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Dear editors (编辑),
       I'm daydaytest Placeholder!I'm a slow (慢的) student in my class. Most of my classmates are much
better than me. So I get very stressed out. It's difficult to keep on working hard and it's really not fun. And
I think although I spend much time studying for the tests, I can't get good grades. My father gives me some help sometimes. He tells me not to worry about it. But what do you think I should do?
                                                                                                                                    Xia Ming

       A reader read the letter from the magazine and here is his answer:
Dear Xia Ming,
       Many famous people are not so good at the age like you. Edison, the famous scientist, had a bad
headache for his studies when he was a 12-year-old boy. But everyone knows that he did a lot for the
people in the world. And Newton had the same story like him. When you are feeling stressed out, just
smile (微笑) and take a deep breath (深呼吸), then try your best. You should believe tomorrow is
another day.                                                                                                            Thumbelina
1. Xia Ming worried about __________.   
A. his classmates          
B. his life              
C. his study      
2. Thumbelina gave __________ examples in the letter.       
A. one                    
B. two                
C. three          
3. Thumbelina wrote about those famous people to __________.       
A. make Xia Ming feel better                
B. make Xia Ming laugh
C. show how much she knows    
4. Which is NOT true according to the letter?   
A. Xia Ming has fun studying at school.        
B. Edison is famous in the world.
C. Xia Ming's father always helps him with his study.
5. "Tomorrow is another day" tells us __________.      
A. it's the weekend tomorrow                
B. tomorrow is second day
C. there are hopes in our lives

科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省盐城市解放路学校2012届九年级下学期阶段性测试英语试题 题型:001





1.Which is the man's favourite animal?




2.What did Walter do yesterday?




3.What will people use in this city in ten years?




4.Where does Mary want to go this summer vacation?




5.When did the man arrive?

A.At 5∶35

B.At 5∶55

C.At 5∶45

6.What will the man have to do next week?

A.He will lend some money to the woman.

B.He will borrow the money from the woman.

C.He will give the money back to the woman.

7.What does Lucy mean?

A.The film is wonderful.

B.She missed the film.

C.The film is boring.

8.Where is Sandy now?

A.In America.

B.In Japan.

C.At home.

9.What does the man mean?

A.He agrees to close the windows.

B.He wants to leave the windows open.

C.He wants to open the windows.

10.What is the probable relationship(关系)between the speakers?


B.A teacher and a student.

C.A teacher and a parent.




11.Why isn't Peter's father coming home for dinner?

A.He's tired after working all the morning.

B.He has to work for another eight hours.

C.He's busy helping the sick man now.

12.What does Peter's father do?

A.A policeman.

B.A doctor.

C.A firefighter.



A.Eating differently

B.Eating manners

C.Eating habits


A.eat well

B.eat more

C.eat less






16.Why did the speaker go to a language school?

A.To teach English.

B.To learn some English.

C.To see his friends from America.

17.How many days a week did the speaker go to the language school?

A.Five days.

B.Six days.

C.Seven days.

18.What did the speaker do one day during the break?

A.Asked for something to eat.

B.Thanked Alice for the cake.

C.Asked Alice a question.

19.What did the speaker think after Alice answered the question?

A.Alice was very helpful.

B.Alice wanted something else except a piece of cake.

C.America was really a “money” country.

20.Why did Alice look at the speaker with a big smile?

A.The speaker was very funny.

B.The speaker understood her in the wrong way.

C.Alice was very friendly to the speaker.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省无锡市锡中实验学校2011-2012学年八年级下学期期中检测英语试题 题型:001





1.What did Tom enjoy doing before?




2.How does George usually go to work?




3.What did the woman do first?




4.Which floor does Steven live on?




5.When will the film begin?

A.At 7∶55 p.m.

B.At 8∶00 p.m.

C.At 8∶05 p.m.

6.How long has Mrs Green had the hat?

A.More than three years.

B.Less than three years.

C.Just three years.

7.Where is Mr.Read now?

A.In Nanjing.

B.In Shanghai.

C.At home.

8.How much money can the woman borrow from Jack?

A.50 yuan.

B.80 yuan.

C.20 yuan.

9.Who will be good friends?

A.Mary and John.

B.Mary and Jane.

C.John and Jane.

10.Where did the woman live before she moved?

A.In the factory.

