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【题目】Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?

A.Don’t throw the rubbish here and there.

B.We can see a lot of trees through the window.

C.Do you know something about this book?

D.They have stayed there for about two months up to now.




本题考查音标。A. Don’t throw the rubbish here and there. /θr/ B. We can see a lot of trees through the window. /wnd/ C. Do you know something about this book? /n/ D. They have stayed there for about two months up to now. /na/。故选D


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Jane: Tomorrow is Saturday. What do you often do on weekends?

Bill: 1 What about you?

Jane: I often go to the movies.

Bill: 2 How often do you go to the movies?

Jane: 3

Bill: What’s your favorite movie?

Jane: 4

Bill: Who do you often go with?

Jane: 5

Bill: Are you going there this weekend?

Jane: Yes, do you want to go with us?

Bill: Sorry, I have a lot of work to do.

A.Three times a month.

B.I like movies, too.

C.I usually do my homework.

D.My good friend, Kate.

E.Harry Potter.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】在你的成长过程中,父亲一定做了许多令你感动或印象深刻的事情。父亲节就要到了,Teen Times杂志正在组织感恩父亲征文活动,请以“Father and me"为题写一篇英语短文,参加本次活动。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 I always have these questions in my mind-how does anxiety influence how we think? What classroom environments are most helpful to learning? Most experts agree that having the right team of people to come up with ideas to argue for plays an important role to find out the answers.

However, how do we know who the right people are when making a team? From the classroom and the workplace, to the laboratory and the playing field, research shows that diverse groups of people often make better decisions.

Professor Scott Page believes different ways of thinking from a particular group produces something additional. When people with their own "tools" come together to work on difficult tasks, the results are powerful.

Groups with different genders(性别) also hold merit here. Christine Lagarde said that better decisions are made when women and men come together at the table, creating what she calls a "larger horizon". She mentioned that while women make up only 2% of bank CEOs worldwide, banks who count women among the top leadership are likely to have better economic outcomes( 结果).

In 2010, researchers examined the performance of about 700 people (both men and women), working in groups of two to five, solving both simple and difficult tasks. They discovered that the best predictor of performance wasn't the average intelligence of group members. Instead it was a collective measure of intelligence, which had much to do with the number of women in the group. As women are good at reading others' faces and making the best of different opinions, they help to bring out a more productive outcome.

Finally, it turns out that the size of the group matters, too. Smaller groups can actually be more creative. A new study from University of Chicago found that while bigger teams are important for advancing science, smaller groups help "break it down"-a key part of creativity.

In today's workforce, people come together to cooperate on tough tasks, being encouraged to look to each other. Brainstorming with others in small, diverse groups helps ideas to shine in our mind and, more often than not, leads to the solution. It's a research-driven model for how to develop our collective problem-solving abilities by having the right teams of people producing good ideas worth fighting for.

1The underlined word "diverse groups" in Paragraph 2 probably means "______".

A.groups in which people have a close relation

B.groups with people who like thinking and sharing

C.groups in which people are different from each other

D.groups with people who are good at solving problems

2What can we learn from the research in 2010?

A.Groups with both genders make teamwork more fruitful.

B.Women are better at reading and accepting others' minds.

C.The average intelligence of group members really matters.

D.Banks should depend more on women in decision-making.

3What does the writer mainly want to show us?

A.Women in a group influence the collective intelligence.

B.Different groups of people usually produce different ideas.

C.Diverse teams can be expected to work out better outcomes.

D.The size of the group is important in dealing with problems.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



某英文网站正在开展题为“Something Special to Me”的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英文写一篇短文投稿,主要内容包括:这个物品是什么,你什么时候得到的,以及它为什么如此特别。

提示词语: meaningful, gift, remind

提示问题:How did you get it?

Why is it special to you?

The minute I see the topic, I think of


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Lily has two sisters, doesn't she?
—Yes. She's taller and older than her two sisters, but shes not one of the three.
A.the tallest
D.the cleverest


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 When throwing away rubbish, do you know which bin it should go in? Have you ever noticed the differently-colored rubbish bins on the street?

Some of you might not be able to answer the questions. However, it’s actually quite important to know how to sort(分类) your rubbish .Not knowing how to sort rubbish can make it harder to save energy and protect the environment. If you don’t sort your rubbish .all of it will be buried() together .It can take up large areas of ground that could have been used for planting trees. Shanghai is the first city to put rubbish-sorting into practice in China .Shanghai government has asked all the people who live there to sort rubbish into four groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry.

