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Living in a foreign culture can be exciting, but it can also be confusing(令人迷惑的). Some Americans who taught English in other countries recently talked about their experiences.
On her first day in Micronesia(密克罗尼西亚), an island in the Pacific, Lisa thought people weren’t paying any attention to her. It was hot. She went into a store and asked, “Do you have cold drinks? ” The woman there said nothing. Lisa repeated the question. Still the woman said nothing. She later learned that the woman had answered her: She had raised her eyebrows(眉毛), which in Micronesia means “yes”.
Jane remembered an experience she had in Bulgaria(保加利亚), a country in Europe. She went to a restaurant. She asked the waiter, “Do you have cabbage today?” He nodded his head. Jane waited, but the cabbage never came. In that country, a nod means “no”.
Tom had a similar problem when he arrived in India. After explaining something in class, he asked his students if they understood. Some nod and others shake. He thought some students had not understood, so he explained again. When he asked again, they did the same thing. He soon knew that his students did understand. In India, people nod and shake their heads in different ways depending on where they come from. You have to know where a person is from to understand whether they mean “yes” or “no”.
小题1:These Americans in the passage found that they__________ .
A.should go abroad for vacations
B.needed to learn foreign languages
C.should often discuss their experiences
D.had problems with communication in other countries
小题2:People in Micronesia show “yes” by ________ .
A.nodding headsB.raising eyebrowsC.shaking headsD.saying “no”
小题3:Tom misunderstood(误解)his class at first because_______ .
A.he didn’t know much about Indian culture
B.he didn’t explain everything clearly enough
C.some students didn’t speak English
D.he didn’t know where the students came from
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.In Bulgaria, nodding heads means “no”.
B.Jane taught English on a Pacific island.
C.Lisa was trying to buy some cabbage.
D.In India, only shaking heads means “yes”.
小题5:The passage is mainly about_________ .
A.body language in foreign restaurants
B.class discussion in Indian schools
C.different language cultures in different countries
D.English teaching in other countries


小题2:细节理解题。根据文章第二段She had raised her eyebrows(眉毛), which in Micronesia means “yes”.可知,在密克罗尼西亚这个国家,人们用抬高眉毛这种方式表示Yes,是。故选B。
小题4:细节理解题。根据文章第三段In that country, a nod means “no”可知,在保加利亚这个国家,点头表示不是。故A正确。B选项Jane是在保加利亚教书,所以不对;C选项应该是Jane想买卷心菜;D选项在印度有的地方摇头是“是”,但有的地方不是,故D也不对。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Each year, we celebrate many holidays here in America.
On January 1, we welcome the coming of a new year like many people in other countries. And we have another four holidays on the first day of a month: April Fool’s Day, May Day, Friendship Day (Aug.1) and Grandparents Day (Sep. 1).
The most important holiday for the young people comes in February. It is Valentine’s Day. Lots of boys give red roses to girls as a present.
People celebrate some holidays for their family members. We say thanks to our mother in May and celebrate Father’s Day in the following month. In November many people return home for Thanksgiving Day, so the whole family can stay together.
There are also some interesting holidays for children. For example, Halloween comes at the end of October. Children often play with pumpkin lanterns and put on all kinds of masks.
Of course, the most important festival is Christmas. After a year of work and study, people can enjoy a long holiday, eat big meals, and visit family and friends.
小题1:How many holidays do you know on the first day of a month in America?
小题2:What is the most important holiday for the young people?
A.Thanksgiving Day.B.Christmas Day.
C.Valentine’s Day.D.New Year’s Day.
小题3:From the reading we know that Father’s Day comes     .
A.in MayB.in April.C.in JuneD.in July
小题4: Halloween is one of the interesting holidays for.
小题5: Many people return home in November because they want to ___________.
A.enjoy a long holidayB.stay with their family members
C.eat big meals with friendsD.spend Thanksgiving Day


