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Exercise not only improves your appearance(外貌, 外观), but also improves your health.

Health experts (专家)advise people to choose physical activities that they find fun.1.那么,在美国最受欢迎的一些锻炼形式是什么?

Walking tops the list. It is considered to be the way to get exercise. You can walk at any time and any place. Walking is also said to be the least harmful to the knees and feet. So, it’s a perfect choice for the old.

Another popular form of exercise is jogging (慢跑). 2. In the 1970s. Bill Bowerman brought jogging to the USA. He did so after seeing the popularity of the activity during a trip to New Zealand in the 1960s. He started the first jogging club in America. He also helped and found Nike.

Swimming is also very popular. It was the second most popular sporting activity in America in 2008. The top activity was walking. When one is swimming, the whole body is put to work. 3. It is said that swimming is good for people with special needs, like pregnant(怀孕的) women.

Dancing can also be a fun way to exercise. 4. This is especially true for those who see exercise as something that they should do. A dance fitness programme called Zumba has grown in popularity in recent (最近的) years. It was created by Alberto. Perez in Colombia in the 1990s. In 2001, he brought the programme to the USA. 5. 自从那时起,它就传到了全世界。







1Then what is the most popular form of exercise in America?

2 20 世纪 70 年代,比尔·鲍尔曼把慢跑带到了美国。



5Since then, it has been spread around the world.



1根据then那么,the most popular最受欢迎的,form of exercise 锻炼方式,in America在美国;最受欢迎的锻炼方式the most popular form of exercise,单数,用is;故答案是:Then what is the most popular form of exercise in America?

2根据in the 1970s20世纪70年代,bring sth to把某物带到某地;故答案是:在20世纪70 年代,比尔·鲍尔曼把慢跑带到了美国。

3根据it is said 据说,swim游泳,做句子主语时用动名词swimmingbe good for 对……有好处,people with special needs有特殊需要的人,like pregnant(怀孕的) women像孕妇;故答案是:据说游泳对于有特殊需要的人来说是有好处的,比如说怀孕的妇女。

4根据especially true特备正确的,see sth as把……看做……,something that they should do他们应该做的事情;故答案是:对于那些把锻炼当做他们应该要做的事情的人来说,这是特别正确的。

5根据since then自从那时候起,be spread around the world被传播到全世界;故答案是:Since then, it has been spread around the world.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 今年的423日为世界图书日( World Book Day)。为响应其享受阅读带来的乐趣的宗旨,你校将于423日学校图书馆举办读书节”,届时将邀请老师分享好书,并请同学分享阅读感悟。现请你向全校同学发出参加读书节的倡议,鼓励大家多读书读好书。





Dear schoolmates,

It's my honor to invite you to join the Book Day in our school.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation

A.The watch has been returned to its rightful owner.

B.The wounded man finally opened his eyes.

C.He removed his hand from her shoulder.

D.Finding a volunteer to wrote the computer program isn’t a problem.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 You may have seen a talking parrot on a TV show, in a movie, or even in someone's home. The parrot has learned to copy sounds that people make. Birds are not the only animals that can copy the noises they hear. Dolphins, bats, and some apes (猿猴) also copy sounds. Now we can add elephants to this list of copycats (盲目模仿者).

Dr. Joyce Poole is a zoologist. She studies the sounds of elephants. While she was in Kenya, she would hear strange noises made by Mlaika, a 10-year-old elephant, after sunset.

Mlaika lived near a highway. Dr. Poole says, "I could not tell the difference between Mlaika's call and the distant (远处的) truck noise." She and other scientists studied Mlaika's sounds. It turned out that Mlaika was copying the sounds of the trucks driving by. Why would Mlaika copy trucks that she heard going by on the highway? Animals that are able to copy sounds may enjoy practicing new sounds. When they are kept outside of their natural environment, they may copy unusual sounds. That may be why an elephant would copy the sound of a truck.

"Mlaika was not the only copycat elephant," Dr. Poole says. Calimero is a 23-year-old male (雄性的) African elephant. He spent 18 years with two female (雌性的) Asian elephants. Asian elephants make chirping sounds (sounds made by birds) to talk with another. African elephants usually do not make chirping sounds. But Calimero now does. He is copying his Asian elephant friends. Dr. Poole says that elephants need to form bonds with their family and friends. She says, "They make sounds to communicate with each other. When they are separated, they use sounds to keep in touch.”

