¡ª¡ªThe fridges are on sale in the supermarket today.

¡ª¡ªReally? Let's go and buy for our new kitchen.

A. one B. it C. that D. them

A ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺¡ª¡ª½ñÌ쳬ÊÐÀïµÄ±ùÏä½µ¼Û³öÊÛ¡£¡ª¡ªÕæµÄÂð£¿ÈÃÎÒÃÇÈ¥¸øÎÒÃǵÄгø·¿ÂòÒ»¸ö°É¡£oneͨ³£ÓÃÓÚÇ°ÃæÌáµ½¹ýijÀàÊÂÎïÖеÄÒ»¸ö£¬it´úÖ¸ÉÏÎÄÌáµ½µÄÄÇÒ»¸ö£»thatָʾ´ú´Ê£¬ÄÇ£¬ themËûÃÇ£»¸ù¾Ýfor our new kitchen.¿ÉÖªÊÇÂòÒ»¸ö£»¹ÊÑ¡A

¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÖп¼Ó¢Óï--Êý´ÊµäÐÍÀýÌâ½âÎö ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

--What do you think of the environment here, Mr. Wang?

--Wonderful! of the land covered with trees and grass£®

A. Two fifths; is B. Two fifth; is C. Two fifths; are D. Two fifth; are

A ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺¡ª¡ªÄãÈÏΪÕâÀïµÄ»·¾³ÔõôÑù£¿¡ª¡ª°ô¼«ÁË£¡Îå·ÖÖ®¶þµÄ½µØ±»Ê÷ľºÍ²ÝËù¸²¸Ç¡£¸ù¾ÝÑ¡Ïî¿ÉÖª£¬µÚÒ»¸ö¿ÕËùȱµÄ´ÊΪ·ÖÊý£»·ÖÊýµÄ±í´ï·¨Îª·Ö×Ó»ùÊý´Ê£¬·ÖĸÐòÊý´Ê£¬·Ö×Ó´óÓÚ1£¬·Öĸ¼Ós£¬ËùÒÔÎå·ÖÖ®¶þµÄ±í´ï·½·¨Îªtwo fifths£¬ÅųýB,D£»·ÖÊýºóÃæµÄÃû´ÊΪland£¬ÓÖÖªlandÒâΪ¡°Â½µØ£¬ÍÁµØ¡±£¬Îª²»¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬¸ù¾ÝÖ÷νһÖµÄÔ­Ôò£¬ËùÒÔµÚ¶þ¸ö¿Õȱ´¦Ó¦ÓÃis£¬¹Ê´ð°¸Ñ¡A¡£


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¡ªExcuse me, Sir, but smoking is not allowed (ÔÊÐí) here.

¡ªSorry, I ___________ the sign. I¡¯ll stop smoking at once

A. saw B. to see C. don¡¯t see D. didn¡¯t see

D ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺¡ª¡ª±§Ç¸£¬ÏÈÉú£¬ÕâÀï½ûÖ¹ÎüÑÌ¡£¡ª¡ª¶Ô²»Æð£¬ÎÒû¿´¼ûÄǸö±êÖ¾¡£ÎÒÂíÉϽäÑÌ¡£¿¼²é¶¯´Êʱ̬±æÎöÌâ¡£¸ù¾ÝI¡¯ll stop smoking at once£¬¿ÉÖª¸Õ²ÅûÓп´µ½¡°½ûÖ¹ÎüÑÌ¡±µÄ±êÖ¾£¬ÐèÓÃÒ»°ã¹ýȥʱ£¬¹ÊÑ¡D¡£


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¡ª¡ªIt's said that shopping online is safe.

¡ª¡ª_____.You'd better be careful.

A. I agree B. That depends C. Ithink so. D. No problem

B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺¡ª¡ª¾Ý˵ÍøÉϹºÎïÊÇ°²È«µÄ¡£¡ª¡ª¿´Çé¿ö¶ø¶¨£¬Äã×îºÃСÐÄ¡£A. I agree ÎÒͬÒ⣻ B. That depends ¿´Çé¿ö¶ø¶¨£¬ C. I think so. ÎÒÈÏΪÊÇÕâÑù£» D. No problemûÎÊÌ⣻¸ù¾ÝYou'd better be careful.¿ÉÖªÊÇ¿´¾ßÌåÇé¿ö£»¹ÊÑ¡B


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2018Äê°²»ÕÊ¡Öп¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

¡ª¡ªMay I watch TV, Dad?

¡ª¡ªWhen your homework is finished, you ______

A. should B. can C. must D. need

B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺¡ª¡ªÎÒ¿ÉÒÔ¿´µçÊÓÂ𣬰ְ֣¿¡ª¡ªµ±ÄãµÄ×÷ÒµÍê³ÉµÄʱºò£¬ÄãÄÜ¿´¡£A. should Ó¦¸Ã£» B. can ÄÜ£» C. must ±ØÐ룻 D. needÐèÒª£»¸ù¾ÝMay I watch TV, Dad?¿Ï¶¨»Ø´ðÓÃcan£»¹ÊÑ¡B


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º±±¾©ÊÐÃÅÍ·¹µÇø2018½ì¾ÅÄ꼶6ÔÂ×ÛºÏÁ·Ï°£¨¶þÄ££©Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£º»Ø´ðÎÊÌâ

Students Inc.