B.Near the factory.

C.In a house on West Street.




11.What does Mary want to do?

A.Walk in the street.

B.Stand in the cold wind.

C.Go walking in the park.

12.When does the conversation (对话) most probably take place?

A.Early in the morning.

B.Late in the morning.

C.Late in the afternoon.


13.A.Eating differently

B.Eating manners

C.Eating habits(习惯)

14.A.eat less

B.eat more

C.eat well





16.What did the writer and the Englishman talk about at first?

A.The weather.

B.English idioms(惯用语).

C.Studying English.

17.Has the Englishman ever been to the Great Wall?

A.Yes, he has.

B.No, he hasn't.

C.We don't know.

18.How many times has the writer misunderstood(误解)the Englishman?



C.Three times.

19.What did the Englishman mean when he said “You don't say!”?

A.He asked the writer not to talk about it.

B.He didn't agree with the writer.

C.He wanted to express(表达)interest, surprise, etc.

20.What did the writer plan to do at last?

A.To learn more about spoken English.

B.To be careful with English idioms.

C.To learn from the foreigners(外国人).


科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

    "What's the matter, mum?" When I came home yesterday, I found my mother  was unhappy. It  was
unusual-she usually opened the door and welcomed me with a smile. "She's dying (死)," mum said sadly.
I knew what she said. The tulip (郁金香), mother's favorite, was dying.
    A month ago, we moved into our new house and mum bought a very beautiful tulip. Mum liked it very
much. Every time she was free, she would sit near the tulip and enjoyed its beautiful color and nice smell.
She treated (对待) it like a baby and looked after it carefully. She put the tulip by window and moved it
from one place to another to give the tulip enough sunshine. Every morning the first thing she did was  to
water the tulip. Mum also fertilized (施肥) it many times. She hoped the tulip would become more  and
more beautiful and stronger. But the tulip was dying because of too much sunshine, water and  fertilizer.
    It's  true that  mother  loved  the tulip. But  this kind of  love  can be  harmful (伤害的). Love can
sometimes kill (杀害) what you love.
1. Yesterday the writer found that __________.
A. his mother was sad                    
B. his home was as usual as before      
C. his mother bought a tulip.
2. The sentence "She's dying " means __________ was dying soon.       
A. the mother        
B. the tulip          
C. a baby  
3. Which of the following is NOT true about the mother?        
A. Every afternoon she watered the tulip.    
B. She looked after the tulip carefully.
C. She moved the tulip everywhere to give it enough sunshine.
4. Why was the tulip dying in the end? Because __________.
A. she forgot to water it                  
B. she never fertilized it    
C. she gave it too much sunshine, water and fertilizer 
5. What does the writer want to tell us?    
A. Love is important to everyone.          
B. Everyone should love his mother.    
C. Not all of love is good for us.


科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:完形填空

    I first had physics lessons when I was in Grade Eight some years ago. In class, I   1   that there wasn't
a Nobel (诺贝尔) Prize winner from China. That made me sad, and I decided to change (改变)  it.   2  
after that, I got up early in the morning. I turned on the light and took out a physics book. Then I started 
 3   quietly. I worked so hard because I had a great   4   - one day, I would be the first   5   person  to
win the Nobel Prize in physics. Later on, I found physics at school too easy for me. I wanted to lean   6  ,
 so I made a reading plan and started to find answers to more difficult problems.
    Now I am a top student in physics. I won the first prize in the national physics competition  last monh. 
And I am happy to be closer to my dream after a few    7    hard work. Of course,    8    I have some
problems. My classmates  always    9    me when they are  talking about  fashion  (时尚) or pop stars,
because I  know   10   about them. "Well, that doesn't matter too much," I tell myself. "They don't know
much about physics , but I won't laugh at them."
(     )1. A. joined
(     )2. A. So
(     )3. A. writing
(     )4. A. dream
(     )5. A. Chinese
(     )6. A. much
(     )7. A. weeks'
(     )8. A. usually
(     )9. A. depend on
(     )10. A. anything
B. heard  
B. But    
B. reading
B. idea  
B. Canada
B. more  
B. months'
B. always
B. look at
B. nothing
C. studied  
C. And      
C. thinking   
C. plan     
C. American  
C. most    
C. years'    
C. sometimes
C. laugh at  
C. everything

