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Side A No. 293083
Student Bus Card
Name:  Lilian
From:  April 1st, 2014
To:     June 30th, 2014
Price:  £180

College: University of Chichester
Not valid for travel unless it's used in the bus companies of
Stagecoach, Season., Goldrider and Busabout in the UK.
Side B No. 293083

Thank you for travelling with
If the card is found, please return, to any Stagecoach driver.
【小题1】The card is used for________.
A.taking a taxi B.travelling by train
C.taking a bus D.entering the college
【小题2】Lilian is________________.
A.a bus driver B.a university student
C.a teacher in a college D.a middle school student
【小题3】You can not find _________in the card.
A.Lilian's age B.the price
C.the card number D.the time limit


【小题1】细节理解题。根据Student Bus Card可知这是一张学生的公交车卡,是用于乘坐公交车的。故选C。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据University of Chichester可知Lilian是齐彻斯特大学的学生。故选B。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据Price: £180,可知卡上有价格;根据Side A No. 293083,可知卡上有卡号;根据From: April 1st, 2014  To: June 30th, 2014可知卡上有时间限制,故没有年龄限制。故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1 Bob is often late for school because he always gets up late. This makes his teacher mad. He needs to buy something to wake him up in the morning.
2.  Tim likes listening to music when he is free. And he has to send e-mails to his customers(顾客)every day. He wants to buy something that can help him.
3  Summer has come. Tony is fat and he can’t sleep well on such hot days. This troubles him a lot. He’d like to buy something to make him feel cool.
4  Alice often washes her hair late at night. It is often wet when she goes to bed. She is going to buy something that can dry her hair in a short time.
5  Susan is a housewife. She has to do the washing for her family every day. She gets tired of it. She is in need of a product to do it for her.
A . This electric product can make you cool during the hot days. It can help you change the temperature and control the humidity (湿度) of your room.
You can do many things with this product, such as sending e-mails, playing games, getting on line and so on. You can also listen to the music with it when you want to relax.
This electric product is useful to all of us. People often have one at home. It is often put up on the wall. If you want to know the time, just take a look at it.
D.  This can help you wash your dirty clothes and dry them. What you need to do is to return it on and later hang the clothes on the line. With this electric product, life will be a lot easier for you.
E.  Each family needs this product. You can use it to store meat, vegetables, fruits, drinks and medicine. It can keep them cool and fresh so that they will not go bad easily on hot days.
F.  It is a very helpful product which tells you the time. It can wake you up with a piece of music any time you want, but you have to set the time first.
G.  When you wash your hair, you need this product. It can make your wet hair dry in a minute. It can also be used for drying your wet clothes or some other wet things.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

J&M Music Store
? Rock, pop and country music
? Buy CDs new or used
? Listen before you buy
? Guitar lessons offered
Peth Market
? Fresh fruit and vegetables
? Open Friday to Sunday mornings
? Free ice cream for children under 12
Times Coffee Shop
? The best coffee in town
? Sandwiches, cakes, pies
?Open 10:00a.m.—11:00 p.m. daily
?Jazz music(0: Wednesday to Sunday
Macon's B&B
? Feel like home when you're away from
? We have different kinds of rooms
? Delicious homemade breakfast
【小题1】You can________ at J&M Music Store.
A.receive guitar lessons B.borrow new or used CDs
C.learn pop music history D.buy all kinds of music books
【小题2】You can go to TImes Coffee Shop to have coffee and pies at_______.
A.8:30 a.m. B.9:30 a.m. C.10:30 p.m. D.11:30 p.m.
【小题3】 If your friend is coming for a visit, where will he stay for a night?
A. In J&M Music Store.
B. In Peth Market.
C. At Times Coffee Shop.
D. At Macon's B&B.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.There is no breakfast at Macon's B&
B.You can't listen to the CD before you buy it.
C.Times Coffee Shop offers ism music every day.
D.Kids under 12 can get free ice cream in Peth Market
【小题5】Where is the passage probably from?
A.A dictionary. B.A newspaper.
C.A story book. D.A science report.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Digital Atomic Watch(数字原子表)
This new watch is one of the most accurate(精准) watches in fashion. You never have to do another thing except change the battery - about once every two years! This Atomic Watch displays time (12 or 24-hour mode(模式)), weekday, date and month. Water resistant(抵抗的). Weight: 2.6 oz. Display Size: 0.75" W x 0.5" H. Face Size: 1.5" W. Band Size: 0.75" W x 8.25" L.
Item: # DWW  Price: $ 40

