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What do you write down? For most of us, writing consists of emails, task lists and perhaps the odd work project. However, making time to write down certain things, such as our daily experiences and feelings, can help us in our life.
The following are some different ways that writing things down can change your life.
It clears your mind for higher-level thinking.
David Allen, productivity speaker and author of Getting Things Done, recommends doing what he calls a “core dump”. This involves writing down every task, activity, and project you need to address. This could range from picking up milk on the way home, to a multi-person project at work. Writing down every ‘to-do’ item you can think of clearing space in your head for more important topics.
It helps you process your emotions.
Writing down what’s on your mind is a great way to work through inner conflict or process your feelings around a particular situation. It’s similar to talking a situation through with a friend, and it’s a useful way of strengthening your self-soothing (自我安慰) abilities.
It gives you a record of the past.
If you keep a diary and regularly write down your thoughts and feelings, you’ll soon have a record of your experiences that you might otherwise have forgotten. Keeping a diary can also enhance your levels of self-trust. When you can look back and see how successfully you’ve done in the past, you’ll feel more confident in your ability to do so in the future.
You gain a sense of achievement.
If you write down everything you need to do in a particular day or week, you gain an additional sense of satisfaction. When having completed the task, you can cross the item off our list. Feeling productive enhances your productivity and fosters a sense of achievement and progress.
小题1:Can writing down things help us in our daily life? 
小题2:How many ways can writing down things help us change our life?
小题3:According to David Allen’s idea, what does a “core dump” mean?
小题4:What is the advantage of keeping a diary?  
小题5:What is the passage mainly about?

小题1:Yes,it can.
小题3:It means writing down every task, activity and project you need to address.
小题4:It can give you a record of the past(your experiences).
小题5:It’s about the importance of writing down things and how it can help us change our life.

小题1:根据短文第一段中making time to write down certain things, such as our daily experiences and feelings, can help us in our life. 可知,花些时间记录一下事情,如我们的日常经历和感受,可以在我们的日常生活中帮助我们。故这个问题的答案是肯定的。
小题2:根据短文第二段中The following are some different ways that writing things down can change your life可知,记录生活中的事情可以改变我们的生活,下面一共给我们列举了四个,分别是It clears your mind for higher-level thinking;It helps you process your emotions;It gives you a record of the past ;You gain a sense of achievement.。
小题3:根据短文第三段中David Allen, productivity speaker and author of Getting Things Done, recommends doing what he calls a “core dump”. This involves writing down every task, activity, and project you need to address.可知,这个短语的意思是记录每一个任务、活动和项目。
小题4:根据短文第五段中If you keep a diary and regularly write down your thoughts and feelings, you’ll soon have a record of your experiences that you might otherwise have forgotten.可知,如果你记日记,有规律的记录你的想法和感受,你就会记录下你以后可能会忘记的一些经历。
小题5:这篇短文主要告诉我们的是生活中我们经常记录下一些经历和感受是非常重要的,它可以改变我们的生活。作者主要讲了在四个方面,记录事情是怎样改变我们的生活的。故这个问题的答案是It’s about the importance of writing down things and how it can help us change our life。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Reading is very 小题1:  in our life. We can get 小题2:through reading. Reading is also a useful 小题3:  to learn a foreign language like English. Textbooks, newspapers, magazines and other kinds of reading materials can help us know more about the 小题4:  and help us grow into a(an)小题5: person.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Let’s face it: homework can be almost as frustrating (沮丧) for parents as it is for kids. Getting kids to do their homework can be a challenge, and when they do sit down to study, a lot of other problems can appear.
Doing homework may not be as fun as playing video games or chatting with friends, but it shouldn’t be something that kids hate. Your children’s assignments (任务) should help them build a skill or learn something new.
You can help by being a homework monitor, stepping in to answer questions or offer encouragement. This gives you a chance to see what they are learning and how well they understand the material. It helps you understand their learning style and shows you care about their education.
Many kids refuse to study by asking why they have to learn things they’ll never use in real life. If your son or daughter shows little interest in their assignments, you can make them seem more important by pointing out ways you use them in daily life.
If parents feel that their kids are overloaded (超负荷), they can talk about it with the teachers. If you think it takes your child too long to finish homework, try to make a decision whether the problem lies in having too much work or managing time poorly.
If your child complains of boredom while doing homework, give him or her the following suggestions:
Get help from friends: if your children are bored with an assignment, let them call a friend for help or invite a friend over to work on it with them.
Add physical activity: set mini-goals for homework and allow time for relaxing, jumping around, or a snack after each goal is completed. For a kid who can’t sit still, find active ways to study.
Turn the tables: let your children teach you a lesson. Let them give you a test on the things they have just learned.
Title: Help with your child’s   小题1: .
The right goal of doing
It should help your child learn a   小题2: or new things.
(益处) of
offering help
·You can see how things are going with your child’s studies.
·You can see what your child’s learning    小题3:  is like.
·It can show you   小题4:   about your child’s education.
小题5:  that you may face
Your child thinks that the assignments are  小题6:  .
Tell them how you use the knowledge in real life.
You think that your child has too much homework.
小题7:   about the problem with the teachers.
You think that the assignments
小题8: your child too much time.
Find out whether there are problems with your child’s time management.
Your child thinks that the assignment is   小题9:
·Find a friend of theirs to help.
·Set small goals for the assignments
and allow the child to do other
小题10:  during breaks.
·Let the child teach you something.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Each year several thousand people are killed on the road in Great Britain . Every year between one and two hundred thousand people are injured(伤害), or killed in road accidents .
If you are in England and if you listen to the eight o’clock news from BBC , you will often hear news of road accidents . You may hear something like this “ On last Monday evening , at about twenty minutes to ten , a cyclist was knocked down by a truck at crossing of Oak Road and High Street in Croydon . The cyclist has died from his injuries . Anyone who saw the accident please communicate(联系)with New Scotland Yard , telephone number Whitehall one , two , one , two .”
Accidents are often caused(引起)by carelessness. (2) 如果每个人都遵守交通规则,道路将会更安全得多。 How can we make the road safer ?
(3) In Great Britain traffic keeps on to the left . Motor-cars , trucks , buses and cyclists must all keep to the left side of the road . In most other country traffic keeps to the right .
Before crossing the road , stop and look both ways . Look right , look left again . Then , if you are sure that the road is clear, that there is nothing coming , it is safe to cross the road . If you see small children , or very old people , or blind people , waiting to cross the road , it is kind act to help (4) them to cross the road in safety .
(5) We must teach young children to cross the road safely . We must always give them a good example . Small children mustn’t play in the street .
小题1:回答问题1. How many people are injured in Great Britain every year ?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

