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One Sunday morning Mike is wearing blue trousers and a white shirt,and his little sister,Kate,is wearing a yellow skirt and a red sweater. They want to go shopping.

In the shop there are many things and many people. They are men and women,old and young. They all want to buy something there. There are apples,bananas,pears and oranges. Mike likes bananas and pears,but Kate wants to have some oranges and apples. Bananas and oranges are very dear. Then they buy a kilo of apples and two kilos of pears and go home.

(   ) 1.          want to go shopping on Sunday morning.

A. Mike and Kate’s sister    B. Mike and his brother

    C. Kate and her brother    D. Kate’s and Mike’s sisters

(   ) 2. Kate is wearing        .

A. a yellow skirt and a red     sweater    B. a red sweater and     blue  trousers

    C. a yellow skirt and a white     shirt    D. a red skirt and a     yellow  sweater

(   ) 3. There are        in the shop.

A. some of Mike’s friends    B. not any people

    C. some of Kate’s teachers    D. a lot of people

(   ) 4. Mike wants to buy        .

A. apples and pears    B. apples and bananas

    C. oranges and apples    D. pears and bananas

(   ) 5. They buy        and go home.

A. a kilo of pears and two kilos of apples    B. some pears and apples

    C. a kilo of bananas and two kilos of pears    D. some oranges and bananas


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Linda  is an  American girl. She is now in Wuhan with  her  parents.  She can’t  speak  Chinese, but she is  trying (努力) to study and speak it. She often  tries  to  speak  Chinese  to  her  Chinese friends. Sometimes they don’t understand (理解) her,because she can’t speak Chinese well.

It’s Saturday morning. Linda goes out. She is on her way to the park. She is going there to see a flower show (花展) .But she doesn’t know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy. The boy can’t understand her. Then she takes out a pen and some paper. She draws flowers on it,gives the picture to the boy and says something. The boy smiles and then tells Linda the way to the park.

(   ) 1. Where does Linda live now?

A. InAmerica.    B. InChina.    C. InCanada.    D. In Beijing.

(   ) 2. Which is right according to (根据) the reading?

    A. Linda can speak much Chinese.

    B. Linda doesn’t like Chinese.

    C. Linda has some Chinese friends.

    D. Linda wants to see her Chinese friends on Saturday morning.

(   ) 3. On Saturday morning,Linda goes to the        .

A. farm    B. park    C. new school    D. zoo

(   ) 4. How does Linda ask the way to the flower  show?

    A. She asks the way in English.

    B. She draws a picture to ask the way.

    C. She asks the way with sign language (手语) .

    D. She asks the way on the phone.

(   ) 5. Linda is a        girl.

A. clever    B. kind    C. beautiful    D. tall


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mike : Hello,Kate!Do you want  1      milk?

Kate:  No,thanks.  I don’t like  2      .

Mike :  Don’t  you?  I like  it very  much and 3       good for my health (健康) .

Kate: Oh,here are Lily and Lucy.

Lily: Hi,Mike!Hi,Kate!How are you today?

Mike and Kate: 4      ,thank you.

Lily: 5       are those,Mike?

Mike: They’re rice cakes. Do you want one?

Lily:  Yes,6      .

Lily and Lucy: We like rice cakes very much. They’re 7       Kate:  How  8        some  milk?

Lily: No,thanks. We don’t like  9        milk very  much.

Lucy: But we like bananas.

Kate: Oh dear!10      ! They are all finished(吃完) .

(   ) 1. A.  some    B. one    C. a    D. a glass

(   ) 2. A.  egg    B. apple    C. milk    D. orange

(   ) 3. A.  it    B. it’s    C. is    D. its

(   ) 4. A.  Yes    B. No    C. Fine    D. Good

(   ) 5. A.  Where    B. How    C. Whose    D. What

(   ) 6. A.  please    B. thank    C. a    D. have

(   ) 7. A.  fine    B. red    C. long    D. great

(   ) 8. A.  at    B. in    C. behind    D. about

(   ) 9. A.  to drink    B. to buy    C. to sell    D. to play

(   ) 10. A. OK    B. Sorry    C. Great    D. No


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:





two hamburgers,two eggs,an apple

rice,vegetables,a little meat,two bananas

rice,vegetables,a little chicken, two pears

Wang Fan’s Three Meals


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 One Sunday morning Mr Brown and his child,Bill,are in a big supermarket. Mr Brown wants to buy a new b 1       for Mrs Brown. Bill likes o 2       and hamburgers a lot. So his father buys two kilos (公斤) of oranges and  some hamburgers for h  3       . Bill a 4        wants to buy some picture books  and c 5        pencils. There  are m 6       things and  many p 7       in  the supermarket. They are men  and

w 8      ,old and y 9      . They all want to buy  s 10       there.