Dolphin Wood Kit(配套原件)
Great for kids. Simple wood changed into an pretty 3-D model dolphin. No tools or glue required. Complete with 5-language instruction paper. Age 7+
Model Size: 8.5" (22 cm) long.
Item: #7103-09   Price: $ 8 ($15 if you take two)

Russian Nesting(嵌套) Dolls
Russian nesting dolls are wooden dolls with one doll inside the other(7 in 1). The dolls are the ones which open piece after piece like words in a sentence, to reveal its beauty. They are all hand painted. The paint is safe for children. Wonderful souvenirs for visitors. Suitable gifts for kids. Height: 30cms.
Item: # RND203   Price: $ 4 ($25 a set of dolls)
【小题1】Victor wants to buy a present for his 4-year-old cousin. He could buy         .
A. the digital atomic watch      B. the dolphin wood kit      C. the Russian nesting dolls
【小题2】If you know how to make up the dolphin wood kit, you need        to help you to finish it.
A. nothing                   B. glue                   C. some tools
【小题3】If you use a digital atomic watch, you should buy a battery         .
A. every half year             B. every year              C. every two years
【小题4】Maria wants to buy two sets of the nesting dolls and two dolphin wood kits, she should pay     .
A. $ 65                     B. $ 66                    C. $ 23
【小题5】From the ads we know that         .
A. you can’t wear the digital atomic watch when you go surfing
B. if you don’t know how to make up the dolphin wood kit, you can follow the instruction
C. the painting of the Russian nesting dolls are made by machines.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Selecting a proper summer camp for your child is not an easy task. You have to consider too many factors(因素). Remember, you are sending your kid to a summer camp not just to let him enjoy himself but also to help him become confident. So you should try to select a summer camp for your kid so that after he returns from the camp, the first thing that he asks you is when you will send him again for camping. Let us see how you can pick the best summer camp for your child.
Search the Internet
If you browse(浏览) the Internet, you will find a number of websites of summer camps where you can find all the detailed information about the camps. For example, how much the whole camping will cost, where the camps are, what children can do in the camps and what additional facilities (额外的设施) they can provide. Don't forget to read the comments(评论) of parents who have sent their children to those camps and pay attention to how they find those camps.
Some camp organizers prefer advertisements in newspapers. Some of the organizers even invite famous people to their camps to communicate with kids. You should keep an eye in the summer camp advertisements in newspapers so that you could pick a suitable one for your kid.
Ask for advice from your child's school teachers
Go to your kid's school and ask his teachers whether they can give you names of some of the summer camps they consider to be the best.
Know the interest of your child
While searching, you will come across different types of camps. They are organized according to the nature and interest of children like a music camp, a sports camp, etc. So it is very important to know what your child is interested in before picking a summer camp.
【小题1】Which of the following can be put on the line before Paragraph 3?

A.Place advertisements in newspapers.
B.Visit the organizers of summer camps.
C.Search for advertisements in newspapers.
D.Invite famous people to talk with your kid.
【小题2】We can know that in the writer's opinion, '
A.finding a proper summer camp for children is not difficult
B.the purpose of a summer camp is not only for children to have fun
C.what other parents think about a camp on the Internet is not believable
D.children usually don't have to go again after returning from a summer camp
【小题3】According to the last paragraph, before making the final decision, parents should_______.
A.consider the interest of their kid
B.rethink if camping is necessary
C.know everything about the camp
D.know the kid's performance at school


