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(   ) 10. The      driver drove his car very      and it crashed      a tree.

A. careful;carelessly;into B. careless;carefully;on

C. careless;carefully;on D. careless;carelessly;into


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

It is difficult to forecast the weather. It is even more difficult to know what a season will be like. A native (土著的)American tribe (部落) was (16)      enough to survive (挺过)last terrible winter. One day in early September the head of the tribe asked his men to(17)      some wood to build some houses. Several days later,some people asked what the winter was going to be like. The head decided to ask the National Weather Service for(l8)       . "Yes,it is going to be a cold winter" the weatherman told him. He went back to his tribe and told his men to collect some firewood (木柴). Two weeks later the head called the National Weather Service again. "Are you still forecasting a(19>       winter?" he asked. "Yes,very cold," the weatherman told him. As a result,the head told his men to collect(20)      firewood. A month(21)      the head called the National Weather Service once more. "Yes,it is going to be one of the (22)      winters," the weatherman told the head patiently. The weatherman was right! And the native American tribe (23)      comfortably through the freezing (极冷的)winter. The head was thankful (感激的)to the weatherman. He called the weatherman(24)      and asked, "How did you know it was a freezing winter?" The weatherman said, "Because the native Americans are collecting (25)      like crazy."

(   ) 16. A. rich    B. unlucky C. good    D. lucky

(   ) 17. A. buy    B. look C. collect    D. sell

(   ) 18. A. advice    B. money C. clothes    D. wood

(   ) 19. A. warm    B. cool C. cold    D. cloudy

(   ) 20. A. many    B. mostly C. a lot    D. more

(   ) 21. A. later    B. after C. late    D. afterwards

(   ) 22. A. warmest    B. coldest C. colder    D. finest

(   ) 23. A. ran    B. went C. passed    D. danced

(   ) 24. A. more time    B. no more C. again    D. first

(   ) 25. A. fire    B. clothes C. everything    D. firewood


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 10. He________ the importance of their visit      the small town.

A. do not understand;to B. does not understand;at

C. does not understand;to D. does not understood;to


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

50. 他总是低声地说话。难道他不能说得响亮一点吗?

He always speaks in a      voice. Can't he speak      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. The weather was very      in the morning and it got even      in the afternoon.

A. bad;bad B. worse;worse C. bad;worse D. worse;bad


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 15, The film       at 8:20 p.m. and I      at the cinema in five minutes.

A. starting;arrive B. starts;will arrive C. will start;arrive D. start;will arrive


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

39.______ (既然)you feel uncomfortable,go to bed then.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 24. The firemen covered the      oil      sand.

A. burnt;using B. burning;use C. burn;with D. burning;with


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(       )3.  If our government      pay attention

to the safety of food, our health      in danger.

A. isn't; is  B.  doesn't; will be

C. won't; is D.  isn't; will be

