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【题目】—Why did you look so tired these days?

— I’ve been too busy ________ for the Entrance Exam to high school.

A.to prepareB.preparingC.with prepare




考查非谓语动词。to prepare准备;动词不定式; preparing准备,现在分词; with prepare带有准备。短语be busy doing sth.表示“忙于做某事”,短语prepare for..表示“为……做准备”。根据题意,故选B


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Goals are the guides all through our life. We all have goals that we are moving towards and making a great effort to achieve. This is a good thing. Or can it be bad? How many of us never reach our goals and yet we have tried so hard and really thought about nothing else? I believe the mistake most of us make is that we do not focus(集中) on our present situation.

Let me explain. Most of us see our present situation as a stepping stone that we use simply as a means of reaching our final destination(终点). We don’t take time to truly appreciate(感激) where we are today and all the great things we already have in our lives. We should focus our attention on the journey and not on the destination, or we will miss the beautiful scenery along the way.

Let’s use our job as an example. Now most of us want a promotion. We have plans to become the manager or general manager in our companies. Unfortunately, most of us will never reach the goal, but will watch others achieve our goal instead.

What we should be doing is focusing on the job we are currently in now. Forget where we want to get to and just focus on the present. You see, what we can control is our performance in our current job. We can decide to be the best we possibly can in our current job. Now this may mean further education to have the skills we currently do not have. It may mean working harder to produce better results than our colleagues(同事). It could simply be a change of attitude(态度), such as stopping complaining and becoming a more devoted and supportive employee. By doing our current job to the best of our abilities, we in fact give ourselves the best chance of promotion(晋升).

So the best thing for all of us to do to achieve our goals is to just focus on what we have and where we are now. Do the best and be the best we possibly can in our current situations, and we will give ourselves the very best chance of reaching our goals in the future. We have heard the old sayings and they are true: “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” “Patience is a virtue(美德).” and so on.

Have patience, have appreciation for what we already have, and take time to help ourselves be the very best we can. Do these things and we will all reach our goals, but more importantly, we will enjoy our life every day.


Focus on the present


◆To 1 our goals, we should focus on what we have and where we are now.



◆We do not focus on our present situation.

◆Most of us see our present situation as a stepping stone to our final destination.

◆We do not 3 the time truly appreciating where we are today and what we already have in our lives.

An 4 — our job

5 the thought of getting promoted. All we have to do is to 6 our best to do our current job.

◆To be the best in our current job, we should get further education, work harder than 7, stop complaining and 8 ourselves to our job.


◆If we are 9, grateful for what we have, and take time to help ourselves be the very best we can, we can not only 10 in the future, but also enjoy our life every day.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


begin passenger also from we take  worry they if do stop as

In April this year, lots of bags full of small change(零钱) were seen at bus stops in Tianjin. They were made for1to turn their notes into small change. And such an idea came2four students from Zhongbei Middle School, Tianjin.

“People will surely feel3when they take a bus without coins. We just want to do something to help them, ” said Wang Yongcun, 15, one of the four students.

The four boys spent4whole weekend making the change bags. After that they went to see the number of the passengers at each bus stop near their school, and then chose the top six 5to put the bags.

Many people think that the four boys have really6a good job. But, things didn't go7the boys thought. Two days later, they found that the money was gone, and that even the bags were8away. It really made them sad but they would not give up. Their classmates and teachers came to help them in time. They put their pocket money in bags again. And the teachers9 taught them to make better change bags. They tried their best to do it.

Their warm hearts are moving. More and more people are 10 to join in the activity.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 If you are in Shanghai and want to throw away a cup of milk tea, be careful. You need to follow these steps: first, pour out any leftover into a wet waste bin; second, put the paper wrapper into a recyclable waste bin; third, throw the single-use cup into a dry waste bin.

Sound difficult and annoying? You'll have to get used to it. From July 1st on, people in Shanghai are required to sort their garbage according to strict rules.

Why should we sort our garbage? The answer lies in the increasing amount of waste we are producing. Chinese cities produce over 200 million tons of waste each year, according to China Economic Net. Most of this waste is buried in landfills, which may pollute the water and soil. Moreover, we are running out of space for new landfills.