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The umbrella is a very common object. It keeps the       and the sun off the people. Most umbrellas can be folded up(折叠) so it is        to carry them.
However, the umbrella has not always been as        as it is now. In the past, it was a symbol of importance. Some African countries still use umbrellas in this        .Someone carries an umbrella and walks behind the king or important person.
Umbrellas are very old. People in different parts of the world began to        umbrellas at different times. The Chinese had them more than 3,000 years ago. From there, umbrellas        to India and Egypt. In Greece and Rome,        wouldn’t use them. They believed umbrellas were only for women.
England was        the first country in Europe where common people used umbrellas against rain. The weather there is very        and umbrellas are very useful.
Everybody uses umbrellas today. The next time you        one, thinking that for centuries only great men and women used them, you’ll feel you are important people, too.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Years ago, if a teenager has some problems in her life, she might go home and wrote in her diary. Now, a teenager with the same problems might go onto the Internet and write about ____ in a blog (博客). ___ many ways, a diary and a blog are very similar. So, what makes blogging different ____writing in a traditional diary?           
____ biggest difference is that blogging is ____more public(公共的) than a diary. Usually, a teenager treats her diary like a ____ full of secrets that she does not want to share(分享).
Because blogging is such a public way of ____, it has both good and bad points. The biggest problem with blogging is that ____ can read what you write. ____ you write something bad about a friend, that friend might read your blog and get ____.
Because we do not always ____ things carefully before we write them down, it is easy ____ something that hurts someone’s feelings(感情) in a blog. So we ____ be careful of what we write.
There are also advantages(优点) of blogging, of course. People choose to blog ____ they know that their friends will read what they write.
Blogs are a very good ____ to write about daily life, as long as people are careful about what they write. However I still prefer my old diary.
A.InB.OnC.At D.Of
A.thanB.from C.forD.of
A.manyB.much C.moreD.most
A.book B.notebookC.movie D.file
A.writeB.writesC.writingD.to write
A.no oneB.nobodyC.someoneD.anyone
A.BeforeB.WhileC.If D.Unless
A.think upB.think outC.think onD.think about
A.to writeB.writingC.wroteD.write
A.should B.canC.may D.might
A.so B.becauseC.but D.when
A.informationB.messageC.way D.road


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Here are four poems written by some students named Owen, Angela, Roger and Kevin.

小题1:Which of the following is mentioned in both Owen’s and Roger’s poems?
A.Smiles and flowers.B.Bees and flowers.
C.Birds and flowers. D.Leaves and flowers.
小题2:Roger enjoys spring by _______ it.
小题3:All the poems describe the spring except ______.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do animals have a culture? What do we mean by “culture”? Recently social scientists have begun to ask if culture is found just in humans, or if some animals have a culture, too. When we speak of culture, we mean a way of life that a group of people have in common. Culture is the forms of behavior (行为) that help people to live together. It is also the forms of behavior that make one group of people different from another group.
Human beings use tools, cooperate(合作) with one another, and communicate with language. But these aspects(方面)of human behavior, or “culture”, can also be found in the lives of certain animals. Animals can make tools , for example. We used to think that the ability to use tools was the dividing line between human beings and other animals. Lately, however, we have found that this is not the case. Chimpanzees(黑猩猩) can not only use tools but actually make tools themselves. So it may be important for us to know that the line dividing us from animals is not as clear as we used to think.
小题1:According to the article, “culture” means_____.
A. the languages we learn
B. the good habits we share with each other
C. the forms of behavior we have in common
小题2:The traditional idea about dividing animal from human beings is that ______.
A. human beings can use tools
B. Human beings can depend on each other
C. human beings have the language to communicate
小题3:From the chimpanzees can use and make tools, we know____.
A. animal may have a culture like our own
B. animals can be as clever as human beings
C. animals have the ability to help human beings