“Wet” rubbish is also known as “household” rubbish. It is what people produce every day after they eat or drink. “It is the thing you don’t want but pigs can eat”, Guangzhou Daily explained. Paper, metal, glass and other things that can be recused are recyclable rubbish. Harmful rubbish includes things like medicine, batteries and so on. Finally, any rubbish that is not wet, recyclable or harmful will go in the dry rubbish bin.

Many other Chinese cities, including Changsha, plan to use this method to sort their rubbish.

Now that you know this, perhaps you can do your part in protecting the environment.

1What will happen if we don’t sort the rubbish?

A.It will be easier to save energy.

B.It will be difficult to protect the environment.

C.The rubbish will take up small areas of ground.

2What does the underlined word “It” mean?

A.FoodB.Household rubbishC.Paper

3Which of the following is not recyclable rubbish?

A.A glass bowlB.An old newspaperC.A piece of bread

4What can we learn from the passage?

A.All the people in Shanghai have known how to sort rubbish.

B.Changsha asked people to sort rubbish many years ago.

C.Useless medicine is a kind of harmful rubbish.

5What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.Rubbish is helpful.

B.What to do with rubbish.

C.Different rubbish bins.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】For many foreigners, Chinese are the best hosts and the worst guests in the world. In fact, they are not really bad guests, because the guest-host relationship in China is quite different from that in western (西方的) countries. In China, guests are almost like gods. Whenever I enter a Chinese person’s home, there is always fruit on the table, and someone is quick to bring me a cup of tea or water. In the west, the guest is not a god. Acting according to the host’s way of doing things is common for a guest.

My wife’s mother doesn’t smoke. When I see some guests smoking in her house, as a non-smoker (不抽烟的人), I feel unhappy. Usually I want to stop them, but I must know that in China, to be a good host, she must not do that. In America, if you are a guest, and the hosts are not smokers, you should not smoke in their home. At least, you could ask, “Is it OK if I smoke?” But don’t be surprised if they say: “No, you can’t smoke.”

Guests in China also have some special habits. Some western people may not adapt to these habits very soon.

Luckily, my wife is a Chinese. Whenever we visit a Chinese family she tells me to buy them a gift. However, giving a gift to host is not always needed in my country. So if you invite foreign guests to your home, don’t be too surprised if they don’t bring you a gift. And if western hosts invite you to their home, try not to be too surprised if their style of treating(对待) you is not what you expected.

1When a western guest visits a Chinese family, he often .

A.buys some fruit

B.takes a cup of tea

C.feels welcome

2If the a guest wants to smoke in the writer’s house, the writer will probably say “ .”

A.Let’s smoke together

B.It’s OK, if you smoke here

C.Sorry, you can’t smoke here

3What does the underlined phrase “adapt to” in the passage?

A.get used toB.look forward toC.reply to

4Which of the following is true according to paragraph four?

A.Bringing a gift when visiting is popular in China.

B.Chinese has more habits than people in other countries.

C.It’s necessary to give a gift if we visit a western family.

5What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Foreigners should learn from Chinese.

B.Hosts must do things in the guests’ way.

C.People should understand cultural difference.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Baseball is one of the favorite sports in the U. S. A. Children play baseball in sports fields or parks.

At summer picnic, there is often an informal baseball game. Boys and girls, young and old take turns to bat. There are nine players on each team.

The baseball season goes from April to September. During this time, baseball matches are showed on TV and members(成员) of the important baseball teams become America’s heroes (英雄). At the end of the season, the two top teams play against each other. Many baseball fans go together to watch the game. Millions of others listen to the radio or watch the television. People seem to talk only about the game. Even long after it is over, they still talk about the result and the players.

American football is perhaps the most popular sport in the U. S. A. The football season begins when the baseball season ends. More people are interested in football than baseball. When there is an important game, thousands of people sit beside radios or in front of television sets to get the result.


1According to the passage, which is NOT true?

A.Boys and girls like baseball games.

B.Baseball is played in the open air.

C.A baseball game has nine players.

D.Children sometimes play baseball in parks.

2American people play baseball in April, _______ and September.

A.May, June, July, August

B.March, May, July, August

C.January, June, October, November

D.February, May, July, December

3What happens at the end of the baseball season?

A.People talk only about football games.

B.Many baseball fans become members of top teams.

C.A lot of people join in the games.

D.Two top teams play a wonderful baseball game against each other.

4_______ follows the baseball season in the U. S.

A.A. The baseball seasonB.The football season

C.A baseball matchD.A football match

5This passage mainly tells us something about _______.

A.the football season in the USA.

B.football is more interesting than baseball in the USA.

C.the difference between baseball and football

D.the baseball season in the USA.