Parrots, dolphins, humans and elephants show that being copycat is one way that animals and people make new friends and keep old ones.

1According to the passage, what does Mlaika copy?

A.The sound of people.B.The sounds of trucks.C.The sounds of birds.

2Why is Calimero mentioned in the passage?

A.To show the cleverness of African elephants.

B.To introduce a special life skill of Asian elephants.

C.To add another example of copycat elephants.

3From Para 4, we can know________.

A.how Asian and African elephants are alike.

B.why the African elephant can make chirping sounds.

C.why the Asian elephants make noises after sunset.

4What does underlined word “bonds” mean?


5What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Elephants are also copycats.B.What an elephant can do.C.The sounds of elephants.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Wood is useful in our lives. Paper is made ________ wood. And sometimes wood can be made ________ desks and chairs.

A.of; ofB.of; intoC.from; into


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 1. How much money do you spend every week? Write it down on your notebook. Then you will know how to manage your money. It’s best to plan to spend money buying useful things. So you can put your money into good use.

2. Invite your friends to your house instead of going out to a restaurant. You can enjoy home-made food and play games together. It’s an excellent way to have fun, and at a lower cost.

3. Try to save most of your pocket money. Some people don’t mind their pocket money. That’s wrong. If you save just 5 yuan a week, you can have lots of money put in a bank. With the pocket money you save, you can do lots of meaningful things.

4. Instead of buying tea or coffee with a meal, drink water. It is widely known that water is the most popular drink in the world. It is good for your health. Drinking water makes you full of energy and it also saves money.

5. Walking is a great way to get some exercise and save money. This is a lifestyle that costs nothing. You’d better choose to walk rather than drive as much as possible. Doing this, not only can you feel good about enjoying the fresh air, but you can spend time exercising a lot.

根据以上各段的陈述内容, 从方框中选出各段恰当的小标题。

A.Drink water more.

B.Enjoy food at home.

C.Plan what you spend.

D.Walk rather than drive.

E.Save your pocket money.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Are you sniffling, sneezing or coughing? If so, you might have a virus(病毒). Viruses can make you sick. Colds are caused by viruses. Scientists have a question about viruses. They want to know: Is a virus a living thing? Not all scientists agree on the answer.

Some illnesses are caused by bacteria (细菌). Scientists think bacteria are alive. They are very, very small. Still, they do many things that living things do. They take in nutrients(营养), just as people do by eating. Then they make more bacteria. After a while, they die. Viruses are different. To make more viruses, they take over the cells of other creatures( ) because viruses need proteins(蛋白质) to survive(存活) but they cannot make proteins on their own. So they have to spread disease to people and other animals, then the virus can make proteins, which lets it make more of itself. That is one reason why some scientists say viruses are not alive. Living things can make their own proteins. Viruses cannot.

Other scientists disagree. They say viruses are alive. These scientists argue that many living things need a host. Parasites(寄生虫) are one example. They are living things. Yet they can only survive in a host. An example of a host would be a human or a dog. Viruses are not so different.

It does not really matter if viruses are alive or not. That is just a undecided question that scientists have for fun. However, there are plenty of good reasons to study viruses. Scientists want to learn more about how they work.

1You could have a virus if you________.

A.feel sleepyB.have some parasitesC.have a cold

2How do viruses make proteins?

A.By taking in nutrients.

B.By making proteins by themselves.

C.By bringing disease to people and other animals

3The underlined word take over means________.


4Why do some scientists think viruses are alive?

A.Because viruses also need to depend on other creatures to live.

B.Because viruses have to use proteins to make more viruses.

C.Because viruses don’t need a host at all.

5Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Not only viruses but also bacteria can make people fall ill.

B.For scientists, it is still unknown whether viruses are alive or not now.

C.After spreading disease to people, the number of viruses will become smaller.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



Everyone ________ ________ ________ the ability to learn.


They are a symbol of ________ and good ________.


________ ________ ________ ________ ________, he is good at English.


Tea is picked ________ ________.


I ________ ________ get up ________ 6 am.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Worries about the exam and the lack (缺少) of sleep will drive me mad!

Take it easy. Your best work only comes after your brain _________.

A.is well restedB.rest wellC.will rest well

