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There is a park near my home. But I don’t go there very often. One afternoon I        into the park and found it was really small. In the park, there were two      ways. One was wide and clean. There were lots of flowers on both sides.       was narrow and dirty. Grass grew everywhere. But finally I decided to follow the dirty way.
Ah! There was a small     there. It was the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. There were trees, flowers and chairs. I thought it was      part of the park.
Many people tell me that there is    to see in the park. Now I tell them      they follow the right way, they will feel differently. When I’m  telling them, they just smile at me    answering. I know they don’t believe me. My trip to the park that day made me understand something about       .Don’t be     to choose a different way. Be brave. You may get a big surprise!
小题1:A. went                    B. looked                C. entered
小题2:A. easy                    B. different             C. same  
小题3:A. Another                 B. Other                 C. The other
小题4:A. lake                    B. garden                C. river
小题5:A. the best           B. a better          C. a nice
小题6:A. something           B. nothing           C. anything
小题7:A. if                  B. when                  C. after
小题8:A. in                 B. without           C. for
小题9:A. study               B. family                C. life  
小题10:A. lucky                 B. afraid                C. worried   


试题分析: 本文大意:一天下午我进了公园,发现它真的很小。在公园里,有两条不同的路。一条又宽又干净,另一条又窄又脏。我决定走又窄又脏的路,竟发现有一个小湖,它是我曾经见过的最漂亮的公园。我告诉别人如果走路了路,就感觉不同,但他们不相信我的话。去公园一行让我对生活有了新的理解,不要害怕去选择不同的路,勇敢些,你会得到大的惊喜。
小题1:考查动词。句意:一天下午我进了公园,发现它真的很小。went去, looked看, entered进入。根据 found it was really small非现它现的很少,可知是进入了公园,enter为及物动,不需要加介词,go为不及物动词,故选A
小题2:考查形容词。句意:在公园里,有两条不同的路。 easy容易,different 不同, same一样。根据 One was wide and clean,the other was narrow and dirty一条又宽又干净,另一条又窄又脏,可知选B 
小题3:考查代词。句意:另一条又窄又脏。Another 三个以上的另一个, Other其它, The other与one构成的另一个。根据 One was wide and clean一条又宽又干净,可知选C
小题4:考查名词。句意:啊,那儿有个小湖。lake湖,garden花园, river河。小公园里能有的是小湖,故选B
小题5:考查形容词。句意:我认为它是公园里最好的部分。 the best最好的,a better一个较好的, a nice一个好看的。根据It was the most beautiful garden I had ever seen.它是我曾经见过的最漂亮的公园,可知选A
小题6:考查代词和语境。句意:许多人告诉我公园里没有可看的东西。 something某事物, nothing 没有东西, anything任何事物。something用于肯定句。根据语境可知人们认为公园里没有什么可看的,故选B
小题7:考查连词。句意:现在我告诉他们如果走对了路,就会感觉不同了。if 如果,是否,when当……时,after在……后。感觉不同的条件是走对了路,可知选A
小题8:考查介词。句意:当我告诉他们时,他们只是不回答对我微笑。in在,without没有,for为。根据I know they don’t believe me.我知道他们不相信我,可知是只笑不答,故选B
小题9:考查名词。句意:我那天去公园一行让我对生活有了一些感悟。study书房、学习,family家庭、家人, life生活、生命。根据Don’t be afraid to choose a different way. Be brave. You may get a big surprise!不要害怕去选择不同的路,勇敢些,你会得到大的惊喜,可知是对生活的感悟,故选C
小题10:考查形容词。句意:不要害怕去选择不同的路。lucky幸运,afraid害怕,worried担心。根据Be brave勇敢些,可知选B

