The Australians are like the English in many ways they have many British relatives.

A. if B. because C. so D. although

B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ ¾äÒ⣺°Ä´óÀûÑÇÈËÔںܶ෽ÃæÏñÓ¢¹úÈË£¬ÒòΪËûÃÇÓÐÐí¶àÓ¢¹úÇ×ÆÝ¡£ifÈç¹û£¬Òýµ¼Ìõ¼þ×´Óï´Ó¾ä£»becauseÒòΪ£¬Òýµ¼Ô­Òò×´Óï´Ó¾ä£»soËùÒÔ£¬Òýµ¼½á¹û×´Óï´Ó¾ä£»although¾¡¹Ü£¬Òýµ¼Èò½×´Óï´Ó¾ä¡£½áºÏ¾äÒ⣬ǰ°ë¾ä°Ä´óÀûÑÇÈËÏñÓ¢¹úÈË£¬ºó°ë¾ä°Ä´óÀûÑÇÈËÓÐÐí¶àÓ¢¹úÇ×ÆÝ£¬Ç°°ë¾äÊǺó°ë¾äµÄÔ­Òò£¬¹ÊÓÃbecauseÒýµ¼£¬¹ÊÑ¡B¡£

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I really like the family photo _________ we took on my grandpa's 80th birthday.

A. who

B. that

C. what

D. whose

B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺ÎÒÕæµÄºÜϲ»¶Ò¯Ò¯80ËêÉúÈÕʱÅĵÄÈ«¼Ò¸£¡£±¾Ì⿼²é¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä¡£A. whoÖ¸´úÈË£»B. that¼È¿ÉÒÔÖ¸ÈËÓÖ¿ÉÒÔÖ¸ÎC. what²»ÄÜÒýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£»D. whoseÖ¸´úijÈË/ÎïµÄ¡£¸ù¾ÝÌâ¸É¿ÉÖª±¾¾äÖеÄÏÈÐдÊÊÇphoto£¬Ö¸ÎËùÒÔBÑ¡Ïîthat·ûºÏÌâÒ⣬¹Ê´ð°¸Ñ¡B¡£


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÈ˽̰æ¾ÅÄ꼶ϲáÓ¢Óï unit11 µÚ6¿Îʱ ²âÊÔ ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

Susan has few friends, because she is hard _______ others.

A. to B. at

C. on D. for

C ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ ¾äÒ⣺ËÕɺ¼¸ºõûÓÐÅóÓÑ£¬ÒòΪËý¶Ô±ðÈ˺ܿÁ¿Ì¡£±¾Ð¡Ì⿼²é½é´ÊµÄ¹Ì¶¨´îÅä¡£be hard on sb.Êǹ̶¨´îÅ䣬ÒâΪ¡°¶ÔijÈË¿Á¿Ì£»¶ÔijÈËÒªÇóÑÏÀ÷¡±£¬¹ÊÑ¡C¡£


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÈ˽̰æ2018½ì¾ÅÄ꼶ȫһ²á Unit4 µ¥Ôª¼ì²âÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

She is old enough to herself. Don't worry about her.

A. take part in B. take care of

C. take care D. take place

B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ ¾äÒ⣺ËýÄêÁä×ã¹»´ó£¬ÄÜÕչ˺Ã×Ô¼º¡£²»Òªµ£ÐÄËý¡£take part in²Î¼Ó;take care ofÕÕ¹Ë;take careµ±ÐÄ;take place·¢Éú¡£½áºÏ±¾ÌâÓï¾³¿ÉÖª,ËýÄêÁ䲻СÁË,¿ÉÒÔÕÕ¹Ë×Ô¼ºÁË,¹Ê´ð°¸ÎªB¡£


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÈ˽̰æ2018½ì¾ÅÄ꼶ȫһ²á Unit5 µ¥Ôª¼ì²âÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁµ¥Ñ¡

Today,roller skating(»¬ºµ±ù)is easy and fun.But,before 1750,the idea of skating didn't exist(´æÔÚ).That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin.Merlin's work was making musical instruments.

One day Merlin received an invitation to attend a music party.He was very pleased and a little excited.As the day of the party came near,Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance(¡Öصdz¡)at the party.He had an idea.He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room.

Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll.Finally,he decided to put two wheels under each shoe.These were the first roller skates in the world.Merlin was very proud of his invention and dreamed of arriving at the party on wheels while playing the violin.

On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin.Everyone was surprised to see him.There was just one problem.Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates.He rolled on and on.Suddenly,he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall.Down fell the mirror,breaking into pieces.Nobody forgot Merlin's entrance!

1.The idea of roller skating didn't exist .

A. until 1750 B. after 1750

C. since 1750 D. from 1750

2.What was the job of Joseph Merlin?

A. Making shoes.

B. Making toys.

C. Making mirrors.

D. Making musical instruments.

3.Merlin didn't at the party.

A. play the violin

B. have any ways to stop his roller skates

C. roll into the room

D. get a lot of attention

4.Merlin stopped rolling when .

A. he wanted to stop

B. he ran into a window

C. he ran into a huge mirror

D. he knocked someone

5.Which is the best title of the passage?

