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1. When everyone thinks Tom is dead,he's still a      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A: You are using the mobile phone again while you are crossing the street. Haven't you heard of the news?

B: 1.         . What's it about? 

A: A girl died in the elevator just because she was playing her mobile phone then. 

B: Really? So terrible! 

A: As we all know,mobile phones make it easier for us to communicate with others. But 2.        ,they bring us so many safety problems.

B: 3.         . I won't do it like that again. 4.         should we pay attention to?

A: I don't think we should use them when we are driving either.

B: 5.         while we are on the plane? 

A: No,we can't keep them on. Using mobile phones isn't allowed on the plane. 

B: Oh,I see. Thank you.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Charles Dickens,one of the greatest English writers, 1        in 1812,in one of the small towns of England. When he was nine years old,the family moved 2        London, 3        There were several younger children in the family. Their life was hard, 4        he couldn't go to school. 5      until his father was out of prison,could Charles go to school.6      that time he was already twelve. But he did not finish school. Two years later he began to work. He often went to the library to read books. He read 7 . Then Dickens 8        lots of novels and stories all his life. Dickens died 9        than a hundred years ago,but people are still reading his books 10        great interest.

(   ) 1. A. born   B. is born C. was born   D. be born

(   ) 2. A. to   B. from C. on   D. off  

(   )3. A. the capital of America 

      B. the capital of England 

      C. the capital of France 

      D. the capital of Japan

(   ) 4. A. that   B. as C. so   D. because

(   ) 5. A. Not only   B. When   C. Since   D. Only

(   ) 6. A. In   B. At C. On   D. For

(   ) 7. A. many   B. a lot of   C. plenty   D. a lot

(   ) 8. A. writers   B. wrote   C. bought   D. spoke

(   ) 9. A. over   B. more   C. most   D. much

(   ) 10. A. in   B. of   C. with   D. without


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 10. ―Let's play        soccer.

     ―I don't have        soccer ball.

   A. /; a   B. the;a C. a;the   D. /;the


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3.[2014 •泰州]Nineteen Taizhou dishes into the book Huaiyang Cuisine (淮扬菜) . A. chose   B. choose  C. are chosen   D. have chosen


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 10. [2014 •重庆]Keep quiet,please!Talking           during the meeting.

   A. is not allowed   B. is allowed   C. doesn't allow   D. allows


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. He is not popular because he doesn't like people      (tell) him to do this or that.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 昨天他因迟到而被罚

Yesterday he was punished           being late.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Remember        (turn) off the lights when you leave.

