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Here are several postcards. But ______ of them is for you.

[  ]

A. every    B. neither

C. no one   D. none


科目:初中英语 来源:走向清华北大同步导读·初三英语 题型:050


  Here is an interesting experiment. Hold a postcard in your left hand. your right hand is ready to catch the postcard, but the fingers are not touching it. If you let the postcard go, you’ll catch it without difficulty with your right hand before it falls down. If you haven’t got a postcard, you can use something like that instead. It can work well, too.

  Now see if your classmate can catch the postcard when you let it go. Let your classmate hold his fingers Oil each side of the postcard, as you did before. Let the postcard go. His fingers will not catch it. You can try this as often as you want. He will not catch the postcard!

1.The passage is about ________.

[  ]

A.an interesting game
B.an interesting experiment
C.some wonderful fingers
D.a strange postcard

2.If you let the postcard in your left hand go, you’ll find it ________ to catch it before it falls down.

[  ]


3.Let your classmate do this as you did before, he will surely ________.

[  ]

A.fail to do it
B.feel surprised
C.agree to differ
D.succeed in doing it

4.If we haven’t got a postcard we can use ________ instead.

[  ]

A.something like a postcard

B.something to do with a postcard

C.everything to see

D.anything we can find

5.We can learn something about ________ from the passage.

[  ]



科目:初中英语 来源:走向清华北大同步导读·初三英语 题型:050


Is He a Veterinarian?

  Mr Scott is a veterinarian(兽医). He has the only clinic in the small town. The farmers near the town often ask him to treat(治疗)their domestic animals(家畜). There are a lot of people in his clinic and sometimes he’s waken up late at night. So he’s always busy and hopes to have a good rest.

  One evening it was raining hard. When the last man left his clinic, he was too tired to stand. He went to bed after a quick supper. He looked at his watch and it was five to eleven and soon went to sleep. And at twenty past eleven the telephone bell woke him up. He told his wife to answer it.

  “Hello,”said a man. “This is Mr Ted here, May I speak to Mr Scott. please?”“Sorry, he went out half an hour ago, ”answered Mrs Scott. “I’m afraid he won’t come back this evening. ”

  “Something is wrong with my dog’s eyes. But I don’t know what to do.”Mr Scott was afraid the man would bring his dog to his clinic. He asked his wife to answer the man on the phone as he said. Mr Ted thanked her and then asked, “By the way, is the man lying by you qualified(有资格的)to treat my dog?”

1.Mr Scott is always busy because ________.

[  ]

A.he’s a veterinarian

B.he’s a good man

C.only he has a veterinary clinic in the town

D.he knows the domestic animals well

2.Mr Scott hurried to bed because ________.

[  ]

A.it was too late

B.he was very tired

C.he was afraid to be sent for

D.he would be waken up very soon

3.Mr Scott slept only for ________ and the telephone bell rang.

[  ]

A.more than half an hour

B.more than an hour

C.less than twenty minutes

D.about twenty-five minutes

4.________,so he asked his wife to answer the man instead.

[  ]

A.Mr Scott wouldn’t treat any animals that night

B.Mr Scott never goes out in the rain

C.Something was wrong with Mr Scott

D.Mrs Scott is also a good veterinarian

5.It seemed ________.

[  ]

A.Mr Ted believed Mrs Scott’s answer

B.Mr Ted didn’t believe Mrs Scott answer

C.Mrs Scott’s answer was right

D.Mrs Scott learned to treat the domestic animals


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:014


- Can you show me that picture?         

- _________.

[  ]

A. Sure. Here you are    B. Yes, It's a pleasure

C. No, you can't       D. Thank you 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:014


Here's a postcard ______ you. It's ______ Aunt Alice.


[  ]

A. for, from  B. to, for  C. for, to  D. from, for


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

  Mr Black was the manager (经理) of a hotel in the city. On a Friday night, three men came into
the hotel and asked for rooms. Mr Black said there were no rooms ready because of a meeting. The
men were unhappy.
  Mr Black wanted to help them. He remembered that Room 418,a small room, was empty(空的).
He asked them if they would like a small room. The three men said yes. Mr Black said they should pay
thirty dollars, ten for each one. Each man gave him the money and then went up to the room.
  Mr Black soon began to feel sorry, so he called his assistant over,gave him five dollars and said,
"Take the money to those three men in Room 418.I asked too much for their room. "
  The assistant took the money. (A)在去那儿的路上想,"How can the three men divide the five
dollars? I will give them each only one dollar and keep two dollars for myself.
  The men will be happy to get something back.And Mr Black will never know." So the assistant
returned one dollar to each man.
  The next morning, the three men went to thank the manager before they left. They said, "Thank
you for returning 3 dollars to us. "Mr Black was surprised but he didn't say anything.
      After the three men left, Mr Black called the assistant to his office and said,"(B)I am sorry, but I
don't think you can work here any more."
1. 将划线部分(A)处翻译成英语。
2. 将划线部分(B)处翻泽成汉语。
3. The  underlined  word "divide"  means "_____"in Chinese.
A. 利用    
B. 保存    
C. 赚到    
D. 分配
4. How much did Mr Black think the three men  should pay for the room later?
5. When did the three men leave the hotel? 