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are many clubs in our school. My English is not good. I want to join the English club. Wang Ying wants to learn to paint. So he wants to join the art club. Zhang Ping likes running. He wants to join the running club. Li Nan is good at singing and she wants to join the music club. What club does Han Mei join? Oh, she likes eating and she joins the cooking(烹饪)club.
小题1:My _______ is not good.
小题2:What club does Wang Ying want to join?
A.The music club.B.The sports club.
C.The art club.D.The swimming club.
小题3:Who wants to join the running club?
A.Zhang Ping.B.I.C.Wang Ying.D.Li Nan.
小题4:Li Nan _______ very well.
A.dancesB.paintsC.singsD.plays tennis
小题5:Why does Han Mei want to join the cooking club?
A.She likes cooking.B.She likes eating.
C.She can cook.D.She wants to be a cook.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Eric was standing in front of a large, gray house in the countryside. His mother told him that  he was going to spend the next twelve days there with no TV, no mobile phone and worst ofall-no _    .
Just then,a       came into the house. When he saw EriC, he went up to him. "I'm     you are Eric. Welcome to Camp Reboot," said the man. "I'm Tony, the camp leader, but you will _   me  'Sir'. Now you tell me why you're here."
Eric quickly replied, "My mum made _   come here!" When Tony looked angrily at him and did not say anything, Eric realized his mistake and added, "Sir!"
“And do you know     your mother sent you here?" asked Tony.
“She thinks I spend too much time online-that I can't _   without the Internet. Sir," answered Eric.
“It's not just her opinion. It's the truth! Look at you—      ,unhealthy and certainly not getting enough sleep. At Camp Reboot, you're going hiking, boating, rock-climbing and stay outdoors most of the time," said Tony.
Eric's heart broke.
    it's not going to be all fun and games." Tony continued. "We have rules here. If you break them, you'll _   be sent home! Instead, you'll have to sweep the floor, wash the dishes or do an extra hour of exercise!"
“Oh, my God!" cried Eric. "What have you got me into, Mum?"


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A boy was going to study at the best school in town. In the morning, his grandfather took him to the school. When they went into the playground, the children came up.
“What a funny old man,” the boy said, making a face.
“Hey, fatty(胖子),”another one shouted.
The children jeered at the pair(对,双) and jumped up and down.
Without saying a word, the old man took his grandson(外孙) out of the school gate.
“Wonderful! I don’t have to go to school!” the boy said.
“You do, but not this one,” his grandfather said. “I’ll find you another school to go to.” Grandfather took his grandson back to his house, asked Grandmother to look after him, and then went out to look for a school alone.
Every time he got to a school, the old man went into the playground, and waited for the children to come out at break time. In some schools the children completely ignored(不理会)the old man, and in others, they made fun of him. When this happened, he would turn sadly and leave. Finally, he went into the very small playground of a very small school, and stood tiredly against the wall. The bell rang, and the children came out into the playground.
“Sir, are you all right? Shall I bring you something to drink?” said a voice.
“We’ve got a bench(长凳) in the playground. Come and sit down,” came another voice.
Soon a young teacher came out into the playground. The old man greeted him and said, “Finally, I’ve found my grandson the best school in town.”
小题1:The underlined part “jeered at” in the passage probably means“     ”.
A.listened toB.laughed atC.cheered upD.fought against
小题2:How did the grandson feel when his grandfather took him out of the school gate of the first school?
小题3:The old man went into the       whenever he got to a school.
A.teacher’ officeB.classroomC.school libraryD.playground
小题4:When the old man was in the very small school, the children there       him.
A.shouted atB.made fun ofC.cared aboutD.paid no attention to
小题5:According to the old man,the best school should have the best      .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Tina is an English girl. She is twelve. She is in Class 8, Grade 7. She and I are in the same class. Her telephone number is(010)8256-4325. We are good friends. Her English is good, and she can help me.
小题1:Tina is from Canada.
小题2:Tina is 12.
小题3:I’m in Class 7, Grade 8.
小题4:My English is good.
小题5:Her telephone number is(010)8256—4325.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport(机场)is usually far from the city. You must get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off(起飞)and it is often late. You can’t open the window. You can’t choose(选择)the food. Planes are fast, but it takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city.
I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe(安全的). Railway stations(火车站)are usually in cities. When you are late for a train, you can take another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.
I also like cars. You can go traveling at anytime when you want to, and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.
小题1:Why doesn’t the writer like to travel by plane?
A.Because he must get to the airport early.
B.Because he can’t open the window.
C.Because he can’t choose what he eats on the plane.
D.All of the above.
小题2:Which is NOT true about the train?
A.It is safe.
B.It is never late.
C.You can walk around in the train.
D.You can see many interesting things.
小题3:If you want to take a lot of things with you, what will you take to go out?
A.A bus.B.A car.C.A train.D.A plane.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Three Things to do Before You Are 18
Here are some things you should try before you are 18 for teenagers. (青少年)
Learn to swim
It is important for us, because it can save our lives. If you can’t swim well, you can’t do water sports like surfing and diving. Even taking a boat  will be dangerous for you. 
Try at least one kind of team sports
 Being a good team player is an important skill. You can’t just think of yourself, but have to work well with other people. Other advantages (优点) of team sports like basketball ,football and baseball are that they keep you healthy, and they are also great fun. Teams usually have a good social life too—you’ll go to lots of parties and make many friends.
Collect something
One of the best hobbies for under-18s is collecting things. You could collect kinds of stamps, or you could collect other things, because that make you remember what you have done, like movie tickets (票)or e-mails from friends. The best way to collect is to have a special album(相册)to put your collection in and to write what each thing means(意思是) to you.
小题1:The most important reason for learning to swim is that ____ .
A.it can save your life
B.it can make you healthy
C.you might easily do lots of things
D.you can do sports water.
小题2:“A good social life” in the passage (短文)means ____ .
A.you’ll study in groups
B.you’ll go to parties and make many friends.
C.you’ll take part in many parties.
D.you’ll keep healthy.
小题3:The writer tells us that one of the best hobbies is to ____ .
A.collect somethingB.do some water sports
C.send e-mails to your friendsD.have a special album
小题4:The word “collect” may mean?
小题5:The passage is mainly about ____ before you are 18.
A.good habits to keepB.skills to haveC.things to doD.collect many things


