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(An Old lady is coughing. She looks weak.)
Kangkang: Good morning, Granny. What's wrong with you?
Granny: Oh, boy. It's difficult for me to 1______.
Kangkang: How 2______ have you been like this?
Granny: I've been like this 3______ last week.
Kangkang: Have you seen a doctor?
Granny: No, I haven't. The chemical factory produces terrible gas. The bad air makes my chest 4______.
Kangkang: That's too bad. Pollution causes too many problems. I think I should write to the newspaper
                about these problems. But now you'd 5______ see a doctor.
1. breathe   2. long   3. since   4. hurt   5. better

科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Hi, Jack. What are you 1. _____?
B: I'm 2. ______ a video.
A: Do you want 3. ______ 4. ______ basketball 5. ______ us.
B: That 6. ______ great.
    This video is 7. ______. 8. ______ do you want to go?
A: Let's 9. _____ 10. ______ eight o'clock.
B: OK.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________
6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Did you see "Young Lives" last night?
B: No, what 1______?
A: Well, Ben told Lana  2______ Marcia was going to have a surprise party 3______ her.
B: 4______? What did Lana say?
A: Well. Lana was very excited. Lana told Ben that she wasn't mad 5______ Marcia any more, and that she
    would go to Marcia's house on Friday after all.
B: Oh, Then 6______?
A: Marcia called everyone and told them she 7______ going to have the 8______.
B: Oh, no.
A: Yeah, then Lana called Marcia and told her that she could 9______ some drinks and snacks to her
    house on Friday night.
B: Oh, wow...and what did Marcia say?
A: She told Lana she 10______ be glad.


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

     完成对话在对话的空格中填上适当的单词, 使对话完整正确。一空一词。按编号把答案依次填入右
A: How are you feeling now? George and I was quite anxious about you when Ann called us yesterday.
B: Not too 1._____ yet. I still have a headache and my right 2._____ can 3._____ take a cup.
A: What about your legs?
B: Much better. I feel less 4._____ in my knees 5._____ I can't walk. Just now the doctor and the nurses
    told me to stay in bed for two weeks.
A: That's OK. But how did it 6._____ ?
B: Oh, yesterday morning I cleaned the windows. In order to 7._____ the work easier, I climbed over the
    window and stood 8._____ the windows. I worked quickly, but suddenly I 9._____ down to the garden.
    When I woke up, I found myself lying in bed in the 10._____.
A: You're lucky that you live on the second floor.


科目:初中英语 来源:陕西省期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Tonight there will be an exciting football match on TV-Liverpool Vs. Arsenal.1._____
B: Yes, I'd love to. 2. _____
A: I like Liverpool better. 3._____
B: Me, too. Because Michacl Owen is in the club. He is handsome, and he plays very well.
A: Oh, I know you like him and Liverpool. 4._____
B: No, I can't 5._____
A: I do, too. Let's watch it together.
B: That sounds good.
I just like watching it.
By the way, can you play football well?
Which club do you like better?
How about you?
Would you like to watch it?


科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Hi, Zhou Jian! Have you seen any table tennis games recently?
B: Do you mean the 48th World Table Tennis Championship 1. _____ in Shanghai?
A: Of course. There were so many exciting games.
B: Oh, it seems that you are a table tennis fan.
A: Yes, when watching a game I feel as if I was on one of the teams. 2. _____ , I feel happy, and if they
    lose, I feel sad.
B: I think you must be very excited when our team got all the gold medals. By the way, 3. _____ Zhang Yining?
A: I think she is so great. She is really a superplayer. 4. _____ 
B: Yes, I quite agree. She always tries her best and never gives up. We Chinese are all 5. _____ her.
A: She has set a good example for us students. So keep on studying hard, and you will make great success
    in your study.


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A. Because it's an interesting job.
B. Are they busy with jobs?
C. I am from the USA.
D. What do they do?
E. I want to be a newspaper reporter.
Nancy:  Excuse me. I'm your new classmate, I'm Nacy. What's your name. Please?
Mary: My name is Mary. I come from Australia,what about you?
Nancy: 1_______.What do you want to be?
Mary: I want to be all actor. And you?
Nancy: 2_______
Mary: Why?
Nancy: 3_______
Mary: What do your parents do?
Nancy: My father is a teacher and my mother is a bank clerk.
Mary: 4_______
Nancy: Yes, they are.
Mary: My parents both work in a hospital.
Nancy: 5_______
Mary: They are doctors.


科目:初中英语 来源:福建省期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(H for Henry; J for Janet)
H: Hi, Janet, Would you like to help save the environment?
J:  I don't know. 1______
H: Well, first, you can start by turning off the lights.
J:  Yes. That's easy. Sometimes I turn on the lights without thinking. 2______
H: Second, you can ride a bicycle. 3______
J:  That will save money, too. What else?
H: Third, try to recycle paper.
J:  Mm. We get a lot of paper at home. Good idea.
H:  The fourth idea is turning off the shower when you're not using it.
J:  You mean, when I have shampoo (洗发剂) in my hair?
H: Yes. 4______. Every minute helps. And fifth, take a bag when you go shopping.
     Don't use plastic bags (塑料袋).
J:  OK. 5______. I'll tell them.
A. I disagree with you.
B. We have to save water.
C. My parents do most of the shopping.
D. Don't take a bus or a taxi if you don't have to.
E. What's next?
F. I never do that.
G. What can I do?


科目:初中英语 来源:安徽省期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: What were you doing yesterday afternoon?
B: 1______
A: Where did you fly the kites?
B: 2______ A lot of children were flying kites there.
A: 3______
B: Yes, but the wind wasn't strong. The weather was good for flying a kite.
A: 4______
B: Li Lei and Chen Yang. They both bought two new kites and got there earlier than I did.
A: 5______
B: Yes, we played there for about three hours.
A. Who helped you mend the kite?
B. By the river.
C. Whom did you fly kites with?
D. Was it windy yesterday?
E. Were you very busy yesterday?
F. We were flying kites.
G. Did you enjoy yourselves?

