精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

(   ) 4. —-Shall we go to Mei Lanfang Theatre now?

―       .Let's go tomorrow? Betty.

   A. Yes,we do   B. I'm afraid not

   C. Good idea   D. I'm very busy


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



1. 少女刘学萍在一次植树活动中被山火烧伤,无法再回到课堂;

2. 在母亲的帮助下,她学会了自食其力;

3. 刘学萍慢慢长大并学会了上网,她在网上拯救了一个又一个沉迷于网络的青少年,帮助他们重返校园。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Bill Gates was born on October 28,1955. He grew up in Washington. He was a very 16        boy. His favourite 17        at school were science and maths. When he was 13 years old,Bill started to play computers. At that time  computers 18        very large machines.

Once he was 19       a very old computer. He and some of his friends 20        lots of time doing un- usual things with it. In the end,they worked out a software programme (软件程序) with the old machine. Bill 21        it for $4,200 when he was only 17. In 1973,Bill 22        Harvard University. In his third year,he left Harvard to work for a company(公司) called Microsoft. Bill 23        his company in 1975,24        his friend Paul Allen. They thought the computer would come into every office and every home soon. So they began developing the software for personal computers. They improved the software to 25        it easier for people to use computers.

(   ) 16. A. shy   B. lucky

   C. loving   D. clever

(   ) 17. A. subjects   B. sports

   C. colors   D. teachers

(   ) 18. A. is   B. are

   C. was   D. were

(   ) 19. A. good at   B. interested in

   C. busy with   D. surprised at

(   ) 20. A. took   B. put

   C. paid   D. spent

(   ) 21. A. did   B. worked

   C. sold   D. bought

(   ) 22. A. went to   B. left

   C. visited   D. came from

(   ) 23. A. bought   B. sold

   C. began   D. made

(   ) 24. A. and   B. with

   C. for   D. by

(   ) 25. A. take   B. begin

   C. make   D. bring


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 8. He invited us        his club.

   A. joining   B. to join

   C. join   D. joined


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 7. Mr Brown stayed at home and taught his daughter       .

   A. to paint   B. painting

   C. painted   D. paint


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    3. Father bought me an ice cream. 

    Father bought                         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 9. The teenagers hope       the old people tomorrow.

   A. visit   B. visiting

   C. visited   D. to visit


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. My boss doesn't a       me to use the telephone.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


go back 

in order to

