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--I think the story is out of the date . No one keeps a watch on a chain any more.

-- ____

A. You are wrong. B. I don’t agree with you

C. I’m sorry that you feel that way D. No, I don’t agree


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标英语八下Unit3 Could you please clean your room Section A 2a-2d练习 题型:翻译


--Mom, ____ ______go out for Dale’s birthday party ?

-- __________.



-Could I _________ _________ _______ _______ with my friends?

--Yes, you can. But _________you have to clean your room.


Could you_________ _________ _______ _______ to town now?


You can't _________ _________ _______ on weekdays.


Although the house is already ________ _________ _______, it’s not _______ _______ .


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语下Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains单元检测题及答案 题型:短文填空

Mac Macpherson, a nine-year-old girl, was 1. forward to a trip to Disney World. Her mother promised her the trip2. she could raise $500 for charity (慈善机构).

The mother thought it would 3. her little girl a few weeks to raise $500 4., to her surprise, Mac did it in just one day!

Mac raised money 5.drawing portraits (肖像). “At first I wasn’t sure how to do it. But then I thought, ‘Oh, maybe I can draw portraits, ‘” said Mac. “I`ve learned to draw 6. a long time, so I thought it would work.”

7. her parents’ help, Mac set up a tent and an easel (画架) at Eastern Market one Saturday morning. Though she felt a little shy, she stood up and said in a loud 8. , “Do you want a portrait? It’s for charity!” Many people stopped by in shock.   

That day Mac drew portraits of 27 people and 3 dogs. She 9.about $550. She decided to give the money to Save the Children, a group that helps children in need in 120 countries. 

Although Mac has earned(赚) her trip to Disney World, the little girl plans to keep doing something for the poor children. “I like drawing, and it makes me feel good to know I can10. other children,” she said.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语下Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains单元检测题及答案 题型:单项填空

It’s wrong for the salesman to ______ the old man of some money.

A. remind B. cheat C. shout D. follow


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津深圳版九上unit8 Surprise endings SpeakingWriting(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--I like O. Henry’s short stories . All are interesting.


A. I don’t agree B. I’m sorry, but I don’t agree

C. No D. No, I don’t agree


科目:初中英语 来源:2017年初中学业水平考试模块测试卷(五) (九年级全一册) 题型:短文填空


Easter is very important in the west.In many countries it is the most important except 1. (圣诞节).

People spend Easter on the first Sunday after the first 2. (满)moon on or after March 21st.More people go to church on Easter Sunday than at any other time of the year.People love all holidays and usually find a way to have fun on each of them.One thing that some people like to do on Easter is to dress up in fine,new clothes and new 3. (领带)and walk with their families on one of the main streets.This is called the “Easter parade(游行)”.People like to see what their friends or 4. (亲戚)are wearing and they also want the others to see their 5. (现在的)fine clothes.

A very old 6. (传统)on Easter is to give children a basket full of candy.Parents often hide the basket so that the children have the fun of looking for it.Boys and girls believe that the Easter Bunny brings the basket each year.The Easter Bunny is as 7. (重要的)as Santa Claus.

Sometimes the city will have all the children come to a big park for an egg hunt.Early in the morning people who work in the park hide eggs and 8. (块)of candy.They put them in trees,behind rocks or in other places where children have to look for them.

At Easter time mother buys a lot of eggs.She boils them 9. (直到)they are hard.Coloring these eggs is another Easter tradition.It is a nice tradition because all the family members gather around the table to help. 10. (have)the family together is the nicest part of any holiday.


科目:初中英语 来源:【整合】人教七年下册 Unit 6 Section A period 1 Section A (1a-2d) 习题 题型:单项填空

I ____ my room every day. But now I________.

A. clean; am reading B. am cleaning; reading

C. cleaning; read D. clean; read


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省无锡市2017届九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

It was a cold windy winter day and I was walking home from work. My head pointed down against the wind when I noticed an old lady. She was________on the sidewalk in her house slippers(拖鞋).As I passed her, I saw that she was well into her eighties, and she was holding some________in her hands.

I walked on and arrived at the traffic light. Waiting there, I saw the mailbox________the street. The light turned green, but I pretended(假装)to check my phone and waited for her to catch up with me. In this neighborhood, even crossing with the green light was________. Drivers often drove wildly through red lights and stop signs.

I stayed there until she________me. I turned to her and touched her gently on the arm. She smiled and took my hand in hers and held it. Her small hand was soft and warm. Hand-in-hand, we were waiting for the________to change.

When the light turned green, we walked together slowly across the street,________the letters in the mailbox. Then I took her back across the street.

As I walked the rest of the way home, I could still feel the________of her hand in my own.

People say the first language of all humans is________. A caring touch helps to make a bad

situation________. And even now, every time I think of the old lady, I can still feel the power of touch.

1.A. coming B. walking C. running D. riding

2.A. letters B. pictures C. books D. flowers

3.A. across B. over C. through D. behind

4.A. strange B. crazy C. dangerous D. safe

5.A. called B. reached C. found D. caught

6.A. way B. light C. ride D. traffic

7.A. took B. sent C. dropped D. locked

8.A. warmth B. trust C. care D. love

9.A. help B. kindness C. touch D. action

10.A. interesting B. necessary C. popular D. hopeful


科目:初中英语 来源:【整合】人教英语八下期中试卷 题型:单项填空

The old man is blind ______ the left eye.

A. at B. on C. in D. to

