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I have a pen pal. He is from America. __1__ name is Jack Smith.  Jack can speak English and__2__ French. He wants to learn Chinese, __3__ he thinks it is too difficult.
He lives in Boston. He is twelve years __4__ this year. He likes pandas __5__ , because he thinks pandas are very lovely. Jack often goes to the __6__ to see pandas with his friends. The pandas are __7__ China.
He wants __8__ an actor like Li Lianjie, and he __9__ very hard. We often write to each other. He often __10__ me about his school life and his friends. I am happy to have this friend.
小题1: A. Her         B. His          C. My        
小题2: A.a lot        B. many        C. a little         
小题3: A. or        B. but          C. so          
小题4: A. old         B. young         C. big          
小题5:A. much           B. very           C. very much            
小题6: A. school     B. zoo      C. supermarket        
小题7: A. in          B. to          C. from
小题8:A. to be           B. to have           C. be            
小题9: A. plays        B. studies          C. lives         
小题10:A. says          B. speaks        C. tells 


小题2:本句的含义为杰克会说英语和一点儿法语,a little表示一点儿,修饰不可数名词法语,故本题选C。
小题4:本句的含义为他12岁,years old表示岁数的意思,故本题选A。
小题5:本句的含义为他认为熊猫非常可爱,所以他应该是非常喜欢熊猫,very much修饰动词表示非常的意思,故本题选C。
小题7:本句的含义为熊猫来自于中国,be from表示来自于的意思,故本题选C。
小题8:本句的含义为他想成为一名演员,want to be表示想成为的意思,故本题选A。
小题10:表示告诉某人关于某事可用tell sb about sth,故本题选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day, Tomas Jefferson, the president of the USA, was crossing a river with a group of travelers. The river was overflowing its banks. So it was very dangerous to cross it on a horse. Each man was fighting for his life! Then another traveler came and he wanted to cross it, too. But he didn’t have a horse. He watched the group and then asked Jefferson to take him. Jefferson agreed immediately. The man climbed on. After they were both safe to the other side of the river, someone asked the man, “Why did you ask present for help? Did you know him?” The man was shocked because he didn’t know Jefferson was the president. “All I know,” he said, “on some of your faces were written the answer NO, but there was the answer YES on his face.”
小题1:Who was Tomas Jefferson?
A. He was a businessman.                B. He was a teacher.
C. He was a captain.                    D. He was the president of the USA.
小题2: How did they cross the river?
A.In a boat.B.On their horses.
C.By swimming.D.By building a bridge.
小题3: When the group were crossing the river, ________.
A.water was flowing out of the riverB.it was windy and very cold
C.there were many empty boats in the riverD.everyone wrote a word on the face
小题4: At last, __________.
A.both Jefferson and the man were safe to cross the river
B.only Jefferson crossed the river
C.only the man crossed the river
D.Jefferson’s horse died
小题5:From the passage, we know that _________.
A.all the travelers were kindB.Jefferson was helpful
C.nobody knew the presidentD.the man gave Jefferson some money


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Date of birth: July 26. 1985        Weight: 50 kg

Place of birth: Changsha, Hunan    Favorite city: Paris
Height:164 cm                  Hobby: music
Type of blood: AB
Zhou Bichang was the winner of the Super Girls. She did
quite well in her studies and got a high score of 681 in her NCEE in 2003.
Zhou Bichang graduated from Futian High School in Shenzhen and is now a student at the Xinghai Conservatory of Music(音乐学院) in Guangzhou.
Although her parents gave her a name with the meaning "write excellently" in the hope that she would become a writer. Zhou seems to be a born singer. She could sing theme songs of TV shows very well when she was only two years old. She has more than 4,500CDs.
Zhou has been well-known across the country during the contest. Fans gave her a nickname "BB" and themselves a title "Chalks". However, BB doesn’t seem to enjoy the sudden success. Now she is back to school but feels a bit uneasy when fans see her. "What I really love is singing," said BB in an interview, "but not the life of a star," But that’s exactly why "Chalks" love "BB".
小题1:Zhou Bichang is called ______ by her fans.
A.ChalksB.BBC.Write fluentlyD.Bichang
小题2:What do Zhou Bichang’s parents want her to be in the future?
A.A writer.B.A pop singerC.A film star.D.We don’t know.
小题3:What’s the meaning of the underlined word "uneasy"?
小题4:What do you think Zhou Bichang can do well in from this passage?
A.Only her study.B.Only singing.
C.Both her study and singing.D.Her study, singing and writing


