精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
      What is the population of China? There are more than a billion and two hundred million people in China. It is
almost one fifth of the world's population. How to control the population growth is a big problem. Some people
think   1   to control the population growth. But I don't quite agree   2   them, because where there's a will, there
is a way.
      The question is that we should make it   3   how serious the population problem is. Our farmland is becoming
less and less to everyone. We have already got too many mouths to feed.   4   we control the population growth,
many people will die   5   hunger. Too fast population growth has been and will be bad for our nation. Though
laws (法律) have been   6   to control the population growth, in some places   7   is done to carry out (贯彻) the
law. We should make people   8   that it is foolish of them to bring too many children into the world. They should
  9   do what they have been doing for many years.
      We are fighting against the fast population growth. Yes, the fighting won't end   10   everyone knows its
importance and does something for it.
(     ) 1. A. that is impossible for
(     ) 2. A. to               
(     ) 3. A. known to everybody
(     ) 4. A. If not           
(     ) 5. A. of               
(     ) 6. A. pass              
(     ) 7. A. many             
(     ) 8. A. to know          
(     ) 9. A. not longer       
(     ) 10. A. until           
B. impossible of 
B. for                 
B. known by everybody  
B. Unless              
B. about               
B. passed              
B. little              
B. to learn            
B. not more            
B. after             
C. that is impossible of 
C. with     
C. know     
C. Until    
C. from     
C. broken   
C. a lot    
C. know     
C. no longer
C. when     
D. it impossible  
D. on          
D. is know by  
D. If          
D. out of      
D. thought   
D. much        
D. learning    
D. no more     
D. as        
1-5 DCABC    6-10 BBCCA

科目:初中英语 来源:云南省期中题 题型:完形填空

     What is the best way to study? This is a very important question. Some Chinese students often   1   very,
very hard for long hours. This is a   2  , but it is not a better way to study. An efficient (有效率的) student
must   3   enough sleep, enough food and enough rest. Every   4   you   5   to   6   your studies, you'll find
yourself stronger than before and you'll learn more.
     Perhaps we can   7   that learning English is   8   taking Chinese medicine. We don't mean that it's bitter
(苦). We mean that like "Chinese medicine, the efficiency (效率) of your study   9   slowly but surely  10 
 lowly, Slowly every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine."
(     )1. A. play   
(     )2. A. best   
(     )3. A. have   
(     )4. A. month  
(     )5. A. want   
(     )6. A. begin  
(     )7. A. say    
(     )8. A. about  
(     )9. A. returns
(     )10. A. sleep 
B. study  
B. better 
B. do     
B. week   
B. hope   
B. return 
B. guess  
B. on     
B. comes  
B. know       
C. sleep  
C. good    
C. want   
C. hour   
C. need      
C. go     
C. talk   
C. as     
C. gives  
C. learn  
D. think   
D. bad      
D. make     
D. day      
D. wish                        
D. are      
D. know     
D. like     
D. gets     
D. play     


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省期末题 题型:完形填空

     What is a clone? A clone is a copy-a genetic (基因的) copy. Genes (基因) are the in-structions for
life. They    1    a cell what to do and how to do it. Genes make    2    plant or animal different and unique.
A clone has the same genes    3    the original organism (生物体).
      Cloning is not new.    4    have been cloned for centuries. Many new plants are grown from cuttings
(插枝) from the original plants. One benefit of cloning is that we can make many copies of the best and
healthiest plants. 
      It's     5    more difficult to clone animals than plants. In 1997 scientists succeeded in    6    a sheep.
The creation of Dolly, the Cloned sheep, caused great attention around the world in no time. Scientists had
tried to clone other animals like frogs before that, but they failed Frogs died as tadpoles (蝌蚪), never
living    7    to become adult frogs.
      It may soon be    8    to clone many types of animals. Will we also    9    clone human organs (器官),
or even a whole human being? Maybe now the question is not whether we can clone humans, but   10   
should we clone humans?
(     )1.A.keep       
(     )2.A.each       
(     )3.A.for        
(     )4.A.Plants    
(     )5.A.many       
(     )6.A.clones     
(     )7.A.long enough
(     )8.A.helpful    
(     )9.A.must       
(     )10.A.except     
B.short enough 
B.except for 
C.enough long  
D.to clone          
D.enough short      
D.be able to          
D.instead of 