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“Hello” is one of the first words we learn as babies, yet it’s one of the last ones we think to use as adults. That’s unlucky, because saying hello is more than just saying hello. How might the world change—how might we change—if we mastered this word? ①I spent one month saying hello to every person I met. Here’s what I’ve learned.
* It can make the students more active. In a study on this subject, Allan Smith, an assistant professor, had middle school teachers greet their students individually (个别的) each morning. And the whole day, the students behaved actively because of this exchange of greetings. School went from impersonal to personal and that caused more class participation (合作) and better grades.
* Environments influence friendliness. One study found that people in the city were less likely to shake hands with a stranger than those in the countryside. ②And researchers think pleasant environments can encourage more smiles and hellos. For example, people in vacation spots were much more friendly than those hurrying to work downtown.
* It improves people’s health. It’s impossible to say hello without smiling. And smiling has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce stress and bring happiness. Obviously, a smile creates a similar effect in the recipient (接受者).
So maybe we can make the world a better place by saying hello. After a month of doing it, I feel lighter and more connected and I have a better sense of happiness.
The students behaved actively after the middle school teachers greeted them individually. [    ]
What can smiling do to improve people’s health?
It ____________ me one month to ____________ hello to every person I met.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A. Here is Jilin Children’s Hospital .It is at 135 Jiling Street Jilin City. There are many advanced equipment about children. Zhao Weibing is a famous doctor. His telephone number is  (0432) 6983245. And E-mail is Zhaoweibing@sohu. com.
B. HongXing Supermarket lies in the center of Wanda. Lots of goods are sold. Foods, vegetables and fruits are for sale now. On the second floor, Some clothes for children are on sale, and the price is the lowest of all.. Welcome to choose.
C. The Painting on World of Sports . In the city center lies a famous stadium where the first-class sportsmen are training for the coming games. You are  allowed to take some pictures of them when they are training.
D.This is Jiling Jiajia Company. It is at 35 Jiling Street Jilin City.There are lots of compers and mobile phones here. We can also repair these machines. Li Weihua is  a computer engineer. His telephone number is (0432)2458988. E-mail: 1 wh988@263.com.
【小题1】Mrs White is free today. She can go to ________ to buy something for her daily life.
【小题2】Li Ping, a famous Chinese artist, who is good at painting and drawing. He can go to______.
【小题3】There is something wrong with my compter. What should I do ?
You can go to _______ and ask for help.
【小题4】If my baby has a fever, I will go to ______and try to know some ways to avoid common cold.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Camping in your backyard is full of fun, whatever your age is. It’s great for keeping us relaxed. It offers chances to enjoy the night sky and to be noisier(更热闹) than usual. It lets us have friends over to stay who might not fit inside the house! Follow these instructions and you’ll have a night you’ll never forget!
Put up your tent
Considering the  (1)  of family members and guests, you may need more than one  (2) . Tell your friends to bring their tents if needed. Follow the instructions or check out the articles on how to put up a tent on the Internet.
Prepare your bedding
You’ll want your guests to be able to relax in comfort. Put something soft to lie on the floor: A blow-up air mattress(床垫) or thick comforters may work well. Fill the tent with soft toys and blankets. Have lightweight sleeping bags or cotton blankets. (3)They are especially important if you live where the night temperatures drop greatly.

Prepare a seating area
If you have a picnic table, that would work best. If not, set up a few chairs and a small table to set out(摆出) drinks and food. A simple choice is to lay out a blanket in the open air, so that your friends can eat and talk. Be sure the grass isn’t wet!
Make memories
Plan some activities. You’re camping in the backyard, so it’s time to make the most of being outdoors.
Have a camera nearby to take photos of you, your family members, and your friends. Take one large group shot with everyone smiling and laughing. Be sure to make copies for everyone!
______________________    _______________________
【小题2】回答问题:What can we do to help remember the camping activities?
【小题4】在文中找出与“Your guests are expected to relax themselves comfortably.”意思相近的句子。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Min (0C)
Max (0C)
Min (0C)
Max (0C)
Thunder shower
New York
【小题1】Which city was the hottest on that day?
A.BeijingB.LondonC.MoscowD.New York
【小题2】How many kinds of weather were on the form?
A.ThreeB.FourC.FiveD. Six
【小题3】Can you guess what ‘min’ means and ‘max’ means?
A.‘min’ means the smallest number and ‘max’ means the biggest number.
B.‘min’ means the biggest number and ‘max’ means the smallest number.
C.‘min’ means the temperature in the day and ‘max’ means the temperature at night.
D.‘min’ means the temperature at night and ‘max’ means the temperature in the day.
【小题4】How many continents are the cities in ?
A. TwoB.ThreeC.FourD.Five
【小题5】It is in winter in ____________.
A. SydneyB.ParisC.LondonD.Tokyo