A. How to use the roller skates

B. Merlin and the first roller skates

C. How to make musical instruments

D. Merlin and the first violin

1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÈ˽̰æ2018½ì¾ÅÄ꼶ȫһ²á Unit5 µ¥Ôª¼ì²âÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

These old newspapers can be ______ some beautiful and creative clothes. That sounds really interesting.

A. turned on B. turned off

C. turned in D. turned into

D ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ ¾äÒ⣺ÕâЩ¾É±¨Ö½Äܱ»±ä³ÉһЩÃÀÀöµÄ£¬Óд´ÒâµÄÒ·þ¡£ÄÇÌýÆðÀ´·Ç³£ÓÐȤ¡£turn on´ò¿ª;turn off¹Ø±Õ;turn in ÉϽ»;turn into±ä³É¡£½áºÏ±¾ÌâÓï¾³¿ÉÖª,ÕâЩ¾É±¨Ö½¿ÉÒÔ±»±ä³ÉƯÁÁ¡¢Óд´ÒâµÄÒ·þ¡£¹Ê´ð°¸ÎªD¡£


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÈ˽̰æ2018½ì¾ÅÄ꼶ȫһ²á Unit5 µ¥Ôª¼ì²âÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

Look at the chair.It is made bamboo.It looks comfortable.

A. in B. of C. into D. by

B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ ¾äÒ⣺¿´ÄǸöÒÎ×Ó¡£ËüÊÇÓÃÖñ×Ó×ö³ÉµÄ¡£Ëü¿´ÆðÀ´·Ç³£ÊæÊÊ¡£be made of±íʾ¡°ÓÉ¡­¡­ÖƳɡ±,±íʾ´Ó³ÉÆ·ÖпÉÒÔ¿´³öÔ­²ÄÁÏ¡£¹Ê´ð°¸ÎªB¡£


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºËÄ´¨Ê¡2018½ì¾ÅÄ꼶ÏÂѧÆÚÒ»ÕÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

Britain __to leave European Union last year. David Cameron, former Prime Minister __since then.

A. decided, retired B. decided, has been retired

C. has decided, retired D. has decided, has retired

B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺Ӣ¹úÈ¥Äê¾ö¶¨Í˳öÅ·ÃË¡£Ó¢¹úÇ°Ê×Ïà´÷ά¿¨Ã·Â×( David Cameron )´Ó´ËÍËÐÝ¡£¿¼²é¶¯´Êʱ̬±æÎöÌâ¡£last yearÈ¥Ä꣬ÓÃÓÚÒ»°ã¹ýȥʱ£¬¿ÉÅųýCDÁ½Ïî¡£since then´ÓÄÇʱÆð£¬ÓÃÓÚÏÖÔÚÍê³Éʱ£¬¿ÉÅųýAÏî¡£¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâÓï¾³£¬¿É֪ѡB¡£


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A poor woodcutter and his wife lived in the forest in a small hut. It was ______small that it was only large enough for him and his wife_____ in.

_____ a cold night, somebody knocked at the door. _____woodcutter opened the door and wanted to let the stranger in. His wife said, ¡°I¡¯m afraid we don¡¯t have that much space.¡± The man laughed _____ said, ¡°Two can sleep well, three can sit.¡± And then the stranger _____ to come in and they all sat telling stories to each other.

Then came _____ knock. The woodcutter told the stranger, ¡°Friend, open the door.¡± And the man said, ¡°But there is no space.¡± The woodcutter said, ¡°_____ three people can sit _____, four people can sit a little ______.¡±

The stranger opened the door, and a man entered. Suddenly, a strange knock ______ did not seem to be human¡¯s was heard! The woodcutter said, ¡°Open the door. I know who_______. It is my donkey.¡± Everyone said, ¡°______ is the donkey going to stand?¡± The man said ______ all stand when the donkey ______ in.

1.A. very B. so C. too D. such

2.A. sleep B. sleeping C. slept D. to sleep

3.A. on B. in C. at D. to

4.A. a B. an C. the D. /

5.A. and B. so C. but D. or

6.A. invite B. invited C. was inviting D. was invited

7.A. other B. the other C. another D. others

8.A. If B. Unless C. Until D. Because

9.A. comfortable B. comforting C. comforted D. comfortably

10.A. closest B. closely C. closed D. closer

11.A. what B. that C. who D. whose

12.A. knocks B. knocked C. is knocking D. was knocked

13.A. When B. Where C. How D. Why

14.A. that would they B. that they will C. whether they would D. that they would

15.A. come B. comes C. came D. will come

1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.C ¡¾½âÎö¡¿±¾ÎĽ²ÊöÁËÒ»¸ö·¥Ä¾¹¤ºÍËûµÄÆÞ×Ó£¬ÔÚÒ»¸öº®ÀäµÄÒ¹Íí£¬Ó­À´¼¸¸ö²»ËÙÖ®¿ÍµÄ¹ÊÊ¡£½²ÊöËûÃÇÔÚ½öÄÜÈÝÄÉÁ½¸öÈË˯¾õµÄľÎÝÀÈçºÎ¼·ÔÚÒ»Æð¡£ 1.B ¿¼²é¸±´Ê¼°Óï¾³µÄÀí½â¡£...

