What _______ honest boy! He is _______ best student of all.

A. a; a B. an; the C. a; the D. the; the

B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺¶àô³ÏʵµÄº¢×Ó°¡£¡ËûÊÇËùÓÐѧÉúÖÐ×îºÃµÄ¡£¿¼²é¹Ú´Ê±æÎöÌâ¡£aºÍan¶¼ÊDz»¶¨¹Ú´Ê£¬±í·ºÖ¸£»aÓÃÓÚ¸¨ÒôÒôËØ¿ªÍ·µÄµ¥´ÊÇ°£¬anÓÃÓÚÔªÒôÒôËØ¿ªÍ·µÄµ¥´ÊÇ°¡£theÊǶ¨¹Ú´Ê£¬±íÌØÖ¸¡£±¾ÌâÇ°Ò»¾äÊǸÐ̾¾ä£¬honestÒÔÔªÒôÒôËØ¿ªÍ·£¬ÐèÓÃan£»ºóÒ»¾äbestÊÇÐÎÈÝ´Ê×î¸ß¼¶£¬ÐèÓö¨¹Ú´ÊtheÐÞÊΡ£¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâºÍÓï¾³£¬¿É֪ѡB¡£

¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÈ˽̰æ2017-2018ѧÄêÆßÄ꼶ӢÓïÏÂUnit 4µ¥Ôª¼ì²â ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

I think English is useful language, and it¡¯s also important language.

A. an, a B. a, an C. an, the D. a, the

B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ÊÔÌâ·ÖÎö£º¾äÒ⣺ÎÒÈÏΪӢÓïÊÇÒ»¸öÓÐÓõÄÓïÑÔ£¬²¢ÇÒËüÒ²ÊÇÒ»ÃÅÖØÒªµÄÓïÑÔ¡£·ÖÎö£º¿¼²é¹Ú´ÊµÄÓ÷¨£¬Ö»ÊÇÖ¸ÆäÖеÄÒ»¸ö£¬Òò´ËÓò»¶¨¹Ú´Êa/an, usefulÊÇÒÔ¸¨ÒôÒô±ê¿ªÍ·µÄµ¥´Ê£¬Óò»¶¨¹Ú´Êa; importantÊÇÒÔÔªÒôÒô±ê¿ªÍ·µÄµ¥´Ê£¬Òò´ËÓò»¶¨¹Ú´Êan.¹ÊÑ¡B


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÌì½òÊкӶ«Çø2018½ì¾ÅÄ꼶ÉÏѧÆÚÆÚÄ©¿¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

I like soft music. It relaxing.

A. listens B. sounds C. hears D. listens to

B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺ÎÒϲ»¶ÇáÈáµÄÒôÀÖ¡£ÌýÆðÀ´ºÜ·ÅËÉ¡£A. listensÌý£¬²»¼°Îﶯ´Ê£»B. soundsÌýÆðÀ´£¬Ïµ¶¯´Ê£»C. hearsÌý¼û£¬Ç¿µ÷½á¹û£»D. listens toÌý£¬Ç¿µ÷¶¯´Ê¡£relaxingΪÐÎÈÝ´Ê£¬Ç°ÃæÒªÓÃϵ¶¯´Ê£¬¹¹³Éϵ±í½á¹¹£¬¹Ê´ð°¸ÎªB¡£


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Our English teacher, Tom Black, has four good friends. They are John, Kitty, David and Amy.

John is a train conductor. He has worked on the railway for 28 years. It has always been a good job for him because he likes people. John is very helpful and tries to make the passengers comfortable. He often stops to talk with the passengers. He likes his work because he can travel to many different places.

Kitty is a nurse in a small town. She has been a nurse for four years. She likes her work very much. This month she is helping mothers with their new babies.

David is a taxi driver. He has driven a taxi for 22 years. Most of the time David likes his work. He has taken many film and television stars to the airport. He is cheerful and smiles a lot, and his passengers like him. He makes a good living and supports a family of four.

Amy is a teacher in a high school. She teaches French. She has 33 students in her class, 15 boys and 18 girls. She likes her students, and her students like her. She is very kind and helps them a lot. She is always proud of being a teacher.

1.John likes his job because ________.

A. he has met many film and television stars B. he makes a good living

C. he has worked on the railway for 28 years D. he can go to many different places

2.Amy ________, so her students like her.

