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“Which meal do we all need most, breakfast, lunch or dinner?” Miss Baker asks. Boys and girls wave their hands in the air. They know the answer.
“What do you think, Jim?” Miss Baker asks.
“Dinner,” Jim answers.
“Dinner is the big meal of the day,” says Miss Baker. “But I don’t think we need it most.”
Tom puts up his hands. “ Do we need lunch most?”
“No,” says Miss Baker. “We need breakfast most.”“Why is this so?”
“From night to morning is a long time to go without food,” says Ann.
“That’s right,” says Miss Baker. “We need food every morning. What may happen to us if we have no breakfast?”
The students have many answers to give.
“We may feel hungry.”
“We may not feel like working.”
“We may feel sick.”
“Yes, you are right,” says Miss Baker. “Now let’s talk about what makes a good breakfast. Give me your answers. I will write them on the blackboard.”
小题1:____ are discussing (讨论) eating.
The mother and children         B. Some of the boys and girls
C. The teacher and her students     D. A group of friends
小题2:Miss Baker thinks ______ is a big meal of the day.
A.breakfastB.lunch C.dinnerD.picnic
小题3:Why is breakfast the most important meal?   Because_____.
A.it is the last meal
B.there are usually a lot of nice things to eat at breakfast.
C.people like to enjoy food before going to work.
D.from night to morning is a long time to go without food.


小题1:本题有一句是The students have many answers to give.意思为学生们有许多如果我们不吃早餐会发生什么事的答案,所以本文主要是老师和学生们谈论一日三餐,哪餐最重要的话题,故本题选C。
小题2:本文老师说了一句We need breakfast most.意思为我们最需要早餐,因为晚上到早上有很长时间没有进食,所以老师认为早餐应该是一天中最丰盛的一餐,故本题选A。
小题3:本文有一句From night to morning is a long time to go without food,意思为人从晚上到早上身体运行了很长时间都没有进食,所以说早餐最重要,故本题选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

After our hospital visit, my husband and I needed cheering up, so we thought we would treat ourselves to a big breakfast at our favorite restaurant. While we were waiting for our meals, we decided to use all our small change and make our wallets light, so we counted it out as we waited.
I vaguely(含糊地) remember seeing a man sitting nearby. When our meals arrived, we found a note. It read,” Your breakfast has been paid for. Hope you have a lovely day.”
It was a wonderful surprise as nothing like that had ever happened to us. He must have thought we could hardly pay the bill. We looked around to thank him, but he had left. As retirees(退休者),we were grateful for the help like this, but it was the kindness of a total stranger that meant so much more to us.
小题1:The old couple went to restaurant for a big breakfast in order to _______.
A.become happierB.become healthier
C.become lighterD.become younger
小题2:What have you learnt from the story?
A.The old couple couldn’t afford the meal.
B.The old couple paid the meal by small change.
C.The old couple had a free meal in the end
D.The old couple bought the man a big breakfast
小题3:Clearly, the man sitting near the couple was _______.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was quite late at night. I was reading a newspaper in my room when I heard someone knocking at the door. I opened it and saw a young man with glasses standing there. Of course, I didn’t know him. He said that he was a friend of my sister’s and wanted to have a talk with her. I wanted to know if my sister had such a friend,but I had to let him in.
As he talked, I found that he knew nothing about my sister. Then I came to know that his words were not true. Suddenly my sister came back and the young man was so surprised that he didn’t know what to do for a moment. I caught the man by the arm at once while my sister was calling the police.
(  ) 1. This happened _____.
A. on one morning              B. on one afternoon
C. on one evening               D. on one night
(  ) 2. There _____ in the room when someone was knocking at the door.
A. was one person                     B. were two persons
C. were three persons                D. were four persons
(  ) 3. The writer saw the young man for the _____ time.
A. first      B. second          C. third      D. fourth
(  ) 4. The young man _____.
A. was a friend of the writer’s    B. was a friend of his sister’s
C. was a stranger to them       D. both A and B
(  ) 5. The young man was _____ when he saw the writer’s sister.
A. sad       B. surprised      C. happy        D. sorry


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Marry is eight years old now. This autumn she begins to go to school. She likes her teachers and has some friends. She studies hard and is good at her classes. So we think she’s a good girl.
It’s Sunday today. It’s fine and after breakfast the girl and her parents are going to the zoo. She likes to watch the animals very much. Now they’re standing at the bus stop and waiting for the bus. She sees her friend Jim and his grandpa there.
"Good morning, grandpa!" says the girl. "Are you going to the zoo, too?"
"Yes, we are," says the old man. Then he says to Mary’s father, "You have a polite daughter. How old is she?"
"Eight, grandpa." answers the girl.
"Eight?" the old man says with a smile. "But you’re shorter than my stick!"
"How old is your stick, then?" says the girl.
小题1:Mary is a ________.
小题2: Mary is in Grade _______ now.
小题3:We think Mary is a good girl because _________.
A.she’s only eightB.she has some friends
C.she likes her teacherD.she’s good at her classes
小题4:Mary and her parents are going to the zoo by _________.
小题5: Mary’s parents and the girl are going the zoo because _________.
A.they like to watch the animalsB.it’s fine today
C.the zoo is near their houseD.Jim and his grandpa are going there, too