Do you want to have your own company? Do you know how to set up a company? Here¡¯re the three steps before you set up a company. Now read and follow it and maybe you can realize your dream!

Doing Research

Think about a product that you can make and sell. Your first job is to choose something that people might want. Choose something that is easy to make. Look at the products for sale in stores. Look at magazine ads. Think about the things that you buy. Brainstorm ideas with your classmates.

Your second job is to price your product. You want your product to be in high demand (ÐèÇó). People should want your product. But they should also be able to buy it. Check store prices on products that are like yours.

Collecting Information

List three products that you could make. People must want the product. Each product must also be simple enough to make easily.

Ask your friends if they would buy any of these products. Ask how much they might pay for them. Take notes on another piece of paper.

Use what you found out to decide which product to make.

Analyzing (·ÖÎö) Information

How much should you charge for your product? Remember, people should be able to buy your product. Also, you must be able to make a profit (ÀûÈó). How much does it cost to make your product?

List the materials that you will need to make a sample of your product. Also list the cost of those materials.

Figure (¼ÆËã) labor costs.Example: It takes Marco 1.5 hours to make one bag. He thinks his time is worth $ 5.00 per hour.(hours) 1.5 hrs. ¡Á (labor cost per hour) $ 5.00= (cost of labor) $ 7.50

Work out the production costs by adding the material costs and the labor costs. (material)_______+ (labor)_______ = (production costs)_______

.Now you know what it will cost to make this item. How much do you want to charge for the item? Think about how much profit you want to make. Look back at the notes of your survey. How much will students spend for your product? Put together what you find out. What will you charge? (production costs) _______+ (profit) _______= (product price) _______

Now it¡¯s time to show what you know. Good luck!

1.How many steps are there before you set up a company?

2.What is your second job in the step of doing research?

3.Must each product be simple enough to make easily?

4.How do we work out the production costs?

5.What is the passage mainly about?

1.Three 2.To price the product. 3.Yes. 4.By adding the material costs and the labor costs. 5.The steps before setting up a company./ How to set up a company. ¡¾½âÎö¡¿±¾ÎĽéÉÜÁ˽¨Á¢¹«Ë¾Ö®Ç°ÐèÒªµÄÈý¸ö²½Ö裺1.×öµ÷...


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º±±¾©ÊÐÃÅÍ·¹µÇø2018½ì¾ÅÄ꼶6ÔÂ×ÛºÏÁ·Ï°£¨¶þÄ££©Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

Many passengers _______ by the pilots in the accident on May 14, 2018.

A. save B. are saved C. saved D. were saved

D ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺ÔÚ2018Äê5ÔÂ14ÈÕµÄÄÇ´ÎʹÊÖУ¬Ðí¶à³Ë¿Í±»·ÉÐÐÔ±Íì¾È¡£¸ù¾Ýon May 14, 2018¿ÉÖª´Ë´¦ÓÃÒ»°ã¹ýȥʱ£¬½áºÏ¾äÒ⣬Ö÷Óïmany passengersÓëνÓïsaveÖ®¼äÊDZ»¶¯¹Øϵ£¬¹ÊÓÃÒ»°ã¹ýȥʱµÄ±»¶¯Óï̬£¬¹ÊÑ¡D¡£


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÕã½­Ê¡º£ÄþÊÐ2016-2017ѧÄêÆßÄ꼶ÏÂѧÆÚµÚÒ»´ÎÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

I like playing ___piano, but my mother likes playing___ basketball.

A. the, the B. a, the C. /, the D. the, /

D ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒâ¡°ÎÒϲ»¶µ¯¸ÖÇÙ£¬µ«ÊÇÎÒµÄÂèÂèϲ»¶´òÀºÇò¡±¡£Î÷ÑóÀÖÆ÷Ç°Òª¼Óthe£¬play the piano£»ÇòÀàÔ˶¯Ç°²»¼Óthe£¬play basketball¡£¹ÊÑ¡D¡£


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º¸£½¨Ê¡ÆÎÌïÊÐÐãÓìÇø2018½ì¾ÅÄ꼶ÉÏѧÆÚÆÚÄ©¿¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºÌý¶Ì¶Ô»°»Ø´ðÎÊÌâ


£¨Ð¡Ìâ1£©Where is the woman going£¿

A. To the airport. B. To the Golden Hotel. C. To the train station.

C ¡¾½âÎö¡¿´ËÌâΪÌýÁ¦Ì⣬½âÎöÂÔ¡£

