精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:–How _____ Cousin Jenny _____ (go) to school ?
-She rides her bike to school.
小题2:Would Lin Tao like _____ (come) to the party with you?
小题3:My father can _____ (swim) in the swimming pool.
小题4:The Green family sometimes _____ (have) dinner at my home.
小题5:The boy in blue is good at _____ (score) goals for his team.
小题6:Peter, _____ (not do) your homework in the living room.
小题7:The supermarket usually _____ (close) on Thursday.
小题8:Amy loves _____ (eat) fruit very much.
小题9:Simon and Amy want _____ (watch) the football match this weekend.
小题10:She often _____ (study) with her father at home on Sundays.

小题1:does go
小题2:to come
小题6:don’t do
小题9:to watch

小题1:Cousin Jenny是第三人称单数所以要用does go
小题2:like to do sth要在come前加to
小题4:Green family是复数要用have而不能用has
小题5:be good at doing sth表示擅长做某事。
小题8:loves doing sth所以要用ing形式
小题9:want to do sth 想要做某事要在watch前加to
小题10:with her father是一个从属结构,真正主语是she,所以用三单

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Lily is the __________(sport) of the twins.
小题2:FeiJunlong is one of the most famous _________(spaceman) in China.
小题3:Let’s go somewhere_________( relax) to make ourselves calm down.
小题4:I saw Millie___________(entrance) the room quietly.
小题5:He hasn’t ________to my last letter so far.(reply)
小题6:Tom jumped ________( 远) of all in the long jump.
小题7:The news got around ________(立刻 )after the brave policeman XuChanggen died.
小题8:Tales of Old Beijing is a _______( 四十分钟) documentary.
小题9:The baby’s  sudden illness made the young parents______( 着急).
小题10:We’re thinking of ________(推荐) GuHao as the new chairperson.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:If I don’t clean my room, my mother won’t let me ______(meet) my friends.
小题2:He said that he ____________ (come) here the next day.
小题3:I think there will be more _____________ (pollute) in the future.
小题4:While the girl             (shop), the alien got out.
小题5:I want to spend             (little) money and buy more things.
小题6:We were very surprised when we heard the          (amuse) news.
小题7:There ____________ (be) a basketball match in our school tomorrow.
小题8:I usually forget ___________ (close) the door.
小题9:When people are in _______( dangerous ), they should call the police up.
小题10:The school principle asked us _____________ (not bring) food to the party.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:When __________the Red Cross __________ (set) up ?
小题2:Who do you think ________ (win) the first prize in tomorrow’s competition?
小题3:My hair is too long. I will have it __________ (cut) this Saturday.
小题4:I tried many ways I could think of _________ (stop) the little boy from crying.
小题5: ---__________ Miss Gao ___________ (forgive) you for your mistakes? --- Not yet.
小题6:The students were made __________ (read) the text once more by Mr. Wu.
小题7:---Why didn’t I see you at the concert?
---Because I didn’t go. I _________ (show) the visitors around our school.
小题8: Oil __________ (catch) fire easily. You must be very careful.
小题9:The disabled mustn’t _________ (laugh) at by anybody.
小题10:If I ___________ (have) a rest when he comes, please ask him to wait for a while in my office.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I think this bag is one of the ________ (speak) .
小题2:How __________ (careful) the boy is! He left his key in the library.
小题3:Little Kitty likes hiding ________ (her) behind the door to frighten her friends.
小题4:The two         (rob) got into the car and drove away.
小题5:We played ____________( happy ) in the park yesterday than we did today.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

That is ____ bag. But this is ____ .
A.my; yourB.her ; hisC.his; herD.theirs; ours


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

I still remember visiting Moscow. It is the c  1  of Russia(俄罗斯), the b  2   country in the world. I go there with my parents at the age of eight. I live and study there for one year, I have some happy memories(记忆).
One of the most interesting things of that city is that ,t  3  are many dogs. Perhaps Russians l  4   dogs very much. You can see dogs here and there. Almost each of the families has a dog. I make friends with many Russian children w  5  I am living and studying there. They are all very nice. They have fair hair and fair skin. I play with them h  6  though(尽管)I can only speak a little Russian at first. They are f  7  to me. The weather in Moscow is very cold. It snows almost every day in w . The ground is always covered with a lot of snow. We often make snowmen t  9   .
Now I am b  10   in China, but I miss them so much. I will never forget my happy memories of this visit to Moscow.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

The students were all tired, but ___ of them stopped to have a rest.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

David talked with a friend of ________ on the Internet for a long time yesterday.

