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2018年上海杨浦二模It was so frightening. I could feel you________with fear.

A. shaking B. to shake C. shaken D. to shaking

A 【解析】句意:真吓人。我能感觉到你吓得颤抖。feel sb doing sth感觉某人正在做某事,故选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:四川省绵阳市安州区2018届九年级下学期二诊英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Linda has brought all her books home tonight. After supper she puts the_______ out on the table and begins to do the homework for each subject. She begins with math. She finds that she has no ruler, she ________ it everywhere, but doesn't find it. After a little while, she doesn't feel comfortable in the chair. She moves to the sofa with all her books. Now the sunlight from the window shines _______. She moves back to the table. When she comes back to her work, her little sister Betty asks her for some _______. Betty joins her at the table and begins to draw a horse. Linda has to help her. When they have finished, both go to the kitchen. Linda eats some cakes there and brings an apple to her table. She says to herself, "I'll finish my English exercises tomorrow at school before classes start." Then she starts to review her history lesson, but she feels _______. She doesn't know what she is reading. She closes her books and goes to bed.

1.A. balls B. books C. toys D. pictures

2.A. looks for B. looks after C. looks at D. looks like

3.A. on the door B. on the walls C. on her feet D. in her eyes

4.A. money B. paper C. sweets D. apples

5.A. cold B. sorry C. tired D. hungry

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 【解析】文章大意:主要介绍了琳达不愿意学习,并做了简单的描述。 1.句意:晚饭后,她把书放在桌子上开始去做每一个学科的作业。考查名词辨析。A. balls球;B. books书;C. toys玩具;D. pictures图画。根据后面的do the homework for each subject做每学科的作业,可知应该...


科目:初中英语 来源:内蒙古根河市2017年中考英语模拟题及答案 题型:单选题

Diaoyu Islands(岛) are parts of China and they’re ______ the southeast of China.

A. in B. on C. at D. to

A 【解析】试题分析:句意:钓鱼岛是中国的一部分,他们在中国的东南部。表示方位时,in表示在范围内,on表示接壤,to表示隔海相望或隔着一定的距离,钓鱼岛属于中国,故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018届上海市杨浦区中考英语二模 题型:完型填空

It happened one spring morning. I woke up and went downstairs. My mum asked me if I wanted some orange juice.

“Yes, thanks,” I replied, but my voice had changed! It sounded very deep. I was quite ______, and so was the dog! But my mum just smiled and said, “Oh, that’s just your voice breaking.”

Breaking? That did not sound good! So at school that day, I asked my biology teacher what was happening.

“Don’t worry. It’s ______ common!” she said. “Sound is made by the mouth as the air is ______ out through the voice box, which is in the neck. As you grow older, the voice box grows larger and thicker. When you are a teenager, there can be a ______.”

“But my sister is older than me, and her voice is still the same,” I said, a little ______.

“The change is bigger in boys, so you notice it more. Girls’ voices only change a little, so it is hard to tell the ______.”

Now I like my new voice. But the dog still is not sure!

1.A. excited B. embarrassed C. surprised D. satisfied

2.A. especially B. probably C. hardly D. completely

3.A. pushed B. turned C. taken D. picked

4.A. common mistake B. sudden change C. similar experience D. slow process

5.A. angry B. confused C. calm D. frightened

6.A. truth B. reason C. secret D. difference

1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.D 【解析】本文介绍了作者发现自己的声音变化了,去问生物老师原因。他的老师告诉他,在青春期的男生声音会发生变化。 1.B 考查形容词及语境的理解。A. excited 兴奋的;B. embarrassed 尴尬的;C. surprised 惊讶的; D. satisfied满意的;句意:我非常尴尬。根据It...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018届上海市杨浦区中考英语二模 题型:单选题

2018年上海杨浦二模Simon________the piano for ages when he gave his first concert.