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Baron Pierre de Coubertin was a Frenchman. At his time sports were not taught in French schools. De Coubertin believed that sports should go hand in hand with studies. He had an idea. His idea was to begin the Olympics all over again.
Sports teachers of other countries liked De Coubertin ideas. So in 1896, the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece. Since then the Olympics have been held once every four years, except three times, when there were wars.
The modern Olympic games have many foot races and field sports programs. The longest race in the games is called marathon.
Before the start of the Olympic Games, runners carry lighted torch(火炬) through many nations towards the stadium where the games will be held. These sportsmen are from different countries. Yet they work together to carry the Olympic torch. It is passed from runner to runner,  When the last runner enters the stadium, he or she places the torch in a special basin filled with oil. It catches fire. It is then, only then, that the Olympic Games can begin.
The Olympic flame burns throughout the games. It is the flame of peace.
小题1:Before 1896 French schools didn't teach ______.  
小题2: Baron Pierre de Coubertin ________.
A.was the first man to start the Olympics
B.helped start the modern Olympics
C.believed that sports were less important than studies
D.failed to began the modern Olympics
小题3:According to this passage, the third modern Olympics should have been held________.
小题4:Marathon in the passage is________.
A.a foot raceB.a jumping contestC.a field sportD.a boxing match
小题5: Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The Olympics do not begin until the basin of oil catches the fire.
B.The torch is carried from runner to runner through many countries.
C.Runners who carry the torch can be men or women.
D.After the start of the Olympics, the Olympic flame is put out.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When you cough or sneeze(打喷嚏), please turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with the full part of your hand. Afterwards, you should say, “Excuse me.” This is a rule I set for my students. It is so simple, but many kids have never been told to do this. In fact, I noticed adults cough and sneeze in public without putting a hand over the mouth. I hate traveling by subway in New York during cold and flu season, because it is certain that someone is going to stand right behind me and cough or sneeze on my neck.
One important thing I point out to the kids is that after they sneeze or cough on their hand, they should wash their hands as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will be passing those germs(细菌) along to everything and everyone they touch. In order to help the kids remember this rule, I tell them about an old story. It says that when you sneeze, evil spirits jump into your body. If you don’t cover your mouth, the spirits will enter, but if you cover your mouth, you will keep them out. We say “God bless you” when someone sneezes, and in Germany you should say “Gesundheit.” That means “Good health to you.” Both expressions are said—just in case you didn’t cover your mouth in time and the spirits were able to enter your body. The kids love finding out the origins(起源) of these expressions and it encourages them to put advice to use more often.
小题1:The writer of this article must be _________.
A.a reporterB.a teacherC.a doctorD.an officer
小题2:What does the underlined word “this” mean?
A.Don’t cough or sneeze in front of people.
B.Don’t stand beside someone who coughs or sneezes.
C.Many people cough or sneeze on the underground train.
D.Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing and say sorry.
小题3:After coughing or sneezing on their hand, students are advised to _________.
A.say “God bless you” immediately
B.wash their hands as soon as possible
C.go to see a doctor as soon as possible
D.go home and have a good rest
小题4:According to the article, the writer would like the kids _________.
A.to be polite to adultsB.to be in better health
C.to have good mannersD.to do well in exams


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hi, everybody!
Welcome to our newly-opened Richards Cinema Bookstore!
Now let me introduce some of the new film books in our store to you.
Are you Chinese film fans? OK, here comes the latest 25 New Takes about Chinese films. It is a collection of 25 fresh readings of different Chinese films from the 1930s to the present. In recent years, Chinese films are very popular in the States, such as Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon, Hero, and Flowers of Shanghai.
Do you like French films? Well, here is The French Cinema Book. It covers French films from the 1890s to the beginning of the 21st century. It is written for all lovers of French films: students and teachers, experts (专家) and fans, and so on.
Maybe you are Indian film fans and star fans. Then here is Encyclopedia (百科全书) of Indian Cinema. The book is a complete introduction to all the best Indian films. It also offers a full list of names of the famous and successful film stars in the past ten years. You know, the Indian film industry is the largest in the world after our Hollywood.
If you like British films, we have The British Cinema Book. It is a good review of British films.
In our bookstore, you can also find books about Japanese, Australian, German and Italian films.
Well, please help yourselves to some coffee or tea, and have a good time here!
小题1:The speaker of the passage is most probably ________.
A.the writer of 25 New TakesB.a tourist in the cinema bookstore
C.the manager of the cinema bookstoreD.a reader of Encvclopedia of Indian Cinema
小题2:How many Asian countries does the speaker refer to when he talks about the film books?
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Indian Cinema is second only to Hollywood.
B.The British Cinema Book includes a complete list of names of stars.
C.Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon is well received in the States.
D.The French Cinema Book covers over a century’s French films.
小题4:The purpose of the speaker is ________.
A.to make the readers into film makers
B.to let the writers stay in the cinema bookstore
C.to offer the tourists chances to meet the film stars
D.to satisfy(满足) the customers’ different kinds of tastes

