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As a teenager, I am often asked what I am going to be in the future.A lawyer? A doctor? Or a scientist? No, my ideal career is to be a teacher.One of the for that is I want to be a teacher like Mr. Chen.

“Look! Do you know what it is? A-ha, it’s the ! And it will always move around the sun.” Mr. Chen said and pointed to his head.He then touched the nose and , “Can you tell me the name of this mountain? It is the highest mountain on Earth! What’s the of it? Yes, it’s 8844.43 metres…” I’ll never forget my first geography lesson.He was humorous that we all fell in love with his lessons .It’s Mr. Chen who opened the door of geography for us.

Generally speaking, most of the teachers are strict students and sometimes a little bit demanding(苛求的), not so with Mr. Chen.He is a lighthouse, showing us the way to the treasure of knowledge.He is a friend and easy to get with, always encouraging us to speak out loud without our shyness and other disadvantages.He is an example, volunteering his time to students and other teachers.

One day I happened to meet him in the hospital.Seeing the cut on his arm, I realized he was donating his .I was moved and was another lesson, a lesson of love and devotion.

Every time I see my globe(地球仪), it would me of Mr. Chen.He is the most unforgettable teacher I have met and he will always be.Someday I hope I am to be a teacher like him.

Thank you, Mr. Chen, thank you for making learning not a job but a joy.

Thank you for helping me to discover what I do best and to do it even .

Thank you for understanding all of us and giving us the time and care each of us needs.

1.A.replies B.reasons C.rewards D.results

2.A.moon B.earth C.star D.sun

3.A.advised B.announced C.added D.answered

4.A.distance B.weight C.size D.height

5.A.very B.too C.really D.so

6.A.at present B.at once C.at times D.at first

7.A.with B.to C.in D.for

8.A.away B.together C.angry D.along

9.A.thinking B.caring C.considering D.supposing

10.A.money B.blood C.clothes D.time

11.A.taught B.given C.taken D.had

12.A.remembers B.represents C.warns D.reminds

13.A.just B.never C.ever D.yet

14.A.able B.about C.allowed D.available

15.A.well B.good C.better D.best


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年江苏连云港东海县中考第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I was reminded of the matter ________ the evening of April 4 and I couldn’t sleep ________ whole night.

A. in; a B. in; the C. on; a D. on; the


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年广西梧州市毕业升学考试抽样调研测试卷一英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Most people are writing blogs (博客). Others are reading them. The word “ blog” is a short way of saying Web log almost like QQ Zone (空间).

Many popular Web sites now offer free, easy ways to create personal Web pages and fill them with writings and pictures. Blogs offer people a place to show their writings and feelings over the Internet. They can also be helpful to connect people with others.

A blog has both good and bad points, of course. People choose to write what they think in blogs, for they know that their friends will read what they write. If you are feeling sad one day and write your feelings in your blog, your friends may quickly write back to comfort you or offer their help. Blogs help people keep good friendship and let them know what their friends are doing. But the problem is that anyone can read what you write in your blog. If you are not satisfied with a friend during school, and you write something bad about him in your blog, your friend read the blog and get angry. So we have to be careful of what we write.

In many ways, a blog and a diary are almost the same. So what makes a blog different from a diary? The biggest difference is that a blog is more public than a diary.

1. _______ can offer free ways to create personal Web pages and fill them with writings and pictures.

A. QQ B. Web pages

C. Web sites D. Blogs

2. The underlined word “comfort ” in the passage means ________.

A. 了解 B. 安慰 C. 嘲笑 D. 打击

3.Why do you have to be careful of what you write?

A. Because only your friends can read your blog.

B. Because no one can read your blog.

C. Because only you can read your blog.

D. Because anyone can read your blog.

4.What’s the difference between a blog and a diary?

A. A diary is more private than a blog.

B. A diary is more helpful than a blog.

C. A diary is more interesting than a blog.

D. A diary is more public than a blog.

5. What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. Most people like using blogs.

B. The differences between a blog and a diary.

C. The advantages and disadvantages of blogs.

D. Blogs offer people free space to show their writings and feelings.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年广西梧州市毕业升学考试抽样调研测试卷一英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I can play guitar and my brother can play football.

A. a, a B. the, a C. a, the D. the, /


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄市九年级4月模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

Writing a good story is no easy task.What’s the secret? Mo Yan, a Nobel Prize winner in literature, believes his success comes from a large amount of reading.

Mo was born into a farming family in a village in Shandong province.He grew up listening to folk (民间的) stories about gods, spirits and foxes.Those stories later became the inspiration(灵感) for Mo’s writing.

Mo left school at the age of 12 and started to work in the fields.Although he was tired after his daily hard work, Mo was always hungry for books.However, there were very few in the village.He read his elder brother’s textbooks and even dictionaries.He helped others with farm work in exchange for books.

After Mo left his hometown and joined the army in 1976, he began to read widely, including works by Lu Xun and many other famous writers.

He studied from these writers but did not copy them.Instead, he developed his own style.“I grew up in an environment filled with folk culture.It enters my novels whenever I pick up a pen.This has affected, even decided, my style.” Mo told a group of reporters in his hometown shortly after he won the award in 2012.

As the first Chinese citizen to win a Nobel Prize in literature, the organization spoke highly of his works.They described his writing as a mixture of fantasy and reality, combining historical and social perspectives (看法).

Mo Yan, the first 1. Nobel Prize winner in literature

The process of Mo Yan’s growth

He was born in a village and his parents are both 2. .

After leaving school at the age of 12, although he could 3. find any books to read, he never gave up.

In the army, he read works such as Luxun’s and other famous writers’ to 4. his own style.

In 5. , he won the Nobel Prize for literature.

The features of Mo Yan’s works

Folk stories 6. Mo Yan plenty of inspiration no matter when he writes.

His writing is a 7. of fantasy and reality.

The 8. of Mo Yan’s success

The environment 9. of folk culture matters a lot to his success.

10. is Mo Yan’s secret to be a great success.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年外研版初中英语七年级下4.1练习卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空


1.How does Mr. Smith check these ______(student) English level?

2.We often talk to each other by ______(telephone).

3.I think school is good fun. We make ______(friend) there.

4.No one will use pens, ______(paper) or erasers.

5.People will have a lot of free ______ (time) in the future.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年外研版初中英语七年级下4.1练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---What is Mr Zhang doing?

---He is writing some English words ______ the blackboard ______ chalk.

A. in; for B. on; with C. with; with D. on; in


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年外研版初中英语九年级下3.3练习卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空


hard, easy, long, good, bad

1.You will get _______ if you do more exercise.

2.The Yangtza River is _________ than the Yellow river.

3.It’s ________ for us to get information with the help of computer.

4.We lived a _______ life in the past. We didn’t have enough food.

5.The result of the exam is ________ than before.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015年外研版初中英语八年级下3.3练习卷(解析版) 题型:

I _______ the dinner already.

 A. has cooked   B. cooked   C. have cooked   D. cook

