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Sunday is more like Monday than it used to be. Places of business that used to keep daytime “business hours” are now open late into the night. And on the Internet, the hour of the day and the day of the week have become irrelevant. A half century ago in the United states, most people experienced strong and precise dividing lines between days of rest and days of work, school time and summer time. Today the dividing lines are still there, but they seem not clear.
The law in almost all states used to require stores to close on Sunday; in most, it no longer does. It used to keep the schools open in all seasons except summer, in most, it still does. And whether the work week should strengthen its legal(法律的)limits, or whether it should become more changeable, is often debated(争论). How should we, as a society, organize our time? Should we go even further in relaxing the dividing lines of time until we live in a world in which every minute is much like every other?
These are not easy questions even to ask. Part of the difficulty is that we seldom recognize the “law of time” even when we meet it face to face. We know as children that we have to go to  school a certain number of hours, a certain number of days, a certain number of years – but unless we meet the truant officer(学监), we may well think that we should go to school because of social custom and parents’ requirement rather than to the law. As adults we know “extra pay for overtime working” very well, but less familiar with the fact that what constitutes(构成)“overtime” is a matter of legal thing. When we turn the clock forward to start daylight – saving time, have we ever thought to ourselves: “Here is the law in action”? As we shall see, there is a lot of law that has great influence on how organize and use time: compulsory education law, overtime law, and daylight-saving law – as well as law about Sunday closing, holidays, being late to work, time zones, and so on. Once we begin to look for it, we will have no trouble finding a law of time to examine and assess.
小题1:What does the underlined word “irrelevant” probably mean?
A.Impossible.B.Unacceptable. C.Unimportant.D.Disagreeable.
小题2:The writer raises the questions in Paragraph 2 to introduce the fact that people _____.
A.are unknowing of the law of time
B.fail to make full use of their time
C.welcome changeable working hours
D.enjoy working overtime for more pay
小题3:We can learn from the passage that most children go to school because they_____.
A.have to follow the law
B.need to find social customs
C.need to learn more knowledge
D.have to follow their parents’ requirement
小题4:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Our life is governed by the law of time.
B.How to use time is not worth debating.
C.New ways of using time change our society.
D.Our time table is decided by social customs.


小题1:词义推断理解题,有文中语句“A half century ago in the United states, most people experienced strong and precise dividing lines between days of rest and days of work, school time and summer time. Today the dividing lines are still there, but they seem not clear.”可知。
小题2:细节理解题有文中语句“whether the work week should strengthen its legal(法律的)limits, or whether it should become more changeable, is often debated(争论)”可知。
小题3:细节理解题有文中语句“, we may well think that we should go to school because of social custom and parents’ requirement rather than to the law.”可知。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear Disney,
Last weekend, the four members of my family spent an enjoyable holiday at the Magic Kingdom - Disneyland. And one event made our visit seem truly magical. We got to the front of the line at Space Mountain, only to find out that our little daughter Gloria couldn't take her ice-cream on the ride. We were so excited that we all forgot ice-cream was not allowed on the ride.

Gloria broke into tears and we all had no idea what to do. Then Murphy, one of the staff(员工) members, came over. She bent down and told Gloria that she would hold the ice-cream for her and give it to her when she finished the ride. Gloria said, "Promise?" Then she gave Murphy her ice-cream, and she completely enjoyed the ride.
Sure enough, as we walked out the exit, there was Gloria's new friend with "her" ice-cream. Now you and I both know what happened, because we know that an ice-cream won't last twenty minutes on a summer afternoon in Florida. Murphy knew' what time we would get off the ride; she went to the nearest shop and bought a brand-new ice-cream thirty seconds before we walked out the exit. Gloria said, "Thank you," but I'm sure she thought it was the same ice-cream.
We know that someone tried hard to make our visit special. Thanks so much for going above and beyond!
Your fan,
Carmen Rivera
小题1:The family's visit to the Magic Kingdom was ________.
A.helpful -B.awfulC.frighteningD.amazing
小题2:Before the ride, Gloria cried because _________.
A.she couldn't find her parents in the line
B.she was too little to take the ride
C.she couldn't take her ice-cream on the ride
D.she had to wait for twenty minutes
小题3:Murphy was waiting for Gloria ___________ after the ride.
A.in the ice-cream shopB.at the exit
C.in the front of the lineD.at the entrance
小题4:In order to keep the promise, Murphy __________.
A.took Gloria to the nearest shop
B.asked her new friend to help Gloria
C.helped Gloria get off the ride
D.bought a new ice-cream for Gloria
小题5:The underlined word "someone" in the last paragraph refers to (指的是) _________.
小题6:Carmen Rivera wrote the letter to __________.
A.order ice-creamsB.promise to visit again
C.express her thanksD.give some suggestions