1.          2.         3.          4.            

6.          7.        8.         9.       10.         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A: Do you 1       pants for girls?

B: Yes,we have pants in  2        colours: red,white,black,green and blue. What colors do you 3       ?

A: I like white and blue. And 4       much are these 5       white?

B : Eighteen dollars. And those in  6        are fifteen dollars.

A: I’ll 7       a blue pant. Fifteen dollars. Here you are.

B: OK. Here 8       your 9       .

A: Thank you.

B: 10       welcome.

1.           2.           3.           4.           5.         

6.           7.           8.           9.           10.         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Sam is a little boy,and he is only seven years old. One day he goes to the cinema (电影院) .It is the first time for him to do that. He buys a ticket and then goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out,buys a second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket. Two or three minutes later he comes out and asks for another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asks him, “Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?” Sam answers, “No,I have no friends here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears(撕) my tickets in pieces. ”

(   ) 1. Sam wants to buy        when the girl asks him.

A. the second ticket    B. the third ticket

    C. the fourth ticket    D. the fifth ticket

(   ) 2. The big boy stops Sam at the door because        .

A. it is the big boy’s job    B. the big boy doesn’t  like  Sam

C. the big boy doesn’t know Sam    D. Sam doesn’t buy tickets  at  all

(   ) 3. The big boy is        of the cinema.

A. a worker    B. a shopkeeper(店主)

C. a policeman    D. a bookseller

(   ) 4. From the story we know        .

    A. the girl wants to get more money

    B. Sam doesn’t like the film

    C. the little boy knows nothing about the cinema

    D. the little boy has a lot of money 

(   ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true?

    A. Sam doesn’t go to the cinema before that.

    B. Sam is too young to make friends.

    C. Sam has no friends in the cinema.

    D. Sam buys tickets for himself.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Kate is an English girl. She has two brothers,but she has no sisters. Her brothers both (两者都) like playing the guitar. Kate’s father likes playing the trumpet. He is a teacher in a trumpet club. Her mother likes playing the violin. She can play it very well.

Kate is thirteen. She is going to China with her parents next week because her parents find jobs in China.

(   ) 1. How many people are there in Kate’s family?

A. Four.    B. Five.    C. Six.    D. Seven.

(   ) 2. Kate’s father likes        .

(    )3. In a word,Kate’s parents and brothers like_.

A. shopping    B.    sports    C. China    D.    music

(    )4. Who is going to China?

A. Kate.    B.    Mum.    C. Dad.    D.    A,B and    C.

(    )5. What does Kate’s mother like doing?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Gina is my favorite      1 I like her famous movie Men from Mars. It’s fun. But my parents don’t like her. We often go to see movies on weekends. I’d like to see comedies but they want to see romances. I don’t like 2      because they’re just daydreams. And they’re for lovers.

My friend John is a big Tom Hanks 3     . He collects the pictures,posters (海报) ,reports and film VCDs of him. Now he has a great 4      of Tom. He thinks Tom is the 5      actor in Hollywood. But I don’t think so. Among the actors,I love Harrison Ford best. I think he’s old but attractive. So 6      my cousin Ann. She’s four years older than me but we have many things in common. For example,we both like 7      and horror films. Her favorite movie is Belling at Night. It’s a Japanese movie. It’s so 8      that I 9      help screaming even when I saw it the 10      time. And we don’t like mysteries. They’re really boring.

(   ) 1. A.  actress    B. actor    C. waiter    D. singer

(   ) 2. A.  action movies    B. comedies    C. romances    D. thrillers

(   ) 3. A.  player    B. fan    C. worker    D. actor

(   ) 4. A. invention    B. question    C. problem    D. collection

(   ) 5. A. funniest    B. greatest

         C. most interesting    D. most exciting

(   ) 6. A.  does    B. is    C. can    D. do

(   ) 7. A.  action movies    B. comedies    C. romances    D. thrillers

(   ) 8. A.  scary    B. interesting    C. boring    D. difficult

(   ) 9. A.  can’t    B. don’t    C. couldn’t    D. am not

(   ) 10. A. first    B. four    C. fourth    D. fourteen