科目:初中英语 来源:0115 期中题 题型:完形填空

    What is the population of China? There are more than 1.3 billion people in China. It is   1   one fifth of
the world's population. How to control the population growth is a big problem. Some people think it's   2   
to control the population growth. But I don't quite agree   3   them because where there is a will, there is
a way. 
    The question is how we could   4   it known to everyone how serious the population problems are. Our
farmland is becoming less and less to everyone. We have already got too many mouths to feed.   5   we
control the population growth, many people will die   6   hunger. Too fast population growth will be bad for
our nation. Though laws have been passed to control the population growth, in some places   7   is done to
carry out the laws. We should make people   8   that it is foolish of them to give birth to too many children.
They should no longer do what they have been doing for many years.
    We are fighting   9   too fast population growth. Yet the fighting won't end  10  everyone knows its
importance and does something for it.
(     )1. A. most   
(     )2. A. possible
(     )3. A. to     
(     )4. A. let    
(     )5. A. If not 
(     )6. A. of     
(     )7. A. many   
(     )8. A. to know
(     )9. A. for    
(     )10. A. until  
B. almost     
B. necessary  
B. for        
B. make       
B. Unless     
B. about      
B. little     
B. to learn   
B. against    
B. after    
C. highly    
C. impossible   
C. with      
C. have      
C. Until     
C. in        
C. a lot     
C. know      
C. to        
C. when      
D. hardly      
D. unnecessary   
D. on            
D. bring         
D. If            
D. out of                            
D. much          
D. learning      
D. about         
D. as          


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     What is the best way to study? This is a very important question. Some Chinese students often    1    
very hard for long hours. It is a    2    habit, but it is not a better way to study. An efficient (讲效率的)
student must    3    enough sleep, enough food and enough rest.
     Every week you    4    to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It's good    5    
your study. When you return to your studies, you'll find yourself    6    than before and you'll learn more.
     Maybe we can    7    that learning English is    8    taking Chinese medicine. We don't mean that it's
bitter (苦的). We mean that like Chinese medicine, the efficiency of your study    9     slowly but surely.
   10     slowly but surely every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine.
(     )1. A. play  
(     )2. A. best  
(     )3. A. have  
(     )4. A. want  
(     )5. A. in    
(     )6. A. weaker
(     )7. A. say   
(     )8. A. about 
(     )9. A. returns
(     )10. A. Sleep
B. study   
B. better  
B. do        
B. hope               
B. for       
B. stronger 
B. guess    
B. on       
B. comes    
B. Know  
C. sleep 
C. good  
C. want  
C. need              
C. to   
C. fatter
C. talk   
C. at     
C. gives  
C. Learn
D. think  
D. bad     
D. make          
D. wish   
D. at     
D. thinner 
D. know    
D. like    
D. gets    
D. Play  


科目:初中英语 来源:湖南省中考真题 题型:完形填空

   What is the weather like in China? Spring is warm in most parts    1   China. It usually begins in February
or   2   . Summer is often very  3   . It   4    about three months. The hottest    5   are July and August. Autumn
starts in August. The  6    can be quite cool in autumn. Winter    7   in November. January is the    8  month.
You need to wear warm    9   in winter. The best time to come to my hometown is in spring    10  autumn.
(     )1. A. of      
(     )2. A. January 
(     )3. A. hot     
(     )4. A. comes   
(     )5. A. time    
(     )6. A. weather 
(     )7. A. finishes
(     )8. A. hottest 
(     )9. A. shirts  
(     )10.A. but     
B. to    
B. April 
B. cool  
B. lasts 
B. months
B. day   
B. goes  
B. coldest
B. blouses
B. or    
C. outside  
C. March    
C. cold     
C. goes     
C. seasons  
C. night    
C. starts   
C. warmest  
C. clothes  
C. nor      