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Adults usually do not remember most of the things that are taught by their teachers at school. But this story is one   16  that I will never forget.
It was a normal Monday morning, and my teacher was teaching us about  17  things in life and about devoting ourselves to what we really need. This is how the story went:
  18   lived in a certain part of London, and he would wake up every morning and go to the underground. He would get onto the train right to Central London, and then sit at the street corner and   19 . He would do this every single day of his life. He sat at  20 street corner and begged for almost 20 years.
His  21  was dirty, and a stench (恶臭) came out. The neighbors could not bear the  22 any more, so they called for the police officers to clear the place. The officers knocked down the door and  23 the house. There were small bags of  24  all over the house that he had collected over the years.
The police counted the money, and they soon   25 that the old man was a millionaire. They waited outside his house expecting to  26  the good news with him. When the old man arrived home that evening, one of the officers told him that there was no need for him to beg any more as he was a   27 man now, a millionaire.
But the old man said  28  ;he went into his house and locked the door. The next morning he woke up  29  ,went to the underground, sat at the same street corner and continued to beg.
Clearly, this old man had no great plans,  30   or anything significant (重大的) for his life. We learn nothing from this story but to stay focused on the things we enjoy doing.
A.An office manB.An old manC.A sick manD.A rude man
A.a differentB.anotherC.the sameD.a strange
A.much laterB.much earlierC.so quicklyD.as usual


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

    Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said, "Happiness depends upon (取决于)ourselves." In other words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions(建议) to help you be happier.
The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future. For example, getting into college or getting a good job -that we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy life's simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.
Another secret to living a happy life is to be active, and have hobbies where you forget your problems and time. Many people experience this dancing, or playing a sport, such as swimming. You can forget about your problems, and only think about the activity.
Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to buy food for an elderly person, or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.
小题1:The best title of the passage is______.
A.Money Makes You Happy
B.The Secrets of Happiness
C.Ideas for Helping Other People to Be Happy
D.Good Friends Make You Happy
小题2:The passage gives us ______pieces of advice on happiness.
小题3:The writer thinks that______.
A.everyone knows how to live a happier life
B.it's wrong to spend time on work
C.hobbies take up too much time
D.doing good things for someone can make you happier
小题4:Which of the following is not mentioned(提及)in the passage?
A.Reading a good book.B.Traveling to a foreign country.
C.Playing a sport.D.Spending time with close friends.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you like shopping and you are crazy about fashion, London is a good place for you. In London you can buy not only the most expensive clothes, but also beautiful clothes which are inexpensive.
Many of the world’s most famous fashion designers have their own shops in London. And every year in February and September, there is an important fashion event. It is called London Fashion Week and people all over the world come here and enjoy England’s wonderful new clothes . Usually the clothes are sold at a high price. The clothes are always in style. In the 1960s, a fashion designer Mary Quant invented the mini-skirt. It made her famous all around the world. Later, in the 1970s,came “punk” fashion.
Outside of London there are some shopping centers as well. In the shopping streets of most towns have a Market Day. On that day, some of the streets are filled with stalls selling food, flowers, dresses, hats, bags, and many other different things. The clothes there are always at a low price. Nearly everybody can afford them.
小题1:When did “punk” fashion become popular?
A.In the 1950s.B.In the 1960s.C.In the 1970s.D.In the 1980s.
小题2:On a Market Day, we _______ on the streets.
A.can buy flowers , hats and bags from stalls
B.can not buy food from the stalls
C.can buy some clothes at a high price
D.can’t find the stalls which sell flowers
小题3:What does the underlined word “afford” mean in Chinese?
小题4:After reading the passage, we can know___________.
A.who organized the last London Fashion Week
B.who invented the mini-skirt
C.why “punk” fashion were in style
D.when Mary Quant was born
小题5:What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Stalls selling ClothesB.Clothes in Fashion
C.London Fashion WeekD.Shopping in London


