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Manners are important to keep good relations (关系) among people. ______ likes a person with bad manners. A person with ______ manners never ______ people when they are ______ trouble. Instead, he tries to help them. When he asks for something, he says “Please”. And when he ______ others' help, he usually says “Thank you”. He does not interrupt(打扰) others when they are talking. He does not ______ loudly in public. When he ______, he uses a handkerchief(手绢). ______ a student, it is bad manners to come late for class. ______ you are late, you should say ______ to the teacher.

1.A. Some one B. No one C. Any one D. One

2.A. sad B. certain C. bad D. good

3.A. smiles at B. laughs at C. looks at D. says to

4.A. on B. from C. in D. as

5.A. takes B. looks C. sees D. gets

6.A. talk B. tell C. jump D. think

7.A. sneezes B. smokes C. drinks D. eats

8.A. And B. So C. With D. For

9.A. Because B. If C. Although D. Then

10.A. sorry B. thank you C. OK D. not at all


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake 单元测试(+听力材料) 题型:阅读单选

The British eating habit is very different from that of the Chinese. For example, they eat a lot of potatoes. They like to eat them every day. They eat their bread with butter, or maybe cheese or jam(果酱). They drink a lot of milk, too. They are the world’s biggest tea drinkers. They like Chinese tea, but they usually drink strong black tea from India. They don't eat much rice. For their main meals, they like meat or fish with potatoes and one or two vegetables. After the main meal they always have something sweet(甜的).

1.People eat lots of _____ in Britain.

A. potatoes B. beef C. butter D. rice

2.They eat _____ butter.

A. breakfast with B. cheese with

C. bread with D. jam with

3.They usually drink strong black tea from _____.

A. America B. India C. China D. Japan

4.What do they like to have for their main meals?

A. Some rice and vegetables B. Some meat and fruit

C. Some rice and potatoes D. Some meat or fish and vegetables

5.After the main meal, they always have _____.

A. some soup B. some dessert(甜点)

C. sandwiches D. fruit salad


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版七年级下册7B unit1 Dream homes 巩固检测 题型:单选题

He often_______ TV in the evening.

A. watch B. is watching C. watches D. watchs


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit6 I 题型:单选题

More exercise can help you _____.

A. fit B. keep fit C. keep joy D. keep busy


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit6 I 题型:单选题

He’s going to _____ an engineer when he _____ up.

A. do;grow B. do;grows C. be;grow D. be;grows


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版八年级英语上册Module 11 Way of life单元测试卷 题型:单选题

Be quick! The game will begin _________.

A. immediately  B. recently C.carefully D. luckily


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake 单元测试 题型:句型转换


1.Pour hot water into the blender.(改为否定句)

_____ _____ hot water into the blender.

2.This pair of shoes is 150 yuan.(就划线部分提问)

_____ _____ _____ this pair of shoes?

3.There is some water in the bottle.(改为一般疑问句)

_____ _____ _____ water in the bottle?

4.You must not drink coffee.(改为祈使句)

_____ _____ coffee.

5.Mary studies English by listening to tapes.(就划线部分提问)

_____ _____ Mary _____ English?


科目:初中英语 来源:译林牛津版8上 Unit 1 Friends 单元检测卷(A) 题型:阅读单选

Once there was a little girl in a village. She spent summers on her grandfather’s farm. The year she was four, she knew some ducks. The ducks were white with orange feet. They lived in a little wooden house near the road. The little girl liked these ducks very much.

Every day they walked down the road to the pond(池塘). The ducks went into the water. The little girl sat on the bank(岸)and saw them swimming in the pond. The little talked to the ducks and they quacked(嘎嘎叫)back.

Then one day the ducks were gone. No one would say anything about them. The little girl was afraid to ask where they were. One night everyone sat down for dinner. The food looked a little like chicken. The girl didn’t want to eat. Can you guess why?

1.The story is mainly about _______.

A. eating chicken B. sitting by the pond

C. living on a farm D. ducks and a little girl

2.The ducks were _____________.

A. yellow and orange B. yellow and white

C. white and orange feet D. white and black

3.First the little girl _________.

A. didn’t eat B. sat on the bank

C. walked to the pond D. talked to the ducks

4.At the end of the story, the ducks were probably ______

A. under the water B. on the plate

C. in the wooden house D. swimming in the pond

5.The little girl didn’t eat because ______

A. she wanted nice cakes B. the food was ducks

C. the food was too hot D. the plate was empty


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A 英语期中复习专题练习-首字母填空 题型:单词填空


Two brothers worked together on a farm. One was married and had a large f1..The other had no wife yet. Although they lived in different houses, they shared everything they got from their farm.

One day, the single brother said to himself, “It’s not r2.that we share all the rice. I’m a3.and I need less than my brother.” So, every night he took a bag of rice from his store-room and w4.across the field b5.their houses, putting it into his brother’s store-room.

At the same time, the married brother thought, “It’s not fair to share all the rice. I’m married and I have my wife and children to l6.after me when I am o7.. However, my brother has no one to take care of his f8..” So, each night he also took a bag of rice and put it into his brother’s store-room.

Several months passed by. They found i9.strange that their rice never became less. Then, one dark night the two brothers happen to meet each other. Slowly they began to understand what was happening. Their bags fell onto the ground and tears f10.their eyes at once.