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My    1   is Mary. I    2    eleven. Ted is my friend.     3   is thirteen. We    4  in the same(相同的) school. My     5   is a teacher(老师). She is a teacher in    6   school. My dad is a teacher,   7   . He is an    8   teacher in a college (大学). I have a cat.    9    name is Mimi. It is white and black. It’s a nice cat. We are good   10  .
(       ) 1. A. sister         B. friend          C. name
(       ) 2. A. is              B. are                 C. am
(       ) 3. A.I           B. He              C. She
(       ) 4. A. is             B. are               C. am
(       ) 5. A. dad            B. mom             C. teacher
(       ) 6. A. my             B. his                 C. hers
(       ) 7. A. to             B. too                 C. but
(       ) 8. A. tall           B. strong              C. English
(       ) 9. A. It’s           B. Its                 C. Hers
(       ) 10. A. friend        B. friends             C. friend’s


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

As we know,there     1   four seasons in China . It’s    2     in spring(春), hot in   3     , cool in autumn(秋) and cold in    4    . My    5  season is winter. Sometimes it snows(下雪). Everything is all white. The world    6    clean and fresh(新鲜). I can go skating then.
But Kitty likes summer     7     than winter. She says summer is    8     for sports. She can go   9    ,  sometimes in a lake and sometimes in a river. She    10   it very much .
1. A.  have           B. is             C. are             D. be
2. A.  warm          B. cool          C. cold           D. hot
3. A.  spring         B. summer      C. autumn       D. winter
4. A.  spring         B. summer      C. autumn       D. winter
5. A.  best            B. better         C. like best      D. favourite
6. A.  looks          B. watches      C. sees            D. looks at
7. A.  good           B. well          C. better          D. best
8. A.  bad            B. good           C. well         D. very
9. A.  swiming      B. swim          C. to swim      D. swimming
10. A.  enjoy         B. enjoys         C. wants         D. like


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I used to travel by air a great deal when I was a boy. My parents used to live in South America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays. An airhostess would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience. I am used to traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. While we were waiting to land, an airhostess told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened. Later we learned that there was a very important person on board. The police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane. After we had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly(被彻底搜查). Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again.
(      ) 1. The writer used to fly much when he was a boy.
(      ) 2. The writer’s parents used to live in South Africa.
(      ) 3. While they were waiting to land, an airhostess told them to be calm.
(      ) 4. Nine hours later they could take off again.
(      ) 5. There was really a bomb on the plane.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Mom and Dad,
I will go to Alice’s home with her after school, and I will have supper and sleep there. Don’t    21   about me. You know that Alice is one of my    22  friends. If you want to talk with me, you can    23   68610598 after 6:00 pm.
Please forgive me for not telling you first. I don’t think you will    24 me to do so if I tell you first.   25  I think teenagers should be allowed to stay at their friends’ houses sometimes. I am sixteen years old and I’m not a little kid    26 . I hope I can make decisions for    27  .
At home, there are too many   28  for me to obey: Don’t stay out so    29  ; don’t have meals before    30   hands; don’t watch TV without finishing homework, etc. Parents should be    31   teenagers, but we need freedom, too.
I don’t like doing my homework    32   at home. I’d love to study    33   Alice. We can learn a lot from each other.    34   please allow me to stay at Alice’s house once a week. If you    35  , Alice can stay at our house with me, too.
A.UnlessB.OrC.ButD.Even though
A.anymoreB.eitherC.neitherD.no longer
A.ideaB.opinionC.things D.rules
A.lateB.earlyC.hardly D.exactly
A.afraid ofB.interested inC.strict withD.angry with
A.alongB.aloneC.lonely D.own
A.OrB.AlthoughC.So D.Because


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A couple of years ago, I went to a lady’s house to buy some medicine. Upon entering the house, I  36 that there was a piano in the living room beside the wall.Being a piano music lover and player, I asked if the woman played. She said “Yes” and   37 that she had been taking lessons—at the age of 54!
“I have been  38 for 8 years now.” I said, after hearing her words.
“Then you must play a song for me before you leave,” she requested(请求).
I thought she was kidding and I  39 smiled. When I had bought the medicine, she asked me to play some music. I thought for a moment and 40  to play David Lanz’s Return to the Heart,   41 she had so much passion(热情)for and interest in music, and it’s one of my favourite songs.
I played the song to the best of my ability(能力), putting as much emotion into it as possible. She  42 it. As I was about to step out of the door, I heard a weak voice calling, “Young man!”
I  43 , and saw an old lady taking one little step at a time with the help of another woman. “I wanted to come out to thank you for the  44 song that you played. I have been very sick, and it’s very hard for me to get out of bed, but I really wanted to thank you for the song. It made me feel good.” she said. With that, she turned around and walked slowly back to her room.
I was deeply touched by her  45  and felt a deeper understanding for the song. It was  46  to its name, returning to one’s heart to  47 and joy. 
A.turned aroundB.looked upC.ran awayD.went on