A. often travels with her students by train B. often stops to talk with her students

C. is kind-hearted and helpful D. can make friends with many film stars

3.Which of the following is true?

A. Kitty has helped mothers with their new babies for four years.

B. Kitty became a nurse four years ago.

C. There are thirty-three students in Kitty¡¯s class.

D. With Kitty¡¯s help, the passengers can feel comfortable on the train.

4.The word ¡°support¡± means ¡°_______¡± in the passage.

A. ¼ÓÇ¿ B. ¼¤Àø C. Óµ»¤ D. ¹©Ñø

5.From the passage, we learn that ________ enjoy their work all the time.

A. John, Kitty and David B. Amy, John and Kitty

C. All of Tom¡¯s four friends D. David, Kitty and Amy

1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿Tom BlackÊÇһλӢÓïÀÏʦ£¬ËûÓÐËĸöºÃÅóÓÑ·Ö±ðÊÇJohn, Kitty, David ºÍAmy¡£¶ÌÎĽéÉÜÁË4¸öÈ˵IJ»Í¬Ö°Òµ£¬ËûÃǶ¼Ï²»¶×Ô¼ºµÄ¹¤×÷¡£ 1.ϸ½ÚÀí½âÌâ¡£¸ù¾ÝÎÄÖоä×Ó¡°He likes his work because he can travel to many different places.¡±...


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The boy under the tree has big eyes and a square face. He looks ________.

A. pretty B. dangerous C. handsome D. beautiful

C ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺Ê÷ϵÄÄǸöÄк¢ÓÐһ˫´óÑÛ¾¦ºÍÒ»ÕÅ·½Á³¡£Ëû¿´ÆðÀ´ºÜ˧¡£A. prettyƯÁÁµÄ£¬´ÏÃ÷µÄ£¬¶àÓÃÀ´ÐÎÈÝСŮº¢£»B. dangerousΣÏյģ»C. handsome˧ÆøµÄ£¬Ó¢¿¡µÄ£¬ÐÎÈÝÄÐÊ¿ºÃ¿´£»D. beautifulƯÁÁµÄ¡£¿ÉÒÔÐÎÈÝÈ˺ÍÊÂÎï/·ç¾°£¬ÐÎÈÝÈ˵Äʱºò¶àÓÃÓÚÅ®×Ó¡£¹Ê´ð°¸ÎªC¡£


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2017-2018ѧÄê°ËÄ꼶ӢÓïÈ˽̣¨Ï£©Unit 2µ¥Ôª¼ì²â ÌâÐÍ£ºÍêÐÍÌî¿Õ

One day, Peter had a fight with one of his classmates. Then he went to his grandfather and told him his story_____.¡°He is really bad£¬¡±the boy said, ¡°and I_____him.¡±

The grandfather said,¡°______me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I too, sometimes hated others for what they did.¡±

As Peter______carefully, the grandfather went on.¡°There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is_____and kind. He gets on well______everything around him. But______is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason. He can¡¯t think carefully______he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control£¨¿ØÖÆ£©me.¡±

Peter looked into his grandfather¡¯s______and asked,¡°______tiger always controls you, Grandfather?¡±

The old man said slowly and seriously,¡°The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom£¨ºÜÉÙ£©get angry now.¡±

1.A. happily B. friendly C. hardly D. angrily

2.A. love B. hate C. know D. enjoy

3.A. Make B. Help C. Let D. Ask

4.A. saw B. felt C. talked D. listened

5.A. good B. bad C. lazy D. quiet

6.A. at B. on C. with D. about

7.A. other B. others C. another D. the other

8.A. because B. though C. before D. but

9.A. eyes B. ears C. nose D. mouth

10.A. Who B. Which C. Where D. When

1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ÊÔÌâ·ÖÎö£ºÕâƪ¶ÌÎÄÖ÷Òª½éÉÜÁËÒ»¸öÄк¢ºÍͬѧ³³¼ÜºóÏò×游Ëß˵£¬×游¾Í¸øËû½²ÁËÒ»¸ö¹ÊÊ£¬Í¨¹ý¹ÊÊÂÊÇÄк¢Ã÷°×£¬Èç¹ûÄã×ÜÊÇÉúÆø£¬ÄÇô»µÐÄÇé¾Í»á¿ØÖÆÄã¡£ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9....