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A student was going to spend his holiday in a cool mountain village. That evening he stayed at an inn (小旅馆) near the railway station (火车站). Before going to bed, he went to the boss of the inn and said, "Excuse me, sir. Will you please wake me up at a quarter to five tomorrow morning? I’ll take the five o’clock train."
"Oh, sorry, sir," the boss said in a hurry, "I’m afraid I can’t. I won’t be able to get up so early."
The student was disappointed (失望). When he began to return to his room, be stopped and asked, "Have you got an alarm-clock (闹钟)? Maybe it can help me."
"Wait a minute, then." The boss said and brought out an alarm-clock. "Here you are, sir."
"Thank you very much." The student said happily. But he found it was rusty (锈的) when he had a look at it. And it sometimes worked and sometimes didn’t. He asked, "Will it ring in time?"
"I don’t know, either." said the boss, "But it doesn’t matter. You just give it a good shake at a quarter to five. And it will ring on time."
小题1:   The student stayed at the inn because ____.
A.it was in the cool mountain village he was going to
B.the boss of the inn was kind to him
C.the boss could wake him up at the right time
D.it was near the railway station
小题2: The student asked the boss to wake him up the next morning because ____.
A.the boss had the habit (习惯) of getting up early
B.the boss had promised (答应) to help him in every possible way (千方百计地)
C.he was afraid he would not wake up in time to catch the train
D.it would take him a long time to walk to the railway station
小题3:  The train the student was going to take would start at ____ the next morning.
A.five o’clockB.a quarter to five
C.half past fourD.a quarter to six
小题4:  The student was disappointed because ____.
A.he had to buy an alarm-clock
B.the boss refused to wake him up
C.he would take another train
D.he had to go to the village on foot
小题5:   From the story we know the ____.
A.clock would wake the student up in time
B.student certainly missed his train the next morning
C.alarm-clock was no use for the student
D.student had the alarm-clock repaired (修理)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A lot of teenagers are good at art at school, but how would you feel if people called you “the new Picasso(毕加索)” or if presidents and other famous people collected your paintings?
Alexandra Nechita was ten when her paintings became famous all over the world. She visited Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and her family’s native place (祖籍) Romania where 5,000 fans came to see her at the airport. Alexandra said, “When it all started, I was moved. It was very exciting and I loved the traveling, but I got very tired. And I missed home.”
Alexandra is a good student. Her studies always come first. She only starts painting after she’s done her homework. She works on two or three paintings at a time. The paintings sell for thousands and Alexandra’s parents have given up their jobs to work for their daughter. Life for the Nechita family is very different from what it was like a few years ago.
Alexandra’s father Niki left Romania for political reasons in 1985. At first he tried his best to learn English and had different kinds of low-paid jobs. In 1987, he brought his wife and Alexandra, who was then 18 months old, to America. The family was very poor. Alexandra began to draw at the age of three.
She was drawing for four or five hours a day. Soon people offered to buy her paintings and she had her first art show at the age of eight. Stories about this child appeared in the newspapers and television. They now live in a large house with a swimming pool. Her mother said, “We started without anything, but thanks to Alexandra, we have everything we ever dreamed of.”
小题1:Alexandra became well-known all over the world for her paintings at the age of _______.
小题2:Which country does Alexandra live?
小题3: Alexandra’s painting _________.
A.took her a lot of time at school
B.made her drop out of school
C.didn’t influence her studies at school
D.made her fall behind others in studies at school
小题4: When her family arrived in America in 1987, _________.
A.their life was very hard
B.they lived by selling Alexandra’s paintings
C.Alexandra began to draw her painting
D.her parents left their jobs and worked for her
小题5: From the passage, we can learn ________.
A.Alexandra was not interested in travelling
B.Alexandra’s success changed her family’s life
C.Alexandra’s parents were good at English
D.Alexandra’s stories appeared often on the radio and TV


