精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
1. It took me about three hours to get to the seaside on foot. That made me stressed out.
    I was very                                                             about three hours to the seaside.
2. You must be careful of the passing cars when you cross the roads.
    You must                                             the passing cars when you go               the roads.
3. Let's warmly welcome the policeman to talk about laws for us.
    Let's               a                                              the policeman who will talk about the laws for us.
4. Now it's possible for me to get a good job.
    Now I am                                                         to get a good job.
5. His parents are having their holidays in Hainan Island.
    His parents are               some time               in Hainan Island.
1. tired after walking for
2. look out for, across
3. give, warm welcome to
4. in with a chance
5. spending off

科目:初中英语 来源:广东省竞赛题 题型:句型转换


1. The newspaper says the price of houses will continue to rise.
    It _______ _______ that the price of houses will continue to _______ _______.
2. We don't have to leave so early.
    There is _______ _______ _______ _______ to leave so early.
3. I visited a specific house last Sunday. I will remember it forever.
    I will _______ remember the specific house _______ _______ _______ last Sunday.
4. His Chinese has improved a lot since he came to China.
    He has _______ great _______ in Chinese since he came to China.
5. I expect to go to your party.
    I am _______ _______ _______ _______ to your party.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

1. 他们游泳游了多久了?
    How long _______ they _______ _______?
2. 他从到家起就一直在看电视。
    He has been watching TV since he _______ _______.
3. 谁是第一个开始做作业的呢?
    Who was the first _______ _______ _______ homework?
4. 学生们正在为筹集善款而滑冰。
    Students are skating to_______ money _______ _______.
5. 他们已经工作整整一个星期了。
    They have been working for _______ _______ _______.


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省期末题 题型:翻译题

1. 我家在华联超市和博物馆中间。   
     My home is _____Hualian Supermarket _____ the museum.
2. 在中国南方的人以大米为主食。    
    The people in the south of China _____。
3. 你找到那个充满花的房子了吗?
    Have you found the house ______?
4. 沿着南京路一直走,然后在第一个路口右拐。    
    Please _____along Nanjing Road, and then turn right at the first turning.
5. 他从来没有去过伦敦。    
    He _____ London.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 他想加入篮球俱乐部。

   He                            the basketball club.

2. 我们学校去北戴河旅游需要帮忙。

   We need                   our Beidaihe School Trip.

3. 我们都喜欢我们的英语老师,因为她的英语真的很棒。

   We all like our English teacher          her English is                    .

4. 在我家,我爸爸每天早晨第一个起床。

   In my family, my father is                   to get up.

5. 想着写封信告诉我关于你们学校的情况。

   Remember to write a letter                   me          your school.

6. 这个孩子现在有八颗牙了。

   The baby                           now. 