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Many Americans like to have their vacation(假期) in ____41____countries. One day an American ____42____comes to China. This is her first time (次数) to China and she wants to ____43____ some friends there. She meets a Chinese. This Chinese wants to talk ____44____ with the American. When he sees her, he comes up, says “____45____” to her, then he begins his first talk with someone ____46____ an English-speaking (说英语的) country.
“How old are you?” the Chinese ____47____.
“I’m ____48____. Please don’t ask a lady (女士) about her ____49____ .” answers the woman.
The Chinese is surprised(惊讶的). He doesn’t know __50____. Can you help him?
小题1:A. an other       B. others          C. other
小题2:A. man           B. boy             C. woman
小题3:A. be             B. being           C. have
小题4:A. with English   B. in English      C. in Chinese
小题5:A. OK            B. hello           C. sorry
小题6:A. to             B. at              C. from
小题7:A. says           B. tells           C. talks
小题8:A. sure           B. happy           C. sorry
小题9:A. dinner         B. age             C. family
小题10:A. how           B. why            C. what


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The most important holiday in spring, especially for Christians, is Easter. This Christian holiday is not on the same date every year,but it’s always on a Sunday. It can be any Sunday between March 22 and April 25. Many people celebrate Easter by buying new clothes. Children celebrate by hunting for colored eggs that their parents have hidden around the house. People also give Easter baskets filled with candy and other goodies to one another to celebrate the day.
But the holiday is more than new clothes and good things to eat. On Easter, many people go to church to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection(复活)from the dead. Most people color Ester eggs. Some people hide them. Others just eat them. But no matter what one does with Easter eggs,they are an important Easter tradition across the Western world. People from many different cultures celebrate Easter. In both America and Belgium, children look for Easter eggs hidden on grass and in bushes(灌木丛). In America, children believe the eggs are hidden by the Easter rabbit.But in Belgium, the hidden eggs are supposed to have fallen from church bells. In Bulgaria (保加利亚), red Easter eggs are lucky in churches. Bulgarian families also hit these Easter eggs together to see whose is the strongest. The winner looks forward to good fortune(运气) that year. Still dozens of other Easter traditions exist. In parts of Austria,for example,children sing from door to door and are rewarded with colorful eggs.
小题1:To celebrate Easter, people ___________.
A.go shopping, hide colored eggs and children hunt for them
B.give Easter baskets filled candy and goodies to one another
C.buy new clothes, hide colored eggs and children look for them around the house
D.both B and C
小题2:For Christians the more important thing to do on Easter is________.
A.going to church to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection
B.buying new clothes
C.eating delicious food and paint color eggs
D.exchange beautiful gifts each other
小题3:People from different cultures have different ideas about Easter egg _________.
A.In both American and Belgium, children hunt for Easter eggs hidden in rooms and in bushes
B.In Belgium, the hidden eggs are thought to have fallen from doorbells
C.In American, children believe the eggs are hidden by the Easter bunny
D.In America, the hidden eggs are supposed to have fallen from doorbells


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There three people in my family------my father, my mother and I. My father is a  2 . And he works in a bank. He thinks it's a  3  job. He wants  4  a policeman. My mother is a teacher. She  5  in a middle school. She thinks her job is very  6  . She works hard 7  often comes back home very late. In her free time(空闲时间), she likes stories 9  a magazine. I study at a middle school. I like  10  . I want to be a singer when I grow up.
A.doctorB.bank clerkC.waiterD.reporter
A.beB.isC.to beD.being
A.writeB.writesC.writingD.to writing


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

“Mum, I want to make you a bet,” I said. “If I go a whole year without TV, will you give me a hundred dollars?”  
“Well, if you can   1  do it, …”
“Of course I can,” I replied, trying to convince   2 .
In fact, all this started from my   3  of a picture in the newspaper. I couldn’t bear to look at that boy. He said that he had   4  one year without TV for a hundred dollars,   5 me with mocking eyes. It seemed he was saying, “I did it,   6  you can’t!”. I glared at the boy’s face.
That year I did a lot of things. For example, my father taught me to   7 , which became my favorite sport.   8  winter afternoons snowball wars with my neighbors offered daily drama. I went on bike trips with my friends and swam as much as a fish.  
It was unbelievable how much   9  I had without TV. I learned so many new games. I guess the   10  thing I learnt, though, was self-motivation(上进心).  
I started to do my homework. I went from a D student to an A student within a couple of   11 .  
I used to   12  reading if there were no   13 , but now I began to read and enjoy it. I could arrange off all the pictures just the way I wanted them—my own little TV, right   14  my head!
I’m surprised what I did. I got a lot more from the   15  than just the 100 dollars!
A.picking upB.laughing atC.talking withD.looking after