In fact, more than half of our waste can be recycled. Recyclable garbage can be made into new materials. For example, wet garbage can be used to make gas, heat and many other kinds of useful things. But in order to recycle garbage efficiently, we need to sort our garbage.

Can't garbage-processing companies do the sorting job focus? They can. But that requires a lot of work and costs lots of money. Things will become much easier if each of us can sort our own garbage. Besides, the annoying task of sorting might encourage people to produce less waste. Do you still want to buy that milk tea?

1If you want to throw a drink bottle, which of the following dustbins should you throw in?





2When did people in Shanghai stat to sort their garbage?

A.From June 1st on.

B.From June 10th on.

C.From July 1st on.

D.From July 10th on.

3What does the underlined word "landfills" mean in Chinese?





4What can be used to make gas and heat?

A.Wet garbage.

B.Dry garbage.

C.Recyclable garbage.

D.Harmful garbage.

5What's the best title for the text?

A.The reasons for sorting garbage

B.Wonderful ways of sorting garbage

C.An introduction of sorting garbage

D.An environmental city-Shanghai


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—What a nice bike it is! When ________you ________it?

— Don’t you know that? I have had it for 3days.

A.have, boughtB.did, buyC.have, had


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A:Annie, I’m a little nervous. I have to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday.

B: That doesn’t 1 too bad.

A: But I’m a very slow reader.

B: Just read quickly to get the main ideas at first. Don’t read word by word. Read word groups.

A: But I don’t understand many of the words. I have to use a2 to look up the words.

B: Try to guess a word’s meaning by reading the sentences 3 and after it. You probably understand more than you think.

A: That sounds difficult!

B: Well, be patient. It4 time. You can become better by reading something you enjoy every day. The more you read, the faster 5 be.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The world is changing fast every day. I wonder ____ in the future.

A. what will the world look likeB. whether the world will have peace

C. how we think of the worldD. which country wins the match


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 High-tech machines have made life easier for millions around the world. However, some people still prefer low-tech ways of doing things. Here’s an example of why this is happening. You can microwave a frozen (冷冻的) hamburger in 60 seconds. However, it won’t taste as good as one you cook on the stove. And if you’re in that much of a hurry, you probably won’t take time to toast (烘烤) the bread. High-tech cooking saves time, but it doesn’t make better-tasting meals.

Most people get their news from high-tech sources (来源) like television or the Internet. This has many advantages. For example, electronic news is more up to date than newspapers or magazines. It’s also more exciting to see live and videotaped news events than photographs.

However, newspapers and magazines have some important advantages. They give more background and details. They also let you read the parts that are important to you and skip (跳过)the rest. Other high-tech time savers have similar disadvantages. For example, most people use the phone or email to stay in touch with friends and family members who live in other places. But when you use the Internet or the phone, you don’t always think carefully about what you are saying, and sometimes you forget the important things you want to communicate. Similarly, when you do your homework on the computer, you needn't check your spelling by yourself. However, you are so busy with the computer that they don’t pay enough attention to the actual words they are writing.

1What advantages of high-tech machines does the writer mention in the text?

A.They make more delicious meals.

B.They can save time and make life easier.

C.They can provided news with detailed information.

D.They make students do their homework carefully.

2How many advantages does the news from high-tech sources have according to the text?



3Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A.We sometimes forget the important things to say when talking on the phone.

B.We won’t miss important information while reading newspapers and magazines.

C.We can get the latest news from high-tech sources like television or the Internet.

D.When we email our friends, we are always careful to choose the right words to say.

4How does the writer feel about high-tech tools?

A.Easy come, easy go.B.Better late than never.

C.Every coin has two sides.D.Learn to walk before you run.

5How is the text mainly developed?

A.By giving examples.B.By analyzing (分析) causes.

C.By following time order.D.By describing a process (过程).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—China is a great country with 5,000 years________ history.

—Yes, it’s three years ________I went to China last time. I want to go there again.

A.in; sinceB.of; sinceC.in; untilD.of; until

