精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


possible     refuse      use       worry       her    
【小题1】David was badly hurt in the accident, so we were very _______ about him.
【小题2】Lily’s family can’t afford her education. So she always teaches _______.
【小题3】They invited me to the party, but I had to________ because I was very busy.
【小题4】It is bad for our eyes to watch TV too much . I think it’s ________ true.
【小题5】Did she ________to have long hair when she was in Grade Seven?


【小题1】句意:戴维在事故中严重受伤,所以我们对他非常担心。Be worried about为····而担心,所以填写worried。
【小题2】句意:莉莉的家庭负担不起她的学费。所以她总自学。Teach oneself自学,she为第三人称单数,所以填写herself。
【小题5】句意:她在七年级的时候常留长发,是吗?过去常常used to,前面有助动词did,所以填写use。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


【小题1】Alice is                     than her sister.
【小题2】What can we do to                     the environment around us?
【小题3】We do the                      shopping every Sunday.
【小题4】I                    with Lucy on many things though we’re good friends.
【小题5】I have many                , such as playing the guitar and growing flowers.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

be from,  busy ,  work,  any,  job,  kind of,  meaning,  America,  excite,  hardly
Mary is an【小题1】doctor. She is now in China. She【小题2】 in a hospital in Hangzhou. She is also learning Chinese medicine(医学) there. She likes Chinese medicine very much. She loves to work for the patients(病人), because it’s【小题3】. She works【小题4】in the day and reads English books on Chinese medicine at night. She learns Chinese from Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak【小题5】Chinese. She can read some Chinese, too.
Her husband John【小题6】 America, too. He is a policeman. He works in a police station in Hangzhou, too. He works hard, too. He’s very【小题7】. He works on Saturdays and Sundays. His work is【小题2】     dangerous, but he says, “I love my【小题9】very much. It’s【小题3】 and I can work for the people.”


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


quiet,  leave ,   hundred,  health,  mean
【小题1】Jim is never _________. He can’t stop talking.
【小题2】What does this word ______in Chinese ? Let’s look it up in the dictionary .
【小题3】Her daughter is __________ for Hong Kong next Tuesday.
【小题4】There are about nine___________ students in our school.
【小题5】I’m ______ than most of the kids in my class, because I run every morning .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空



Do you know what couch-potato means? Well, in America, the word is now often    【小题1】. You see, in America, many people often spend their free time    【小题2】 on a couch (沙发) watching TV. As there are many channels to choose, the TV programs can be quite    【小题3】  and very addictive (使人上瘾的). One may sit and watch TV for hours and hours    【小题4】  stopping! Well, these people who do    【小题5】  all day except watching TV are called couch-potatoes.
In America, while watching TV, most people are always sitting with eyes still looking right into the TV set. Also because these people are addictive to watch TV, they don’t take    【小题6】  and usually get very fat. So in many ways, these people look like    【小题7】  potatoes! Well, because they look    【小题8】, and watch TV on a couch, they are all called couch-potatoes. Now you know what a couch-potato means. The next time if you see someone watching TV too long, just say, “What a couch-potato!”


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次.:(共8分.

Everybody knows that it is dangerous to cross the street without looking both ways in China. However, I had a different experience in Berkeley, a beautiful city in California, US.
I didn’t know what to do when I had to cross the roads   【小题1】   my first couple of days there: I wondered whether I should let the car go first or not? Based on my old experience back in China, I would certainly let the car go. “Who wants to be knocked down by a car?” I thought to   【小题2】  .
One day, I was checking for cars while I was waiting to go to the other side of the road. An SUV came fast toward me, so I stopped and   【小题3】 . However, to my great surprise, the car stopped right in front of me. To be honest, I was a little confused because in China drivers usually try hard to drive as    【小题4】   as possible to cross the road before people step out. Not knowing what to do for a moment, I saw no sign the car was going to move, so I offered a “signal’ to let him go first.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


The generation gap (代沟) has become a serious problem. It’s reported that some children may kill themselves if they  【小题1】  with their parents. I think it is because they don’t have a good timewith each other. Parents now spend more time in the office, so they don’t have much time to spend with their children. As time  【小题2】  by, they both feel that theydon’t have the 【小题3】 topics to talk about. I think parents should spend more time with  【小题4】 , get to know them and understand them. And  【小题5】 children, show your feelings to your parents. They really love you. So tell them your thoughts. In this way, you can have a better understanding of each other.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


develop    invention    go    home    lucky
【小题1】Computers are one of the greatest ___________ in the world.
【小题2】The heavy rain stopped us from ________ out yesterday.
【小题3】With the __________ of China, many children can get a good education.
【小题4】He fell off the bike, but ________, he was not hurt.
【小题5】It’s said that the flood has made millions of people __________.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


【小题1】Teachers often tell their students about the _________ of learning how to learn.
【小题2】Kathy is an _______ and friendly girl, her teachers all like her.
【小题3】I prefer lemons to apples. I like the sour _________.
【小题4】Think it over before you make a ________.
【小题5】We were _________ into four groups by Mr. Zeng at the beginning of the game.