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º¸£½¨Ê¡ÈªÖÝ̨ÉÌͶ×ÊÇø2017-2018ѧÄê°ËÄ꼶ÉÏѧÆÚÆÚÄ©½ÌѧÖÊÁ¿¼ì²âÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£º²¹È«¶ÌÎÄ5Ñ¡5

1. We must take care of it. We should keep the land, air and water clean. Pollution(ÎÛȾ) is a ¡°dirty¡± word. 2. Pollution comes in many forms. We can see it, smell it and drink it. Pollution harms our health and even our life.

People have been polluting the Earth, such as made a fire, washed his clothes in the rivers and threw his rubbish on the ground. Many years ago, the problem was not so serious, because there were not so many people. 3. But now the land was used up or the river was dirty in a place, man moved to another place. So now the whole world is slowly polluted.

When talking about pollution, we once only meant the air pollution. Air pollution is the most dangerous now. 4. We are glad that the public are paying more attention to the dangers of pollution. 5.

A. There still was lots of clean air, land and water.

B. And more and more people are working hard to get rid of(Ïû³ý) it

C. The Earth is our home.

D. but there still is water pollution and noise pollution and so on.

E. Pollution means making things dirty..

1.C 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ÎÄÕ½²ÊöÁ˵ØÇòÎÛȾµÄÊÂÇé¡£ 1.¸ù¾ÝWe must take care of it. We should keep the land, air and water clean. ºÍÑ¡Ïî¹ÊÑ¡C 2.¸ù¾ÝPollution(ÎÛȾ) is a ¡°dirty¡± wordºÍÑ¡Ïî¹ÊÑ¡E 3.¸ù¾ÝMany years...


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There ______ a tennis game tomorrow. Let¡¯s go and cheer our team on.

A. is going to have B. is going to be C. will have

B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺Ã÷ÌìÓÐÒ»³¡ÍøÇò±ÈÈü£¬ÈÃÎÒÃÇÈ¥¸øÎÒÃǵĶӼÓÓÍ°É¡£there be µÄ½«À´Ê±Ì¬£¬there is going to be£»¹ÊÑ¡B


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÅ£½òÒëÁÖ°æÓ¢Óï°ËÄ꼶ϲá Unit1 Past and presentµ¥Ôª²âÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁµ¥Ñ¡

Three people were walking along the street£¬first a big man£¬then a pretty woman£®and then an old gentleman£®The first two went around the corner£®Suddenly the gentleman saw a piece of paper on the ground£®He picked it up£®It was fire pounds£®A few seconds later£¬the young woman

came back£®She was crying£®¡®I have lost five pounds£¬¡¯she said£®

¡®Don¡¯t cry£¬¡¯said the gentleman£®¡®Here it is£®¡¯The young woman thanked him and went away£®After a few seconds£¬the big man came back£®He was looking for something£®Suddenly a window opened and a short man looked out£®¡®I saw five pounds fall from your pocket£¬¡¯he said£¬¡®but that man gave it to a young woman£®¡¯The big man was very angry£®The gentleman was frightened and gave him another five pounds£®When the gentleman had gone£¬the young woman came back to get her one pound and sixty-seven pence£¬and the short man came out to get his£®

1.The short man said________£®

A. he saw the big man drop five pounds

B. the old mart kept the lost money

C. the pretty woman drop five pounds

D. he found himself drop five pounds

2._________really lost money£®

A. The big man B. The pretty woman

C. The short man D. The old gentleman

3.How many pounds did they get by cheating(ÆÚÆ­)?

A. Six£® B. Five£® C. Four£® D. Three£®

4.The gentleman________

A. was very clever and strong B. did a very good deed(ºÃÊÂ)

C. was very kind but not brave D. had plenty of money

1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¶ÌÎÄ´óÒ⣺±¾ÎĽ²ÊöÁËÈý¸öÆ­×ӺϻïÆÛƭһλÀÏÏÈÉúÇ®µÄ¹ÊÊ¡£ 1.¸ù¾ÝµÚ¶þ¶ÎµÚ¶þ¡¢ÈýÐÐSuddenly a window opened and a short man looked out£®¡®I saw five pounds fall from your pocket£¬¡¯he said...¿ÉÖª£¬°«¸ö×Ó˵Ëû¿´¼ûÄǸö´ó¸ö×ÓµôÁËÎå°õ¡£...

