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-_______ do you like best?

- I like math best.

A. Which subject B. What food C. What color D. Which sport

A 【解析】句意:-你最喜欢哪门课? -我最喜欢的是数学。A. Which subject“哪一科”; B. What food“什么食物”;C. What color “什么颜色”;D. Which sport“哪项运动”。由答语I like math best.可知提问的是学科。故选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 3 How do you get to school巩固练习 题型:单选题

---How do you ______there? --- I take the train.

A. get B. get to C. gets D. gets to

A 【解析】试题分析:句意:——你如何到达那里?——我坐火车去。此处是特殊疑问句,前面有助动词do,故此处的谓语用动词原形get,there 是副词,故前面不加介词。故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年上学期湖北省武汉市九年级元月调考英语试卷含答案(无听力) 题型:阅读单选

1.The above material is probably .

A. a photo of a western woman B. an article about a sofa bed

C. an advertisement D. an announcement

2.The sofa bed is sold by a(n) company.

A. Chinese B. British C. American D. Canadian

3.The sofa bed in the material mostly deals with the problem of _______.

A. Price B. style C. material D. Space

4.‘convert’ in the material means _______.

A. sell B. change C. produce D. show

5.It’s clear the if you buy the kind of sofa bed_______.

A. you’ll have a lower price

B. you need to call on 21 stores

C. you’ll have to go to experts for advice

D. you must be a member of Futon company

1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 【解析】试题分析:这幅图片是福田公司做的沙发广告。 1.题意:以上材料可能是 。考查文意理解题。A. a photo of a western woman一张西部妇女的照片;C. an advertisement一个广告;B. an article about a sofa bed一篇关于沙发床的文章。根据图片内容及主题T...


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 9 第九单元巩固练习 题型:完成句子


1.His favorite subject is art.(就划线部分提问)

_______ _______ his favorite subject?

2.They like broccoli. (改为一般疑问句)

________ they ________ broccoli?

3.I like thrillers because it’s scary. (就划线部分提问)

________ ________ ________ ________ thrillers?

4.My book is on the sofa.(一般疑问句并回答)

-________ ________ book on the sofa?

-Yes, ______ is. / No, it _______.

5.His sister likes to be a musician. (就划线部分提问)

________ ________ to be a musician?

6.He does his homework after school every day. (改为一般疑问句)

_______he _______ his homework after school every day?

7.John has P.E. on Monday. (就划线部分提问)

________ ________ John have P.E.?

8.Mrs. Yang works in a shop. (就划线部分提问)

________ does Mrs. Yang _______?

9.They are under the bed. (一般疑问句并回答)

-_______ _______ under the bed?

-Yes, _______ _______. / No, _______ ________.

10.My father is OK. (就划线部分提问)

________ ________ your father?

11.Does she like ice cream? (作否定回答)

_________, she _________.

12.My bed is yellow. (就划线部分提问)

_______ _______ is _______ bed?

13.That’s a box. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

-________ ________ a box?

-______, ________ ________.

14.The notebook is in the bag.(就划线部分提问)

_________ the notebook?

15.I can spell that. (改为一般疑问句)

________ ________ spell that?

1.Whatis 2.Do like 3.Whydo youlike 4.Isyourit isn’t 5.Who likes 6.Does do 7.When does 8.Wherework 9.Aretheytheyaretheyaren’t 10.How is 11.No doesn’t 12.Whatcoloryour ...


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 9 第九单元巩固练习 题型:单选题

- ______ are these bananas?

- Five dollars.

A. What color B. How about C. How much D. How many

C 【解析】句意:-这些香蕉多少钱?-五美元。A. What color“什么颜色”;B. How about “怎么样”;C. How much “多少”,后接不可数名词;D. How many“多少”,后接可数名词复数。由答语- Five dollars.可知询问的是价格。故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:云南省人教版2017-2018学年七年级英语下册 Unit 8达标测试卷 题型:语法填空


Dear Blaire,

How are you?I have a good time 1. (live) in my new neighborhood.Here is a 2. (sport) center in it.It's just in front of our house,so my mother often goes there 3. (swim).There is also a park in my neighborhood.It's not far from my school.I like to spend time 4. (play) with my friends after school.But my favorite place is the zoo.5.(get) here,I usually ride my bike for ten6. (minute).On Friday evening,my parents and I usually eat out.There 7. (be) three restaurants near my home.Mr.Green's Restaurant is our favorite.Mr.Green is always 8. (friend).The food 9.(taste) delicious.Lots of 10. (family) like to have dinner there.

Can you come to see me when you're free?I'll show you around my neighborhood.



1.living 2.sports 3.to swim 4.playing 5.To get 6.minutes 7.are 8.friendly 9.tastes 10.families 【解析】本文是迈克尔写给布莱尔的一封信。主要告诉布莱尔他现在住的新社区情况。他家前面有一个体育中心,他妈妈经常去那里游泳。在他的社区附近也有一个公园,...


科目:初中英语 来源:云南省人教版2017-2018学年七年级英语下册 Unit 8达标测试卷 题型:单选题

Mr.Green lives a big house.He really has__it__good

A. thinks it's cheap B. enjoys it C. buys it D. sells it

B 【解析】句意:格林先生住在一所大房子里。他真地喜欢它。A. thinks it's cheap认为它很便宜;B. enjoys it喜欢它;C. buys it买它;D. sells it卖它。根据句意和语境可知选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版2017--2018学年高二历史八上Units 7-9测试卷 题型:完成句子



Last night his house_____ _____after a heavy rain.

2.我盼望着收到你们的来信。I look forward to_________ ___________you all.

3.我今晚可以和朋友闲逛吗?Could I_______ ________with my friends tonight?

4.把那些肉切成薄片。________ the meat ________ thin pieces.

5.打开收音机收听新闻。________ ________ the radio and listen to the news.

1.fell down 2.hearing from 3.hang out 4.Cut into 5.Turn on 【解析】 1.昨天晚上,他的房子在一场大雨后倒塌了。fall down倒塌;根据Last night可知是过去时态;故填(1). fell (2). down 2.我盼望着收到你们的来信。hear from sb收到某人的来信;look f...


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?巩固练习 题型:单选题

-Your English is very good.


A. No, not very good. B. You are right.

C. It’s just so so D. Thank you.

D 【解析】句意:-你的英语真好。-谢谢你。A. No, not very good. 不,不是很好。B. You are right. 你说得对。C. It’s just so so一般一般; D. Thank you. 谢谢你。本题为交际用语。当别人表扬你时,应该说谢谢。而不是表达谦虚。故选D。

