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Here are some English learning tips to help you improve your English.

Ask yourself weekly:What do I want to learn this week?

Asking yourself this question every week will help you think about what is most important to you.If you make a plan for each week,you will be surprised to notice how much you have improved your English by the end of the week!This feeling of success will encourage you to learn even more English.

Quickly review before going to bed.

Research has shown that our brains process information that is fresh in our brains while we sleep.By going over important knowledge before you go to sleep,your brain will work on this information while you sleep!

Speak English aloud.

Understanding grammar rules does not mean you can speak English well.You need to practice speaking aloud.Speaking by yourself at home and reading the exercises that you are doing will help connect the muscles of your face to the information in your head and improve your pronunciation.

Do five to ten minutes of listening at least four times a week.

If you decide that you are going to work hard and listen for two hours,maybe you will not do extra listening exercises soon.But if you listen five to ten minutes at least four times a week,you will find it's easy to develop the habit of listening to English.

Look for situations to practice your English.

Learning English in a classroom is important,but using English in real situations will improve your English skills greatly.You can create new situations by using the Internet to listen to news,exchange emails in English with email friends,etc.

Title:1.to Learn English

Making a 2. plan

※In this way,you will be surprised to notice how3. you have improved your English by the end of the week.

※It will 4. you to learn even more English.

Reviewing before going to bed

※Review before going to bed and you still process5.in your mind while sleeping.

Speaking as much as possible

※Speaking English aloud can 6.the muscles of your face with what you have learned and 7.your pronunciation.

8. more often

It is 9. for you to develop the habit of listening to English if you listen often rather than once two hours a week.

Practicing English in real situations

By 10.situations and using English,you will improve your English skills greatly.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版英语九年级 Unit4 同步练习题 题型:单选题

He has two sons . One is working in Urumqi, and is in Germany.

A. the other B. another C. others D. the others


科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省适应性训练(四) 题型:材料作文


长跑是人们热衷的体育活动之一。武汉马拉松(Wuhan Marathon)因独具特色的赛道及赛事组织已成为一年一度的全程盛事。假如你是李华,你的笔友Tom想知道关于武汉马拉松的一些事情。请用英文给他回一封电子邮件,介绍这项赛事。内容包括以下要点:









参考词汇: event n.项目 track n.赛道 Greenway n.绿道

Hi Tom,

I hope you're doing well. In your email, you asked me someting about Wuhan Marathon. Here is the information.


Li Hua


科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省适应性训练(四) 题型:单选题

My brother _______ the guitar very well, but he hasn't had time to play recently.

A. will play B. have played C. played D. plays


科目:初中英语 来源:杭州市2018-2019学年七年级上学期英语完型阅读挑战练习试卷 题型:阅读单选

There are many kangaroos(袋鼠)in Australia and not only in zoos. You can see them everywhere outside the cities and towns. Kangaroos have very strong legs. So they're very good at jumping. Their tails are very strong, too. So when they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Kangaroos are also very good at looking after their babies. Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pockets.

1.There're many kangaroos in ________.

A. America B. Australia C. England

2.Their legs are strong, so they're good at ________.

A. jumping B. dancing C. running

3.Kangaroos are also good at ________ their babies.

A. looking up B. looking after C. looking at

4.Kangaroos can rest ________.

A. with their tails B. with their legs C. on their tails

5.________ keep their babies safe in their pockets.

A. Mother kangaroos B. Father kangaroos C. Kangaroos


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省盐城市阜宁县2018届九年级(上)期末英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Once upon a time,a little fish lived in a pond.But she wanted to go to the forest.The pond was deep,and high banks keep it from the view of the forest.Wanting to see the forest,the fish would jump out of water now and then,reaching _____over the pond with the strength of her tail.It seemed to her that,with a little more effort,she could fly,but unfortunately each time she would fall right back into the _____.

The fish's mother﹣a big fish with kind eyes would _____,"What would you want the forest for?We fish must live in water,and that is the way it is."

The fish would answer,"I want to go to the forest and that is my _____.And it must come true."

So she went to the little fairy(仙子) who had been friends with her for her whole life and pleaded(恳求),"Oh little fairy!I have been living in the water all the time.Now I am _____ my small world.I want to see those big trees covered with beautiful flowers,leaves and fruits.I want to meet _____and animals."

To make her friend happy,the little fairy swung her little wand.The rain started falling on the earth,and a few days later,the forest around the pond was covered with water,

_____the small pond into a lake.The fish swam to the forest.How _____ it was!The fish was very excited because her dream would come true soon.

"Hello,"the fish said to the flowers and the trees.She_____ on and saw animals sitting on fallen trees which were sticking out of the water.But as soon as she swam closer to the trees,she saw that all the animals were very sad."We are without_____.The water has flooded the whole forest,"the animals told the fish _____.All this made the fish very unhappy.

"I am _____with this rain but my friends﹣trees and animals are quite unhappy.Oh little fairy!Please ____ the rain.I will go back to my pond.I will be more pleased when trees,animals and birds are happy,"pleaded the fish.The water began to _____,and the animals were very glad and ran off,and the fish _____to the pond and she was happier than ever before.

The art of happiness is to serve all.To be really happy,we must think not only of how we can help ourselves,but how we can help others.

1.A. lower B. farther C. higher D. faster

2.A. land B. pond C. lake D. forest

3.A. say B. speak C. shout D. laugh

4.A. way B. dream C. reply D. future

5.A. pleased with B. angry with C. tired of D. worried about

6.A. friends B. insects C. fish D. birds

7.A. rushing B. taking C. going D. turning

8.A. beautiful B. terrible C. quiet D. noisy

9.A. insisted B. jumped C. walked D. swam

10.A. food B. water C. sunshine D. idea

11.A. excitedly B. happily C. hopefully D. sadly

12.A. unhappy B. happy C. sorry D. busy

13.A. continue B. stop C. restart D. keep

14.A. rise B. appear C. fall D. lose

15.A. went B. came C. returned D. rushed.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省盐城市阜宁县2018届九年级(上)期末英语试卷 题型:单选题

The old man lived alone all his life and he __a rainy winter evening.

A. passed away in B. past away in

C. passed away on D. past away on


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版英语八年级上Unit3测试 题型:单选题

(题文)I know Lillian Li enjoys_________out with English-speaking friends.

A. go B. went C. gone D. going


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上册英语专项训练-词汇 题型:单选题

Jack always says that he likes apples of all the ________.

A. vegetables B. fruits

C. drinks D. vegetable

