精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情



We have read 50 books ________ ________


We should do something to make them ________ ________ at the party.


Let’s ___________?? _____________ the discussion about the world environment..


Our teacher was ill , but she only _________ one day ___________.


He didn’t ever _________? _____________ his dream of winning the game .








1句意:从那时起,我们已经读了50本书。Since:从…起,从…开始,后面一般加过去的时间点,或一般过去式的从句,主句一般现在完成时;since then:从那时起。

2句意:为了让他们在聚会上玩得愉快我们应该做点什么。make sb. do sth.:使/让某人做某事;have fun:过得开心,过得愉快;故填(1). have??? (2). fun。

3句意:让我们一起来加入关于世界环境的讨论。Let’s do sth.:让我们做某事,let 后面跟不带to的不定式;join加入组织或团体中,加入或参加某种活动用join in;故填(1). join??? (2). in。

4句意:我们的老师病了,但她只休息了一天。短语have +时间段+ off:放假,不工作不上班不上学休息。but但是,转折连词,它连接的两个句子时态应一致;but前的句子时态是一般过去时,but后的句子时态也应用一般过去式,填(1). had??? (2). off?? 。

5句意:他从未放弃过赢得比赛的梦想。助动词didn’t后面跟动词原形,短语give up:放弃;根据句意可知填(1). give??? (2).up。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1Jim was good at ____________ (draw) when he was a little child.

2You will have another opportunity to ____________? (interview) him.

3Finally the firemen saved the little girl under the damaged building __________ ( success).

4You can make a ____________?? ( choose) among those programmes.

5I spent 200 yuan ____________? (buy) the MP3.

6I would like ____________(be)a biologist when I grow up.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】There was a farmer named Hafiz in Africa who was happy. He was happy because he was satisfied with his life.

One day a wise man came to him and told him about the ________ of diamonds and the power that goes along with them.

The wise man said "If you had a diamond the size of your finger, you could have your own city. If you had a diamond of the size of your fist, you could ________ own your own country." And then he went ________.

That night the farmer couldn’t sleep. He was ________ and he was discontent. The next morning he made arrangements to sell off his farm and went in search of diamonds. He looked all over Africa and Europe but couldn’t ________ any. When he got to Spain, he was emotionally, physically and financially broke. He got so ________ that threw himself into the Barcelona River and died.

Back home, the person who had bought his ________ was watering the sheep at a stream. Across the stream, the light of the morning sun hit a stone and make it sparkle like a rainbow. He picked up the stone and put it in the living room.

That afternoon the wise man came and saw the stone sparkling. He asked," Is Hafiz ________?" The new owner said, "No, why do you ask so?"The wise man said, "Because that is a diamond. I recognize one when I see one." The man said, "No, that’s just a stone I ________. Come, I’ll show you there are many more."They went and picked some samples and send them for analysis. Sure enough, the stones were diamonds. They found that the farm was ________ mountains of diamonds.

1A. name??? B. value??? C. price??? D. place

2A. hardly??? B. seldom??? C. probably??? D. never

3A. away??? B. down??? C. inside??? D. ahead

4A. unhappy??? B. worried??? C. satisfied??? D. patient

5A. buy??? B. sell??? C. make??? D. find

6A. pleased??? B. sad??? C. excited??? D. surprised

7A. house??? B. sheep??? C. farm??? D. diamond

8A. out??? B. back??? C. off??? D. away

9A. made??? B. bought??? C. borrowed??? D. picked

10A. made of??? B. popular with??? C. short of??? D. covered with


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】could you tell me????????

A. how long she has gone to Hongkong.

B. how long she has been in Hongkong.

C. how long has she been in Hongkong.

D. how long she has been to Hongkong.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1Don’t be _____________ (patient)! Trust yourself. You can work out this problem.

2Lucy is not afraid of this test. She is full of _________________ (confident).

3It’s my _________________ (pleasant) to help old people cross the road.

4We should wear white if we are feeling _________________ (stress).

5It is very nice to lie on the grass and count stars in the sky on a _______________ (peace) evening.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Sorry, I couldn't do more to help you get that job.

—________. There will be other jobs.

A. It's up to you??? B. It's no big deal??? C. Well, that's too bad??? D. Well, it's hard to say


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Why didn’t Lucy __________ at the meeting this morning?

—Because she __________ studying last night and overslept this morning.

A. show up; put up??? B. look up; showed up

C. stay up; took up??? D. show up; stayed up


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】我们都需要一个健康的环境,但是我们每天都在制造垃圾,环境污染日益恶化,为了人类的生存,我们要从身边小事做起。请根据以下提示,以“Save our world”为标题写一篇英语短文,向大家描述你在平时的生活、学习中是怎样做的。


1. 每天步行上学;

2. 当你离开房间的时候关上灯;

3. 不要订购比你能吃完的更多的食物;

4. 不要使用纸杯和纸袋,使用瓷杯和布袋会更好;

5. 把垃圾分类回收利用;

6. ……


1. 词数:80词左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】If you want to become a better reader, what should you know about speed of reading?

Some people read very rapidly, while others read very slowly. But which one is better?

The rapid reader may be a good reader when he reads a storybook for fun. But he may not be able to slow down enough to read directions carefully. He may read so rapidly that he does not take time to understand fully the ideas and information which are important to remember.

The slow reader may be a good reader when he reads directions for making something. But he may spend too much time in reading a simple story which is meant to be enjoyed but is not important enough to be remembered.

So, you see, either a rapid reader or a slow reader is not really a good one. If you wish to become a better reader, here are four important things to remember about speed of reading.

(1). Knowing why you are reading will often help you to know whether to read rapidly or slowly.

(2). Some things should be read slowly throughout. Examples are directions for making or doing something, science and history books, and Maths problems. You must read such things slowly or remember each important step and understand each important idea.

(3).Some things should be read rapidly throughout. Examples are simple stories for enjoyment, letters from friends and bits of news from hometown papers.

(4). In some of your reading, you must change your speed from fast to slow and slow to fast, as you go along. You will need to read certain pages rapidly and then slow down and do more careful reading when you come to important ideas.

1What should be read rapidly?

A. Directions for making something. B. Maths problems.

C. Science and history books. D. Storybooks, newspapers, personal letters, etc.

2What is the important thing you should keep in mind about speed of reading?

A. To read as fast as you can. B. To fit your reading speed to your needs.

C. To read as slowly as possible. D. To keep your reading at a certain speed.

3Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?

A. Something about Careful Reading. B. Be a Rapid Reader.

C. How to Read? D. How to Be a Slow Reader?

