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Even though she’s quite young, Drew Barrymore can be a Hollywood legend (传奇). She was born on February 22, 1975, in California. Being from a family that produced great actors, she quickly found her way into the spotlight (聚光灯).

When she was 11 months old, she made her first advertisement on TV. She made her first movie at the age of 2. Five years later, she acted Gertie in Steven Spielberg’s famous film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial(1982).

However, it wasn’t all roses and sunshine when Barrymore was growing up. She was drinking wine by the time she was 9, smoking marijuana (大麻) at 10.

Most kid stars in Hollywood fail to become stars as adults. And most of the time, once they’re out of the spotlight, they stay out. But Drew Barrymore doesn’t.

As she was growing older, Barrymore started to realize that life is more meaningful than dangerous actions in the films. She started to build a career in 1997. She has made a series of successful films since then, including Charlie’s Angels (2000) and 50 First Dates (2004).

“In my life, there is darkness and drama, and I have yet to explore some of that in my work life. I just want to challenge (挑战) myself and prove that I can do more.”

Actually, anyone who’s not familiar with her disordered childhood might find it hard to believe she’s such a sweet person now. Like many of the characters she plays in her comedy, Drew is easy-going and laughs a lot. In 2007, she was on the cover of People magazine’s 100 Most Beautiful People issue.

“Life is very interesting … in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths,” Drew said.

1.Drew Barrymore can be a Hollywood legend mainly because .

A. she didn’t give up even when she met difficulties

B. she used to be a famous kid star in Hollywood

C. she always has roses and sunshine in her life

D. she was born form a family that produced great actors

2. Which is the correct order of Drew Barrymore’s life?

①She made the film Charlie’s Angels.

②She is on the cover of People magazine’s 100 Most Beautiful People issue.

③ She started to drink wine and smoke marifuana.

④ She acted Gertie in Steven Spielberg’s famous film E.T. the Extra- Terrestrial.

A. ①④②③ B. ④②①③

C. ④③①② D. ①③②④

3.Which of the following chart can best describe Drew Barrymore’s career (till 2007) ?


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡市九年级3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

His speech was so _________ that it made me feel _________.

A. bored; asleep B. boring; asleep

C. boring; sleepy D. bored; sleeping


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏省扬州宝应县九年级一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The following is an advertisement looking for the teachers for the summer camp in Beijing .

Teach in Beijing this July

Teach University Students-7openings

Subjects needed: Public Speaking, Western Holiday, Western Literature. Western Culture(4weeks) or Writing (2weeks) MA (硕士)Preferred.

Teach English Camp-10 openings

Teach students from 12-17 years old learn in a fun, English camp environment. Live in a university campus. Teaching experience required( 4-6 weeks)

Teach Middle School -8 openings

4 Interns(实习生): Be a conversation partner and activities leader in a fun, English camp environment.

4 Teachers: Bachelor’s degree(本科) required(3weeks)


Good Health, Team Player

Email errc@errchina.com for information and application.

1.How many teachers do they need in the advertisement?

A. 8 B. 25 C. 29 D. 33

2. Lili wants to get some teaching experience before she gets her Bachelor’sdegree in Englishshe canapply(申请) to teach ______.

A. University Students B. inEnglish Camp

C.in Middle School D. Interns

3.Timmy got an interview reply which question do you think is most probably askedin hisinterview?

A. Are you a teacher or a student now?

B. How many children do you have?

C. Are you married or not now ?

D. Why are you putting on weight?


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏建湖汇文实验初中九年级下第一次质监英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

On Mother's Day, many children presents of love to their mothers.

A. receive B. make C. send D. Lend


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏海安县城东镇韩洋初级中学九年级上学业质量英语试卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空


1.The man kept remembering English words every day until he was in his _______ .

2.The 2014 APEC summit was held in Beijing.

3.Ma yun is one of the man in our country today.

4.During National Holiday,we took a trip to hangzhou,but too many people there made the trip a little .

5.The policemen said that they would work hard to find those ________.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏海安县城东镇韩洋初级中学九年级上学业质量英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We are asked to write ________article in today’s writing class.

A. a 800-hundred-word B. an 800-hundred-words

C. an 800-hundred-word D. a 800-hundred-words


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏海安县城东镇韩洋初级中学九年级上学业质量英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I believe her acting skills will become better in the future.

A. a lot of B. much more

C. even more D. far


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏高邮市五校九年级3月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Never come late again,_______ ? — Sorry,___________ .

A. will you ; I won’t B. won’t you; I will

C. don’t you; I don’t D. do you; I know


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏大丰市九年级下第一次调研检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.She may be angry if you don’t _______ (回答)to her invitation.

2.I don’t think this pair of jeans fits you ________(好).

3. It’s quite dangerous to drive _________ (穿越)the traffic lights.

4. _________(锻炼)regularly is a wise choice for you.

5.The stair is too _______(狭窄) for the fat man to go through.

6.The man has been ________(die) for 11 years.

7.Guangzhou is a _______(south)city that attracts lots of visitors.

8.If you are in a blue mood, you can do your hobbies to cheer ________ ( you) up, boys.

9.The old couple has been _________(marry) for 50 years.

10.This is one of the most famous (hero) names. It is often seen in newspapers.

