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— Lisa, you look so tired. Shall I give you a ride?
—Thanks very much.             .
A.It’s my pleasureB.It couldn’t be better
C.Don’t mention itD.Do as you like

试题分析:句意:--莉莎,你看起来如此的累。我送你一程吧?--谢谢。那太好了。分析选项:第一项为不客气;第二项为那太好了;第三项不介意 ;第四项为做你喜欢做的。因此只有第二项符合题意。故选 B

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

短文填空  根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺(共10题;每小
Many people say dolphins are very intelligent(聪颖的). They seem to be able to think, understand, and learn things quickly. But are they as c  小题1:   as humans or more like cats or dogs? Scientists say dolphins’ intelligence is 小题2:   to human intelligence in some ways.

How? Like h  小题3: , every dolphin has a “name”. It is a special whistle. Scientists think dolphins, like people, “小题4:  ” to each other about a lot of things, such as their age, their feelings, or finding food. And , like humans, dolphins use a system(系统) of sounds and body 小题5:   to communicate. But understanding their conversation is not easy for human. No one “speaks dolphin” yet, but some scientists are trying to learn.
Dolphins are also social animals. They live in groups, and they often come to play games from different groups and have 小题6:  , just like people. In fact, playing 小题7:  is something only intelligent animals do.
Dolphins and humans 小题8:   make plans to get something they want. In the seas of southern Brazil, dolphins use an interesting way to get food. When fish are 小题9:  a boat, dolphins signal (发信号) to the fishermen to put their nets(网) in the water. And the men can catch a lot of fish. What is advantage for the dolphins? Why do they 小题10:  the men? The dolphins can get some of the fish.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

If you are a teenage boy and want to succeed, you’d better read this great book!
From Boys to Men, by an American author Michael Gurian, tells you that you are living through the best years of your life.
_小题1:_ But the book says your mind is growing, too.
___小题2:_ To do this, you should stop spending much time playing computer games and you should start playing sports. Sports, the book says, can keep you healthy and teach you important life skills. __小题3:___
The book also tells you what to do if you’re being bullied(欺负).__ 小题4:___ Such experience can also help you become more successful.
To become a successful man, you must believe in yourself. But, most importantly, the book says, you must always dream of success. _小题5:__ Real men always want more.
A.Sports can also teach you how to be a leader and how to work as part of a team.
B.It says you have to stop being scared of such bullies.
C.You may think that only your body is growing at the period.
D.Never be happy with what you’ve got.
E. The book tells you that you need to help your body and mind grow.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Bats are amazing animals. There are many kinds of them. Most bats are black or grey in colour. And they have wings, too. Many people believed that bats couldn’t see. In fact, Bats can always find their way around very well. Usually, bats live in caves and trees. They can fly to their homes from far away. Some scientists said, “Bats can see with their ears.” Is it right? Most bats make a sound. The sound is too low for our ears to hear. They screech(尖叫) when they move around, and the echoes(回声)of these cries come back to their ears. In this way, they are able to tell where walls and other things are. Bats go out to eat at night. In the daytime they hang close together in their caves, trees or other dark places. Only when evening comes,they begin to come out and look for food, In the morning they come home to sleep until the next night. Some people think of bats as bad animals. In fact, they are very useful animals. Most of them catch bad insects(昆虫)for food. Some bats eat flowers and fruit as well.
They are  76  or grey and have  77 .
Most bats live in 78  and   79  .
Most bats eat 80 and some may eat flowers and  81.
They  82  in the daytime and look for 83  during the night.
How they find ways
They “see” with their  84  because they can make a  85  that we can’t hear.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

What can we do to keep our city clean ?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Wearable gadgets (可穿戴设备) are usually high-tech equipment, which are so small that people can wear on heads or wrists.

Google Glasses is such kind of wearable gadget. It has attracted the world’s attention since being tested this year. Users can take videos and broadcast live on the Internet. There is also a GPS system in the glasses. So if you get lost you can say “OK,Glasses, where am I?” Then it will tell you where you need to go. It sounds cool, doesn’t it?

