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Dear Lily,

Thank you 1. your last letter. Here are 2.(photo) of me and my twin sister Liu Ying. As you can see, 3. some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look 4.(difference). We both have black eyes and black hair, although my hair is 5.(short) than hers. We both like sports, although Liu Ying is more athletic 6. me. She is 7.(outgoing) and I'm quieter. I think I'm8.(smart) than her. My favorite subjects 9. Chinese and math, and her favorite subject is P.E. However, we both enjoy going to parties.

Please visit 10.(we) soon!


Liu Wen


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8上 Unit1 单元测试英语试卷 题型:完成句子



He’d like __________ __________ a doctor when he ___________ ___________.


---________ she _________? ---She’s__________ and helpful.


You always ________ _______ ________ _______ than others. You are really selfish.

4.Jim 想要环游世界并更多地了解这个世界。

Jim wants to _________ __________ __________ __________and learns more about the world.

5.Kate 既是我的邻居又是我最好的朋友。

Kate is ________ my neighbour ________ my best friend.


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林九年级(上)第一单元综合测试英语试卷 题型:单选题

The scientist is very modest. He never .

A. show off B. shows on C. shows off D. show on


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语上册Unit 2 How often do you exercise?单元测试卷 题型:单选题

He never goes to the dentist for ________ cleaning.

A. teeth B. head

C. food D. mind


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit 3 I 题型:阅读单选

You can have the same neighbors for years. You love them or you think you love them. And you hope that they love you. But do you ever really understand them?

Charlie Kemp and his family lived next door to me for 15 years. We were good friends all the time. I enjoy friendship. I think it's the best thing in the world. And friendship with the Kemps was easy because they seemed to welcome it. They were interesting and clever people. Their house caught fire twice, and twice the whole family slept in mine. They were always losing things like money, keys and watches. Pictures fell off the walls, the children fell out of bed…

I was their neighbor and their friend. Life was always interesting, never dull. Best of all, I liked the whole family.

One day, I lit a fire in the garden to burn some rubbish. After some time Charlie Kemp came out of his house and walked up the road.

“Morning, Charlie,” I said. “It's a lovely day, isn't it?” He smiled at me and nodded. I went on with my work.Twenty minutes later, a policeman arrived. He walked into my garden and said, “You'll have to put out that fire. Your neighbor has complained(抱怨) to us. He doesn't like the smell.”

“My neighbor?” I asked.

“Yes,” the policeman took out his notebook and read, “Charlie Kemp. He lives next door, doesn't he?”

1.According to the passage, ________.

A. Charlie Kemp is the writer's neighbor and his real good friend

B. Charlie Kemp is the writer's neighbor but not his real good friend

C. Charlie Kemp treats the writer as his real good friend

D. the writer doesn't treat Charlie Kemp as his real good friend

2.The writer was blamed(责备) by the policeman because ________.

A. he was found burning the rubbish by the policeman

B. he was found polluting the environment by burning the rubbish

C. his neighbor Charlie Kemp complained about his action and called the policeman

D. he burnt something of his neighbors

3.The writer's experience tells us that ________.

A. a friend in need is a friend indeed

B. it is difficult to understand a person, even yourfriend

C. anyone is sure to be friendly to you if you are friendly to him

D. friendship is the best thing in the world

4.When the writer heard the policeman's words, he maybe felt________.

A. happy B. sad C. relaxed D. interested


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版单元复习试卷 (7A Unit 5- Unit 8) 题型:单选题

---Do you think teenagers should be allowed to have a part-time job?

---I disagree. They are __________ do that.

A. enough old to B. not old enough to C. not enough old to D. old enough to


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版单元复习试卷 (7A Unit 5- Unit 8) 题型:回答问题


The clock struck(敲)eight, but l was still on the bed. I could hear it was blowing strongly. "It must be windy outside, "I thought .

I came to the small town a week ago. I sold some clothes to a shop. Christmas was coming and I hoped to buy some presents for my family and friends. So I tried to meet the manager and ask him to pay for the clothes. I was out of luck. He went to London and I had to wait for him here. There was no theater here but a cinema. The films were all too old. I preferred staying in the small hotel to sitting in the cold cinema.

Half an hour later, I felt hungry. I had to get up. It was white everywhere and some children were skiing down the hill. On my way to the small restaurant, I saw a boy fall on to a rock. I ran to him quickly and carried him to a hospital. Soon his father came here. Now I knew the boy was just the manager's son. He thanked me very much and gave me the money after we had a dinner.

1.What was the weather like today ?


2.What did the writer come to the town for ?


3.Did the writer prefer sitting in the cinema?


4.When did the writer get up ?


5.Why did the manager thank the writer?(请自拟一句话作答)



科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版单元复习试卷 (7A Unit 5- Unit 8) 题型:单选题

The colour __________ my new shoes.

A. fit B. fits C. matching D. matches


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标九年级英语全册 Unit 9单元测试卷 题型:单选题

I love the book that ________ by my mother last year.

A. wrote B. writing C. written D. was written