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

With a determined(坚定的) look on his face, Chicago’s Michael McCarthy held on to the banister(扶手) and climbed to the top of the Willis Tower not long ago. The Tower stands 1,451 feet(442 meters) tall, the_21_ building in the US.
As he got to the last step, McCarthy _22_ fell down, but that didn’t stop him. The 14-year-old boy finally finished climbing the 2,109 steps and arrived at the top, where he _23_cheers from many people.
“I just want to show people that _24_ a kid with no legs can do it, anyone can do it,” McCarthy said.
McCarthy, who was born without legs, has to wear prosthetic legs(假肢) and use a stick to walk. But McCarthy has a strong 25 . He believes having a disability(残疾) shouldn’t stop anyone  26  achieving his or her success.
He has been in a special school  27  he was four. When he decided to climb the Willis Tower, his teacher, Jeff Kohn, was   28  by his determination(决心) and offered to help train him. They   29  more than ten hours practicing climbing stairs and keeping balance with the prosthetics and sticks on the steps every day. “  30  seems that he never knows how difficult it is.  31  I was so tired that I asked him to rest for a day,”said Kohn. “But he said he was still full of energy and wanted more  32 .”
Kohn always walked with McCarthy for the climb. “I   33   the last 10 floors, he went faster,” said Kohn. “He’s the most craven sportsman I’ve ever trained.”
McCarthy said he was   34  of himself and that the tower now holds special meaning. “When I’m older, I’ll   35  to the building and say ‘Look at this building I climbed’,” he said.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Greg Woodburn, a university student, spends a lot of time cleaning sports shoes. Some of them once belonged to him; some belonged to his friends. But soon the shoes will have new owners, poor children in the USA and 20 other countries, thanks to Greg’s Share Our Soles(鞋底) (S.O.S) charity. 
Greg was a high school running star in a small town in California. He had to stop running for months because his knee was injured. “I started thinking about all the things I got from running, the health, the friendships and the confidence.” he says. And I realized there are children who don’t even have shoes.
Greg collected his own sports shoes and then called his friends and the town. His aim was to have 100 pairs by Christmas 2006. When the number climbed to more than 500 pairs. Greg know that he could collect sports shoes all year round.
Now he has set up collection boxes in his town. So far, S.O.S has collected and donated more than 3,000 pairs of shoes. And Greg has cleaned almost all of them. “People think of it as duty work,” he says, “but I like doing it, because I feel happy when I’m doing it. It’s not work I want to pass on to someone else.”
In just three years, Greg has started three branches(分部) of S.O.S and there are more and more sports shoes.
For many poor children who have received the shoes mean opportunity. Two young boys in southern California used to go to school on alternate days(隔日) because they both shared a pair of shoes. They were too big for one boy and too small for the other. Thanks to S.O.S, each brother received his own pair of shoes. The boys now go to school every day. When they graduate, they say they will help others, just as Greg helped them.
小题1:Who will Greg donate these sports shoes to?
小题2:From running Greg got health, friendships and confidence, and what did he realize?
小题3:How many pairs of shoes has S.O.S collected and donated so far?
小题4:Why does Greg like to clean the donated shoes?
小题5:What did the two boys in southern California learn from Greg?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mrs. Green has much work to do at home ,so she doesn’t like sports. Her mother is coming this afternoon and she goes to meet her. Near the school she looks at her watch. She has some time. So she goes into the school. Her son isn’t in the classroom. She asks a boy and knows they’re behind the school. She sees some boys playing there. Her son is there, too. She watches them playing and soon is angry. She takes her son to the wall.
“Go home with me, Richard,” says she. “Don’t play with them. I can buy a nice ball for you. Then you don’t need to scramble for(抢夺) the ball.”
1. Mrs. Green doesn’t like sports, because____________.
A. she is at home              B. she doesn’t know about balls
C. she has much work to do     D. she thinks she is well
2. Mrs. Green goes to ____________.
A. see her son                B. watch her son play
C. meet Richard’s grandma     D. meet her grandma
3. Richard is a ____________.
A. schoolboy                B. schoolgirl       
C. teacher                   D. driver


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day a strong cowboy was traveling on his horse when he saw a bar. He decided to stop for a few drinks, so he tied(拴) his horse outside the bar, walked into the bar and ordered two bottles of beer. This cowboy was new in town. He looked around and noticed some people making faces to him. He guessed that they might play some tricks (把戏) on him, but he said nothing and continued to drink. After drinking, he walked out of the bar and found his horse lost.
However, he kept calm, came back into the bar, and said slowly, " I don't know what you fools did to my horse out there… but I'm leaving in five minutes, and by then if my horse isn't back where it's supposed to be, well … I have to do here what I did in Texas!" The cowboy added, "And I don't want to do what I did in Texas!" After hearing these words, the other customers seemed a little bit frightened.
The cowboy went back to his seat and ordered another two bottles of beer. After five minutes, he walked out and found his horse tied where it was supposed to be.
Just as he was leaving, the boss of the bar came up and asked curiously (好奇地) , "What was the thing that you did in Texas but you didn't want to do here?"
The cowboy turned to the boss and replied in a low voice, " I had to walk home!"
小题1: That day the cowboy tied his horse outside __________ before he wanted to drink.
A.the barB.he hotel C.the store D.the restaurant
小题2:After a few drinks, the cowboy found his horse__________.
A.ill B.dead C.asleep D.lost
小题3:The cowboy drank __________of beer at the bar in all.
A.five bottles B.four bottles C.three bottles D.two bottles
小题4:In Texas, the cowboy had to __________when he couldn't find his horse.
A.walk home B.argue with others
C.call the police D.ask the boss for help
小题5: From the passage, we can know__________ .
A.the cowboy's look frightened the customers
B.the cowboy kept calm because he was strong
C.the cowboy also played a trick on the customers at the bar
D.The cowboy would fight with others if he couldn't find his horse