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Some advice:
First: Always play in a safe place. A park is a safe place because there are no cars.
But don’t talk to anyone that you don’t know.
Second: Before you cross the road, stop and look both ways. Look left, look right, look left again.
Third: Don’t stay near dangerous buildings or houses. Something may fall on
your head.
Fourth: Medicines or pills(药丸)can be dangerous. Never swallow(吞下)any  bills or medicines you find in the cupboard.
Fifth: Wear a life jacket when you go out in a boat.
Sixth: Don't put your head out of a car , bus or train.
小题1:We are safe from cars_________.
A. if we play in the street              
B. if we play on the road
C. if we play in the park         
小题2:It’s __________ to take any pills you find in the cupboard.
A. safe              B. dangerous           C. allowed      
小题3:We_________ play games under a dangerous building.
A. should            B. shouldn’t            C. can
小题4:You have to _________when you go out by boat.
A .wear a life Jacket    B. eat much food       C wear a coat
小题5:We should________ before crossing the road.
A. look right           B. look left           C. look left ant right


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Food waste has become a big problem in China.According to Xinhua News Agency, the food waste by Chinese people equates to about 50 million tons of grain every year or 10 percent of the country’s total annual grain production.This food could feed another 200 million people.
Qi Haoran, a Junion9 student was quite busy over the past winter holiday, and not just with homework.Qi, together with 10 other classmates made a volunteer group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign(“光盘行动).
The 11 students went to many restaurants and told people the importance of saving food.“Excuse me, do you know that 950 million people around the world still haven’t got enough to eat.Please don’t waste food.” They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day.
The Clean Your Plant Campaign began on the Internet in January.It calls on people to reduce food waste.
Chinese people are well known for being hospitable(好客的)and generous.Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.
Luckily, the campaign has got the support of many people.More than 750 restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer smaller dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers(剩饭剩菜)home.In a restaurant in Xinjiang, the owner give the guests who have eaten all that they ordered a sticker.People can enjoy a free meal when they have 10 stickers.
To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time.It’s important that everyone does their bit ,just like Qi.Did you finish your meals today?
小题1:The the Clean Your Plate Campaign calls on people to________.
A.do voluntary workB.work part time in restaurants
C.cut down on food wasteD.wash your plates after dinner
小题2:From the passage, we leant that _______
A.wasting food isn’t a serious problem in China at present
B.Chinese people waste the most food in the world
C.Chinese people want to show off that they are rich
D.many Chinese people are afraid of losing face at the table.
小题3:What did the restaurant in Xinjiang do to support the campaign?
A.The owner would have dinner with those who had eaten up their food.
B.It offered a free meal to the guests who had finished all their food ten times.
C.It gave stickers to the guests who ordered small dishes.
D.It encouraged customers to take leftovers home.
小题4:Where can we probably read this passage?
A.In a newspaper.B.In a traffic report.
C.On a health website.D.In a story book.