A. has played B. is playing C. had played D. will play

C 【解析】句意:西蒙举行第一次音乐会时,他已经弹钢琴弹了很多年了。根据when he gave his first concert.可知此处用过去的时态,表示先弹钢琴弹了很多年,然后开了音乐会,故表示过去的过去,用过去完成时,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018届上海市杨浦区中考英语二模 题型:单选题

2018年上海杨浦二模________ Hawaii and California have a lot of earthquakes.

A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. Not only

B 【解析】句意:夏威夷和加利福尼亚都有很多地震。neither两者都不,both两者都;either两者中的一个;not only不仅。根据both…and…“……和……两者都”,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版2017-2018学年 九年级英语Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.自我复习与检测 题型:完型填空

I was feeling a little blue because my mother had lost her job.

One day, while I was_____ on the street, I heard piano music and singing rising above the noise of the people. I walked more slowly to _____ where it was coming from. Then I saw a young lady sitting at a piano.

She was singing songs about love, _____ yourself and keeping on trying. The way she was singing made me a little comfortable. I stood there _____, watching her playing on such a crowded New York square. I thought that she must be _____ enough to perform in front of so many people.

She noticed me. I walked over and told her how good her _____ sounded. “Thank you,” she said.

“I have been going through a hard time recently, _____ you've made me hopeful again,” I said to her.

“I'm glad that I could help,” she replied. “Why are you so_____?”

“Well, my mom has lost her job, and I'm not sure what to do…”

“Did you notice the _____ you were walking? Your head was down,” she said. “Don't be upset, because ______ comes in different ways and if your head is down, you might not see it. You should ______ more and lift your head up.”

I looked ______ her, amazed at how she was encouraging me. “______ are you playing the piano here?” I asked her with a smile.

She ______ that she saw a lot of unhappy people in the world and she tried to cheer _______ up by playing music.

I smiled a little wilder, realizing that no difficulties could stop me from going on.

1.A. driving B. riding C. running D. walking

2.A. find out B. send out C. take out D. get out

3.A. dressing B. believing C. hurting D. losing

4.A. nervously B. rudely C. angrily D. quietly

5.A. brave B. shy C. bored D. honest

6.A. advice B. idea C. music D. interest

7.A. or B. but C. so D. and

8.A. dirty B. busy C. sad D. lazy

9.A. way B. time C. reason D. station

10.A. opportunity B. health C. pain D. life

11.A. complain B. rest C. smile D. pay

12.A. like B. after C. for D. at

13.A. How B. Why C. When D. Where

14.A. dreamed B. hoped C. guessed D. explained

15.A. us B. them C. me D. her

1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.D 15.B 【解析】本文介绍了作者在喧嚣的纽约广场看见一位女士在那里演奏钢琴,并演唱关于爱,自信和坚持努力的歌曲。原来她是想要通过音乐让那些悲伤的人高兴起来。得知她在这里演奏的原因后,作者不...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考英语单选原创50题 题型:单选题

-The washing machine did make much noise.

-You're right. I decide to .

A. take it down B. find it out C. turn it off D. give it up

C 【解析】句意:——那台洗衣机的确制造很大噪音。——你说的对。我决定关掉它。take it down 把它拿下来;find it out 查明它;turn it off 关掉它;give it up放弃它;根据The washing machine did make much noise.可知洗衣机噪音大,因此要关掉它。故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 3 Robots-Task 练习 题型:单选题

The students hurried to the classroom ______ the bell rang.

A. as soon as B. until C. if D. so that

A 【解析】句意:铃声一响,学生们就匆忙赶到教室。A. as soon as 连词,一...就...,引导时间状语从句; B. until连词,直到,引导时间状语从句, 主句若是肯定句,动词为延续性动词,而hurried为暂时性动词;C. if 连词,是否或如果,引导宾语从句或条件状语从句;D. so that为了,引导目的状语从句。根据上下文关系可知, 表示时间关系“一...就...”。故...