你觉得你的校园生活安全吗?请你以“How to Keep Safe in School”为题写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法。
1.不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生真实姓名。如需使用学校名称或学生的姓名,请一律使用Hill School和Tom。
How to Keep Safe in School
Do you know that our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough? For example,


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

拼读选词 根据句意和音标从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个适当的单词。(5分)
小题1:I’d like ______ /s?m / noodles for breakfast.
小题2:He is too ______  /?? t/ to get the book on the shelf.
A.shyB.shoes  C.shortD.sport
小题3:My parents ______ / liv / in a new building in the village.
A.liveB.leave    C.lifeD.left
小题4:Li Min wants to _________/ im'pruv / her English.
A. importantB.improveC.enoughD.encourage
小题5:Eating more__________ /`ve?it?blz /  and less meat is good for your health.
A. villagerB.visitorsC.volunteerD. vegetables


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Every mother is great, so is my mother. My mother is a common worker. But I love h___小题1:very much. My mother likes t_小题2:stories. She also likes helping others. So she is popular. She is hard-working like many other mothers. Whenever she is at home or at work, she is always busy. On weekens, she often c__小题3:our house, s_小题4: our house is clean and tidy. And she likes planting f___小题5: ,too. She often says, “Flowers are beautiful. Planting flowers is fun and exciting. Flowers can make the air fresh and keep the house beautiful.”She often gives flowers t_小题6:her friends,too.
She is strict in my study.She oftens to me, “Study is the most important thing to a student. You must study h__小题7: Then you can do more and better for others and yourself.” And she is also kind to me. Every day she takes g___小题8: care of me. She often helps me. When I have trouble, I’d like to ask her for help.
This is my mother. She is the greatest and beautiful mother in my eyes.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

经验,以“How to Study well”为题,写一篇约80词左右的短文,告诉你的妹妹一些你觉得比较好的学习方法或习惯。可根据以下提示内容展开写作,也可以增加另外一些比较合理实用的学习方法。
提示:1. 上课认真听讲,记笔记;
2. 课后认真复习,按时完成家庭作业;
3. 遇到不懂的问题要及时请教…


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

               School Rules
A.  Don’t draw on the blackboard.
B.  Put the books back after you read them.
C.  Don’t eat, drink or smoke in the computer room..
D.  Please wait in line while waiting for the school bus.
E.  Put away the balls after the P.E class.

