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5. After ten hours' flight,the plane finally      (land) safely.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Summer is the best season to go swimming. There are large numbers of visitors going to beaches,rivers,

pools and other places to enjoy the refreshing (凉爽的)feeling of water. Whether it is summer or not,we can go swimming for our (1)h___________   Here are the advantages (优点): First,it is good for blood pressure (血压). Instead of taking medicine,why don't you choose a free,safe and (2)e      way to keep it good? Things always get worse when you get older. However,according to some studies by health experts (专家),people (3)o___________ 40 can feel better and better after two weeks of regular (有规律的)swimming. . Second,it shapes (塑造)body. Swimming is a relaxing way of being fit. If you are already in good shape, (4)k      swimming. If you are not,go swimming to help yourself(5)g      fit. Third,it burns fat (脂肪).All kinds of exercise are good ways to lose (6)w      and burn unnecessary fat. However,swimming does everything when you jump into the pool and start swimming (7)b      all parts of the body are also moving. And,it gives healthier skin. Swimming does the job of (8)m      your skin soft,younger and healthier. What is (9)m       it is free most of the time. Whether you are swimming in the rivers,lakes or

at the beaches,most of them are free.  The last and the most important,it is enjoyable. Pleasure with water makes you feel young,and it (10)w      away all the worries that you have. Let's go swimming together this summer!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 仅仅少量的阳光就能给他带来无限的温暧。

Just      of      can bring him      warmth.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 A sandstorm (沙尘暴)hit Lanzhou on an autumn afternoon a few years ago.

I was reading a book at home when it started. At first,I heard the big noise of the (1)_______________  I looked out of the window,but I couldn't see(2)      clearly. People outside began to run to shelters. Some of (3)      were screaming while they were (4)         . I felt very worried because my parents were not back yet. I turned on the TV,and the TV host was just talking(5)      the terrible sandstorm. At last,the sandstorm stopped. I opened the window,and everything I(6)         was yellow. The yellow sand had covered the buildings,the windows,the leaves,the flowers and so (7)       However,it was brighter and clearer outside than(8)____________  I still felt worried about my parents. After I rang my father, I soon heard his mobile phone ringing(9)      the door of the flat. My parents were already walking to the

door! I opened the door,and they entered the flat. When they were (10)      the flat,they said, "What bad weather it is!" I thought they were right.

(   ) 1. A. rain    B. snow C. wind    D. shower

(   ) 2. A. something    B. anything C. all    D. nothing

(   ) 3. A. their    B. persons C. they    D. them

(   ) 4. A. running    B. run C. ran    D. to run

(   ) 5. A. over    B. below C. about    D. for

(   ) 6. A. see    B. saw C. seeing    D. sees

(   ) 7. A. on    B. in C. much    D. many

(   ) 8. A. ago    B. before C. past    D. then

(   ) 9. A. out    B. of C. outside    D. inside

(   ) 10. A. outside    B. in front C. next    D. inside


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. How did Timmy feel when he found himself trapped?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 他什么也没穿,看起来多丑呀!

How ugly he      with       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 我爸爸发高烧,因此他今天不能上班。

My father has a      , so he can't go to      today.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

SI: So you are going to Changchun for a visit?

S2: Yes.(1)         But how do you know this?

SI:(2)      I think you'll need to wear more clothes.

S2: More clothes?(3)      

SI: Because the temperature there will be below zero.

S2: No worry about that.(4)      

SI: We can seldom see snowstorms here.(5)      

S2: Haha,I hope I can see one with my own eyes there.  

A.   Both my father and I will take enough clothes with us.

B.   Maybe you can see one while you are there.

C.   I am going there with my dad.

D.   Why?

E.   I met your uncle,and he told me about it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. While he was looking for me,I saw him first.(改为同义句)

      he was looking for me,I saw him      he could      me.