Don’t forget Galaxy Gear from Samsung, a Korea company. It is just the tip of the iceberg. This smartwatch looks like a normal watch but much lighter. But Galaxy Gear needs to connect with a Samsung smartphone or tablet (平板电脑). Its short battery life of 25 hours also disappoints (使…失望) users.
With all kinds of wearable gadgets coming into real life, it seems that wearable technology is becoming more modern and popular. Indeed, unlike smartphones, wearable gadgets are more convenient (方便的). Their biggest advantage is that they can do most of the same things as smartphones, yet they are hands-free.
However, wearable gadgets also have their own problems. Some people are not sure whether wearing a gadget is cool. Unless you know about it, you may just think there are many crazy people talking to their wrists.
Perhaps only time will tell how these gadgets will change our lives.
Wearable gadgets can be   小题1:on heads or wrists. Google Glasses and Galaxy Gear are some of them. People can make calls or take pictures, or even receive e-mails without   小题2:their hands more. So they can  小题3:young people’s attention. Galaxy Gear is  小题4:to a normal watch but much lighter. Some people may not be  小题5:with it not only because of its short 25-hour battery life, but also because it needs a connection with a Samsung smartphone or tablet.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:Jeff likes sports and travel. He would like something that can help him spend boring time on his journey(旅途). 
小题2:Mrs. Green doesn’t like to exercise, but she likes cooking and reading books about foreign places.  
小题3:Mr. Dean wants to improve(提高) his garden(花园) during summer. So he would like something that could help him to do that. 
小题4:Lisa , a 22-year-old girl, worries about her weight(体重). She is wondering how to lose weight(减肥). 
小题5:Sophia likes to look smart. When she is free, she enjoys listening to the music. Now she plans to learn something about music.
A.Learn how to play the guitar. This popular video helps the beginner to become a guitar player in just 200 hours.
B.Road trips. A program loved by young people, especially those fat girls. Join in it and make yourself become thin.
C.The new pocket MP4. This kind of MP4 fits right into your pocket. It lets you listen to your favorite artist, even when you are on a journey.
D.Singapore. The story of a city. This book is about the history. the culture and the favorite dishes of this small country.
E. Spanish in 10 Minutes a Day. A fun, 132-page complete language learning work book. Includes 150 sticky labels: flash cards, a crossword puzzle and more. It is one of the best-selling language series in print. 
F. Special scissors(剪刀). This kind of tools(工具) will make it easy to deal with(处理) flowers and trees. Anyone can learn to use it quickly.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

My cousin Mark is much healthier now. But he used to have some bad habits. For one thing, he was a couch potato. He is one of those overweigh people who sit on a sofa and eat junk food while they watch TV. He used to watch TV for six or seven hours some days. Now, he never watches TV for more than two hours. Five years ago, he didn't use to exercise. In fact, he hated exercise! He didn't use to watch exercise programmes on TV. Now, he exercises every morning. He loves to exercise now, because it makes him feel wonderful.
Mark used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day three years ago. Now he only misses smoking when he is nervous. He chews gum at those times.
Mark also does something else to lose weight. He used to eat lots of meat, but now he always likes fruit and vegetables, so he is mostly a vegetarian now. (85) So, by changing his diet and doing daily exercise, he is in much better shape than before.
小题1:A couch potato is_  _                                         __
小题2:What is Mark's opinion about exercise programmes now?
小题3:When does Mark miss smoking?
小题4:What does "vegetarian" mean in Chinese?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

A young man saw an elderly couple (夫妇) sitting down to lunch at McDonald’s. They had o_____小题1: one meal and an extra drink cup. The gentleman c_______小题2:divided the hamburger in half and then counted out the fries, one for him, one for her, u_________小题3: each had half of them.
Then he p_______小题4:half of the soft drink into the extra cup and put that in front of his wife. The old man then began to eat and his wife sat w________小题5:, with her hands folded (交叉) in her lap.
The young man decided to ask w_________小题6: they would allow him to buy a________ 小题7: meal for them. The old gentleman said, “Oh, no, we have b______ 小题8: married for 50 years, and everything has always been and will a______小题9:be shared, 50/50.” The young man then asked the wife if she was going to eat, and she replied, “It’s his t_______小题10:to eat with the teeth.”

