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    Imagine having a bedroom that interacts with you. If you’re sad, it will arrange for some of your friends to come over to cheer you up. If you’re happy, it might respond by playing your favorite game with you.

    Does it sound like something out of a science-fiction movie? Well, it’s really something out of the Georgia Institute of Technology. Irfan Essa works at the computer lab there. He has developed a computer system that can look at you and recognize your mood. He calls it the “expression recognition system.” Essa says, “We are trying to get computers to act like a human brain. But the human brain is not like one computer, it is like many working together.”

    In Essa’s system, many computers work together. First, a camera in the bedroom takes a picture of your face. The camera feeds the image to a computer. In the computer’s memory, there are pictures showing how the muscles of your face move when you are in different moods. For example, cheek muscles move in one way when you are happy and smiling and in another way when you are nervous and tense. The computer compares your picture to the face-muscle images stored in its memory. It tries to find the best match. That’s how it figures out your mood! Then the computer sends messages to other computers in the system. If you look happy, a computer may put on lively music. If you look tired and discouraged, a different computer may turn on the TV for you.

    How could the “expression recognition system” help us in important ways? Essa thinks that the system can help us create computers that are better teachers. Many people learn new skills through computer programs. “When I teach, I look at people’s faces,” Essa explains. “If my students look confused, I know they didn’t understand. With this technology, a computer can also know if a student is learning.”

    Today, this new technology can be found only in labs, but Essa predicts we’ll see it out of the lab in a few years. So get ready. One day, you might walk into a room that will soon become your best friend.

1. Can the new computer system look at you and recognize your mood?

2. What happens first in the bedroom in Essa’s system?

3. Will the computer put on lively music or turn on the TV if you look happy?

4. How does the “expression recognition system” make computers better teachers?

5. What will future rooms be like?

1. Yes.

2. A camera in the bedroom takes a picture of your face.

3. Put on lively music.

4. It can help computers to know if a student is learning.

5. They will be friendly, smart, more comfortable, and more modern.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    One day the bathroom door had slammed on Timmy’s finger. The doctor asked if we had found the tip of Timmy’s finger. He said there was a small chance of   1   it if we could get it to him quickly. Pulling myself out of a daze, I ran back to the bathroom.   2   , it had already turned blue. I knew from the look on the doctor’s face that it was too late. I felt helpless, unable to take the pain away from my little boy. Then a(n)   3   came to me. I whispered in his ear, “Timmy, did you know that lizards grow their tails   4   and little boys can grow their fingers back too?” Timmy’s soft green eyes grew wide with   5   .“They can?” he asked, obviously surprised by the thought, “And   6   ?”

    I told him, “Inside your head you have a little voice telling your finger how much you love it and how much you   7   it.” I could see Timmy’s little face focused in deep concentration. Then I continued, “Now just say, grow for me finger, grow. I love you and I need you.” A few days later, Timmy said to me quietly, “ I’m talking to my finger every day,   8   it well.” Weeks later, with a joyful burst of   9   , Timmy ran towards me. “See,” he said, “It’s growing back really good!” A year later, Timmy’s finger grew back and became well again just as any finger   10   be.

    Timmy remains forever in my heart as a constant reminder of the   11   of miracles. He also inspires me to   12   beyond the accepted knowledge of the times, and to remember that all things are possible if you truly believe.

1. A. putting           B. saving          C. keeping           D. losing

2. A. Unfortunately     B. Clearly         C. Possibly          D. Strangely

3. A. plan              B. idea            C. dream             D. answer

4. A. long              B. short            C. back               D. up

5. A. interest            B. pleasure         C. wonder             D. excitement

6. A. how              B. why             C. when              D. where

7. A. thank             B. give             C. help               D. need

8. A. getting            B. wishing          C. making            D. knowing

9. A. hope              B. speed           C. energy             D. mind

10. A. should            B. could            C. might              D. would

11. A. chance            B. strength          C. importance         D. possibility

12. A. work              B. look            C. reach              D. think


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

---Why not buy a new TV set?

---____. But I don’t have enough money. I can’t _____ it.

A. I hope so; afford                  B. I’m afraid not; afford

C. I’m afraid so; buy                 D. I hope not; buy


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

--Mum, Mary bought a parrot yesterday. Could you please buy _______ for me?

--Sure. But you must take good care of it.

A. one       B. this             C. it           D. that


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

—I'll go to the West Lake this weekend. What about you?

      . Let's go together.

A. No, I won't           B. I won't go     C. Me, too                     D. Sorry, I'm busy


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

—Can you understand me?

—Sorry, I can        understand what you have said.

A. hardly                  B. almost          C. nearly                 D. easily


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

My grandma fell asleep while she _____________ TV last night.

A. watches          B. watched          C. was watching    D. has watched


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up,my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house.Walking together,my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned.lessons from his experiences.He always told me,“You should have goals like climbing the mountain.” Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed,we couldn't have enough time to spend together because my father was very busy.I really got a lot from mountain-climbing.It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my patience(耐力).

Once we climbed a very high mountain.It was so challenging for me because I was only ten years old.During the first few hours of climbing,I enjoyed the flowers and trees,and the birds' singing,but as time passed,I got a pain in both of my legs.I wanted to quit climbing.In fact,I hated it at that mountain,but my father said to me,“You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain,but you can't see it before you reach the top.Only there at the top,can you see all of the nice things,just like in life.”

At that time.1 was too young to understand his words.But later after that,I got to know hope and confidence.I found myself standing at the top of the sky, which was as clear as crystal(水品).

1.The passage tells us that mountain-climbing was          for Father and Son.

A.hard                    B.enjoyable              C.painful                   D.comfortable

2.The word “quit” in the passage means “          ”.

A.carry on                B.put off                 C.give up                  D.pick up

3.Which of the following is the closest(最接近的)in meaning to the father's words in the second paragraph?

A.You will get all you need at the top of the mountain.

B.The sky is always as clear as crystal.

C.You can find life is full of nice things.

D.Never give up half-way.

4.The best title(题目)for the passage is “          ”.

A.Reaching the Top of the Mountain

B.Standing at the Top of the Mountain

C.Conversations between Father and Son

D.How to Get to the Top of the Mountain


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

         school is much bigger than         

A.Our;their           B.Ours;theirs        C.Theirs;our    D.Their;ours

