is bad for your stomach if you drink tea just before meals,during meals or soon after meals.

◆ Do not drink too much strong tea.

1.Tea has no relationship with ________ as part of culture according to the passage.

A. history B. health

C. education D. sports

2.Afternoon tea in Britain is a ________ according to the passage.

A. way of communication B. hobby

C. game D. weekend activity

3.In ancient China,tea was originally served as ________ according to the passage.

A. a medicine B. a drink

C. seasoning D. a dish

4.The best time to drink tea is ________ according to the passage.

A. just before meals B. during meals

C. soon after meals D. in between meals

5.The passage doesn't mention ________.

A. ways of making tea

B. places to drink tea

C. tools for drinking tea

D. advantages of drinking tea


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级上册Unit2课时当堂训练 Period 5 题型:语法填空

1.Among the three students, Jim drank _________________ (little) juice .

2.We can’ draw as _________________ ( better ) as Mary does .

3.It is _____________( good) to teach a man to fish than to give him fish .

4.He did _________(well) in English than us.

5.Whose pen is _______________(long), Jim’s, Peter’s or Sam’s?

6.The number of students of my school ________ (be) over 1000.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省扬州市江都区2017届中考第二次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

For most people, getting a car opens up a new world of freedom and allows you to go wherever you want and whenever you want. Getting a car did _______ these for me, and it also brought my best friend and me ______. But then it tore us apart(分开).

My best friend lives three minutes from my home. Since her ______ is in late summer, seven months behind mine, I seemed to become her ______ when I turned 16 in December.

And so I picked her up for school and took her home. We made ice-cream ______, went shopping and to the movies — all in my car. I would drive to her house just to sit on her bed, read magazines and have a good laugh. I went to her house so frequently that she gave me a key _________ her house.

A week after I began to drive, she was with me ______ I had my first accident. She was there and comforted me and we kept it a ______, since I didn’t want people to ______. From then on, through thick and thin(患难与共), it was just me, my car and my best friend.

High school is a time of ______, but I couldn’t understand for a long time______ we became so distant. Finally, my friend got her dream car. With its ______, the passenger seat of my car became ______. Our car trips became less frequent until I didn’t ______ drive down her street.

It’s funny how a car can change a relationship so much. I had wanted her to get a car, but once she did, I ______ it. I wanted her friendship back, even if it couldn’t be the same.

1.A. some B. any C. none D. all

2.A. luckier B. farther C. closer D. happier

3.A. course B. birthday C. holiday D. job

4.A. follower B. guide C. driver D. partner

5.A. plans B. parties C. classes D. trips

6.A. to B. of C. for D. it

7.A. while B. but C. after D. when

8.A. pride B. joke C. secret D. favorite

9.A. see B. help C. know D. laugh

10.A. interest B. change C. excitement D. friendship

11.A. how B. what C. where D. that

12.A. return B. dream C. arrival D. beauty

13.A. different B. crowded C. broken D. empty

14.A. ever B. still C. even D. again

15.A. regretted B. lost C. received D. enjoyed

