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We all thought the pen was in her bag,but when we opened it,there was________.

A. nothing B. anything

C. something D. everything


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版2017届九年级英语 Test for Module 6 题型:单项填空

—Sarah,have you finished your homework?

—No,but I haven't got________.I'll finish it in ten minutes.

A. few B. little C. many D. much


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省广州市海珠区2016届九年级下学期综合测试(一模)考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解



Several years ago, Kevin Stephan, then aged 11, was playing baseball when a player accidentally hit him with a bat.

Kevin fell down and his heart stopped. Penny Brown, the mother of another player, was watching the game.Penny usually worked in the evenings as a nurse, but luckily that evening she wasn’t working. Penny ran to helped Kevin and saved his life.

Nearly seven years later, Kevin was washing up in the kitchen of the Hillview Restaurant in Buffalo, New York State. Normally, 18-year-old Kevin had school in the afternoon, but that week there were exams and he didn’t have any class. At about 2 p.m., Penny Brown was having lunch with her family in the restaurant. She was eating when some food got stuck in her throat. She was very frightened because she couldn’t breathe.

Kevin was a volunteer firefighter in his free time and he ran to help. A waitress tried to help her, but the food was still stuck in Penny’s throat. Kevin pulled his hands quickly into her stomach and saved Penny’s life. He didn’t know it was Penny, but his mother, Lorraine Stephan, was also having lunch in the restaurant. She realized that Penny was the woman who saved Kevin’s life, seven years before, at the baseball game. Both Penny and Kevin were completely amazed by the coincidence(巧合)!

1.What happened during the baseball game?

A. Penny fell down.

B. Penny’s son was hit.

C. Kevin hit someone.

D. Kevin’s heart stopped

2.Why was Penny at the game?

A. She liked playing baseball.

B. Her son’s friend is the player.

C. Her son was playing baseball.

D. She was working as a nurse.

3.What did Kevin usually do in the afternoon when he was 18?

A. He had some exams.

B. He studied at school.

C. He worked as firefighter.

D. He worked in a restaurant.

4.From the last paragraph, we know that __________.

A.Penny couldn’t breathe because she was frightened.

B.Kevin helped Penny when some food was in her throat.

C.Kevin was having an exam while Penny was having lunch.

D. Penny and Lorraine were having lunch together at that moment.

5.What can we learn from the story?

A. No pain, no gain.

B. It is better to give than to take.

C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

D. God helps those who help others.


科目:初中英语 来源:2017秋外研版九年级英语 Test for Module 1 题型:完形填空

Traveling has been______ with people for a long time.Many of today's travelers are trying to find ______ unusual experience or adventure.______ may be a good choice.

Instead of______ your vacation on a bus,in the hotel or sitting on the beach,you may want to try hiking.Hiking is a great way to travel.You will get close to______ and take exercise.You can see lots of flowers and grass at the same time.Hiking is easy to do and doesn't have to be very expensive.You can hike close to your home or travel to______place.The basic______ you need for hiking is simple:good shoes,clothes and a backpack.You can hike in mountains,in a forest or along a river.If you go with your friends,you can have a chance to talk with them.

Hiking is fun and______,but you shouldn't forget safety.Safety is the first.Here are some basic tips for successful hiking:

● Don't hike______.

● Bring water,a good map and a cellphone.

● Wear a hat to protect yourself ______ the sun.

1.A. popular B. famous C. interested D. proud

2.A. a B. an C. the D. two

3.A. Swimming B. Hiking C. Shopping D. Playing basketball

4.A. spending B. spend C. spends D. to spend

5.A. school B. store C. cinema D. nature

6.A. another B. the other C. other D. others

7.A. skill B. way C. knowledge D. equipment

8.A. bored B. boring C. excited D. exciting

9.A. together B. alone C. lonely D. busy

10.A. in B. at C. from D. to


科目:初中英语 来源:2017秋外研版九年级英语 Test for Module 1 题型:单项填空

—Have you ________ to your friend Larry's letter?

—No,not yet.I'm quite busy these days.

A. agreed B. replied

C. listened D. looked


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省临沂市平邑县2015-2016学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:选词填空

A. change B. been back C. on D. times E. memories F. hometowns G. in H. years I. interesting J. car factory K. in order to L. interested

Many Chinese people these Days leave their 1. to work 2. the cities. They usually return to their hometowns one or two 3. a year. Zhong Wei has not 4. in close to three years. He has been working in a 5. in Wenzhou for the past 13 6..

People like him are 7. in how their hometowns are changing. New buildings are often built by the government. Zhong Wei thinks these changes are good because things need to change 8. become better. But he also thinks some things will never

9.and his hometown is still the place that holds all his childhood 10..


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省临沂市平邑县2015-2016学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

The country music often __________me _________ my parents and friends.

A. remind; in B. remind; of C. reminds; in D. reminds; of


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省淄博市博山区2017届中考一模英语试卷 题型:翻译


Roll up our sleeves to _______ _______.


There is no such thing as a free lunch, and only hard work will _______ dreams _______ _______.


_______ _______ _______ for you to make a kite?




科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 2 How often do you exercis第二课时sectionA 题型:单词拼写

1.The room is_________(充满的)of desks.

2.My favorite________(节目) is China Today.

3._______(也许)Bill is at home.

4.My sister is playing on the_________(秋千).

5.Don’t spend too much time on the____________(因特网).

