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You don't look very ________. You'd better go to see the doctor.

A. good B. well C. bad D. badly


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit 6 I m going to study computer science单元测试卷 题型:材料作文


新的一年马上就要开始了, 王璐写了一份新年计划。请根据表格中的信息, 以第一人称的形式完成王璐的新年计划。词数:80左右。

New Year's resolutions



Learn to play an instrument

Like music very much

Practice it every day

Get a lot of exercise

To keep fit

Run every morning

Improve English

To get good grades

Read English books, write diaries in English

Be a school magazine's reporter

Like talking with others

Write articles









科目:初中英语 来源:2018-2019人教版八年级英语上册Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister?单元检测卷 题型:阅读单选

Emily has a pen pal in England. Her name is Alice. They write to each other twice a month. In her last letter Alice told Emily how she spent a week in Japan with her family. Here is Emily's reply(答复).

Dear Alice,

Thank you for your last letter, I enjoyed reading it very much. It seemed that you had a more wonderful summer vacation than I did. I hope I can also go to Japan one day.

In this letter I will tell you about my best friend. Her name is Kate.

Kate has long brown hair and blue eyes and I have short black hair and black eyes. We are both 13 years old, but she is a little taller than me. She is always happy and very friendly.

We sit next to each other in class. She is good at math, and I do well in history. We often help each other with our schoolwork. We always go home together and play computer games for an hour. Kate thinks very quickly and she usually wins. Kate is learning to play the piano. I am learning to play the violin. We practice together every Monday and Wednesday. Now we can play very well.

Sometimes Kate stays the night at my house, or I stay the night at her house. We always have a good time. Have you ever stayed the night at your best friend’s house?

Write soon!




1.What did Alice write about in her last letter to Emily?

A. Her family. B. Her study. C. Her best friend. D. Her summer vacation.

2.What does Emily do after she goes back from school?

A. She watches TV.

B. She plays sports.

C. She does her homework.

D. She plays computer games.

3.How often does Emily practice the violin?

A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Once a month. D. Twice a month.

4.Which is RIGHT about Emily and Kate?

A. They are both good at history.

B. They can play the violin well.

C. They are both thirteen years old.

D. They both have long brown hair.

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the letter?

A. Emily and Kate are classmates.

B. Kate hopes to go to Japan one day.

C. Emily finds it hard to play the violin well.

D. Emily and Kate live in the same neighborhood.


科目:初中英语 来源:2018-2019人教版八年级英语上册Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister?单元检测卷 题型:单选题

(题文)The teacher speaks loudly so that the students can hear her______.

A. slowly B. clearly C. quietly D. carefully


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit2 How often do you exercise 单元测试 题型:句型转换


1.What's the matter with you?

What's _________ ___________?

2.She didn't feel like eating anything.

She didn't ________ ___________ __________ anything.

3.I had a pain in my left leg.

My left leg __________.

4.If you do that, you'll soon feel much healthier.

__________ __________, and you'll soon feel much healthier.

5.Jim always arrives at school early.

Jim always ________ school early.

6.I'm not feeling well now.

I'm not feeling well ________ _________ __________.

7.What about you?

_________ ________ you?

8.We had a good time at the party yesterday.

We ________ ________ at the party yesterday.

9.What's the weather like?

________ __________ ________?

10.Finally, they found the lost boy.

__________ _________, they found the lost boy.

11.Show me your pictures when you return to school.

Show me your pictures when you __________ _________ to school.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit2 How often do you exercise 单元测试 题型:单选题

You _____ eat ______ food if you want to keep thin.

A. should, little B. must, little C. should, less D. should, more


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省七年级英语下册Unit 8 Is there a post office near here单元测试卷 题型:单选题

—Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?

—No, ___. But you can find one in Yang Fang Road.

A. there isn't B. it isn't C. they aren't D. there is


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年八年级下册英语期末复习试卷 题型:阅读单选

Peter is a thirteen-year-old boy .He began to study in a middle school two years ago.He lives in a small village and it’s nearly five kilometers away from his school.He has to get up early in the morning ,after a quick breakfast he has to run to school to get there on time .His father hopes to borrow some money to buy a bike for him ,but he knows his mother is always ill and his father spends much money on medicine .He doesn’t agree with his father and keeps running to school every day .Now he is very strong and never late for class and his teachers often praise him.

Last week there was a sports meeting in his school,Peter ran faster than any other boy and won the boy’s 800-meter race ,1500-meter race and 3000-meter race .The whole school knew him.He told his grandma the good news as soon as he got home .

“I broke two school records today ,Grandma,”called out the boy .

To his surprise ,his grandma wasn’t happy .She thought for a while and said , “I’m sorry to hear that .We have no money to pay for them ,you know !”

1.We learn from the passage that Peter’s home is .

A. far away from his school B. near the school C. in a small town D. in a big city

2.Peter doesn’t want his father to buy him a bike because .

A. he doesn’t have breakfast every day B. his mother has lots of money

C. his father is very old D. his family is poor

3.The underlined word 〝praise〞means" "in Chinese.

A. 表扬 B. 惩罚 C. 鼓励 D. 帮助

4.Peter took part in all these Except in the sports meeting .

A. the 800-meter race B. the 1500-meter race C. the 3000-meter race D. swimming

5.Peter’s grandma wasn’t happy because she thought .

A. Peter didn’t get any money B. Peter only broke two records

C. Peter had to pay for the records he broke D. Peter should tell her earlier


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版英语七年级上册 Module 3 -Module 4 综合测试 题型:单选题

— _______ is the library?

— It’s next to the teacher’s office.

A. Where B. What C. How D. Who

