精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
two, question, between, use, easy,  know, he, ago, find ,stay
At 8:30 this morning the body of a man was _1_________. Someone murdered (谋杀) _____2_____. A small knife was found near the body. The murderer might _3_________ that knife. The police doctor said, “The man died about eight hours _4_________.” So the murder had possibly happened_5________ midnight and one o’clock.
The police __6_______ three men. They didn’t tell the men about the murder.
The first man said he had been at home the whole evening. He had watched television and went to bed early.
The ___7_______ man told the police that he had spent the evening 8_________ with some friends. They had been to the cinema together. He got home at about eleven o’clock.
The third man said he ___9______ nothing about the murder. He told the police, “And I have not owned a knife. I was sleeping at midnight. I didn’t murder Jim Wilson.” The police ___10_______ found who the murder was!


小题8:考察spend用法。spend用于sb spend...on sth或者sb spend...in doing sth(in可以省略),spend的主语必须是人,可以指花费时间、也可以指花费金钱;联系下文,可知此处指的是和朋友们呆在一起。结合所给单词,可知填动名词staying,停留,呆。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

are interested in ,  work out ,    a lot of ,  as well ,    improve
Chinese kung fu has already taken the central stage in the sports world.小题1:foreign pioneers are starting to learn it. They小题2】it because kung fu can nurse a person’s body and mind. By practicing it, people can find the peace from the heart and they can face the world more bravely小题3】. There are lessons for kids between 5 and 16 in more and more foreign Chinese kung fu schools. Kung fu can小题4】children’s self-confidence. At the same time, they can learn to小题5】difficult situations with bad strangers.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A. looked at     B. like    C. read    D. yet    E. sent    F. along
A: Have you ___________ 小题1:today’s Shenzhen Daily?
B: Not _______ 小题2:What does it say?
A: It says that a man was riding a motorbike ________小题3:the street when a truck hit him.
B: oh, dear! Things _________ 小题4:this often happen in busy streets. How is the man now?
A: He was ________小题5:to the hospital, but died two hours later.
B: Poor man!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

spend   weigh   slow   leaf  succeed
小题1:Spring is coming and the             turn green.
小题2:If we walk            , we'll be late for the film.
小题3: --What are they doing? --They are            an elephant.
小题4:He is very happy because he has            in passing the exam.
小题5:Mrs. Smith             three thousand yuan on the gold necklace.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

but,  favorite,  want,  about,  hamburger,  and,  like,  often,  I,  visit
Dear Han Mei,
Thank you for your letter. I   小题1: China very much. And I   小题2: to go to China with
my parents. We want   小题3:Beijing. I know something 小题4:China from your letters. 小题5:
I don’t know much about Chinese food. Could you tell    小题6:something about it?
I like   小题7: and fish very much. You tell me you 小题8:eat rice, vegetables and chicken.   And your 小题9: food is jioazi. What kind of food   小题10: drink can I have in China? Please tell me.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

thank,  how,  friend,  get,  come,  two,
joke,  angry,  dinner,  child,  when ,  happy  
April Fool’s Day is on April 1st.  People can play    小题1: on others on the special day. If you succeed, you usually laugh and say, “April Fool!” The person who has been fooled by you laughs, too, and he will never be    小题2: with you.
Mother’s Day is on the    小题3: Sunday of May. It’s a day to    小题4: mothers. On that day mothers usually    小题5: flowers and cards from their kids. Father and    小题6: do the housework so that mothers can have a rest.
Thanks – giving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November. It’s a day   小题7: people give thanks for the good things in life. Usually families all get together and have a big    小题8:.
Christmas Day    小题9: on December 25th. It’s the most important festival in a year. The beautiful things are seen everywhere. People exchange gifts, send Christmas cards and visit    小题10:.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

easy, meet, in, how ,weak, turn , usual ,you ,provide, but
Even though your needs are greater when you have big trouble, it can be hard to ask for help to ____小题1:____those needs.
To get the help you need, think about ___小题2:_____ to family and friends, others who also have trouble, people you meet in support groups and even help ____小题3:______.
No one needs to face big trouble alone. When people in trouble look for and receive help from others , they often find it___小题4:____ to live through.
You may find it hard to ask for or accept help. After all, you are used to taking care of yourself. Maybe you think that asking for help shows___小题5:_____. Or perhaps you do not want to let others know that some things are hard for you to do. All these feelings are not___小题6:_____. As one man with a great difficulty once said:“I had always been the strong one. Now I had to turn to others for help. It wasn’t easy at first,____小题7:_____ the support of others helped me get through a lot of hard times.”
People feel good when they help others. Your friends may not know what to say or ___小题8:____to act when they are with you. Some people may even avoid you. But they may feel better when you ask them to cook a meal or pick up__小题9:____ child after school. There are many ways that family, friends, other people who have similar troubles and many others can help. ___小题10:____ turn, there are also ways you can help and support them!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

excite   tell   think   surprise    not   mad    anymore   will   however   call
It was an 小题1:____ week for the people in the soap opera “Young Lives”. First of all, Marcia told Ben she was having a 小题2:____ party for Lana, and that Lana 小题3:____she was going to her house to study. Then Lana 小题4:____Ben she was 小题5:____at Marcia, and that she 小题6:___ going to her house on Friday. So Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a party for her. Lana told Ben that she wasn’t mad at Marcia 小题7:____, and that she 小题8:____go to Marcia’s house on Friday night. 小题9:______, Marcia 小题10:_____ everyone and told them that she wasn’t going to have the part.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


小题1:No country __________________such great progress as China in the past thirty years.
小题2:The woman ________________________you if you don’t agree with her.
小题3:He ________________________________from time to time in the past.
小题4:The farmers ________________________the trees when the policemen came.
小题5:The volunteers _______________________________to save the pandas in Sichuan because many of them have disappeared.  
小题6:It’s _____________for her to finish the task in such a short time.
小题7:In our society , the old ___________________________by the government.
小题8:I want to know where ______________________________to solve the problem.
小题9:If people want to live better, they must pay attention to ___________the pollution
小题10:He always listens to the teacher____________, so he often fails the exam.

