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It was too noisy _________ we couldn’t hear _________ he said at the meeting.

[  ]

so, that


so, what


to, that


for, what


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One day a poor man was traveling on horseback. At noon, he tied his horse to a tree and then  46  to eat something. A few minutes later, a rich man came along and tied his horse to the same tree.

“Please tie your horse to another tree,” said the poor man. “My horse is wild. It will kill yours.”

   47    the rich man said, “I shall tie my horse as I like!” he tied up his horse and had his lunch nearby. After a moment they heard a terrible   48   , the two horses were fighting. They went up to them, but it was too   49   . The rich man’s horse was killed. “See what you horse has done!” cried the rich man. “You will have to   50   it.” And he brought the poor man before Mr. Know.

Mr. Know asked the poor man some questions. But he made no   51   . At last Mr. Know said, “This man is dumb. He cannot speak.”

    “Oh,” the rich man shouted   52   . “He can! He spoke to me when I met him.”

    “Are you sure?” asked Mr. Know. “What did he   53   ?”

    “He told me not to tie my horse to the same tree because his horse was wild and would kill my horse.”

    “Oh,” said Mr. Know. “So he  54  you. Then can you expect to get money  55   him?  ”

    The rich man said nothing and left silently.

46. A. put down         B. set down         C. sat down         D. turned down

47. A. So                   B. But              C. And              D. Though

48. A. song             B. word             C. bell             D. noise

49. A. late             B. slow             C. hard             D. quick

50. A. pay for              B. look for         C. wait for         D. care for

51. A. idea             B. mistake          C. money                D. answer

52. A. quietly              B. angrily              C. happily          D. heavily

53. A. speak                B. tell             C. talk             D. say

54. A. helped               B. thanked          C. warned           D. ordered

55. A. for                  B. from             C. with             D. about


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One of the greatest mysteries on Earth is the statues which stand on Easter Island. Easter Island, which was almost uninhabited when it was discovered on Easter Day in 1722 by a Dutch captain, is the most distant island in the world covered with hundreds of giant statues, each weighing several tons and some standing more than 30 feet tall.
Who built these statues and why and how did they get there? Nobody knows the answer for sure.
One theory suggests that Easter Island was first inhabited by Polynesians, who traveled thousands of miles in their canoes(独木舟)in 400 A.D. However, the ocean currents(洋流)which carried them there would not take them back, so that they could not leave.
The statues appear to have been made out of the top edge of the walls of a volcano on the island. Then, it may have been rolled or dragged down to the foot of the volcano(火山). Then, it was stood upright(直立)and ropes were tied around it, which was made to act as a pulley(滑轮). Over a period of months, a statue could be walked for miles down to the ocean. Finally, it was placed in line with other statues, all of them looking towards the center of the island.
This process was difficult. If a statue fell over, it was too heavy to be pulled upright again, so the islanders went back and carved another statue.
The population of Easter Island must have reached 11,000. Later, the resources of the island were used up and people began fighting and eating each other. Work on the statues stopped and the statues were knocked over. When the first Europeans finally arrived on the island, most of these people had died out.
【小题1】This passage is mainly about ________ .
A.the discovery of Easter IslandB.the statues on Easter Island
C.the history of Easter IslandersD.the earliest population on Easter Island
【小题2】 Which of the following correctly tells of the possible working process after a statue was made?
a. It was stood upright and ropes were tied around it.
b. It was walked for miles down to the ocean.
c. It was placed in line with other statues.
d. It was moved to the foot of the volcano.
【小题3】 It’s not a fact that ________ .
A.Easter Island is the most distant island in the world
B.Easter is the name of a holiday
C.not all the statues were placed in a line
D.the island was once rich in natural resources
【小题4】The underlined word uninhabited most probably means ________.
C.unknown to the worldD.with no people living there


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

As a father, I always do my best to help my son, Peter. I like to help him with his study. I encourage him to join team sports. I send him to the summer camp if he wants to go. I also teach him to be both a good student and a useful man.
He used to make me feel proud. I often thought he was the best son and I was the best father in the world.
However, things changed two years ago. It was Peter’s 12th birthday. My wife and I bought him a computer as a present. We thought it was necessary for him to learn how to use a computer in the modern world. We knew that some children were addicted (上瘾的) to computer games and that they didn’t study or work at all. Someone said that computers and the Internet were bad for children, but I didn’t worry about it. I trusted (信任) my son. I believed that he could control himself. Peter did very well at first. He played computer games, but for only two hours every week. Most of the time he studied or wrote articles on the computer. We felt very happy to see that.
When we finally learned that Peter was also addicted to computer games, it was too late. He didn’t like studying at all. He no longer joined team sports. Sometimes we even couldn’t find him at night. He spent several days and nights at the Internet cafe. We tried everything to help him, but nothing worked. What should we do?
【小题1】Why did the writer think his son was the best in the past?
A.Because his son joined many team sports.
B.Because his son was a good student.
C.Because his son always made him feel proud.
D.Because his son loved him very much.
【小题2】How old is Peter now?
A.10 years old.B.12 years old
C.14 years old.D.16 years old.
【小题3】 What did the writer buy for his son as a birthday present two years ago?
A.A computer.B.Some computer games.
C.Some books.D.A computer book.
【小题4】How long did Peter play computer games at first?
A.About two hours every day.
B.About two hours every week.
C.About two hours every month.
D.The whole day.
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Peter likes to study a lot now.
B.It wasn’t necessary for children to learn how to use a computer.
C.Many children have lost interest in studying because of computer games and the Internet.
D.Children shouldn’t use the computer.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省苏州市工业园区九年级上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:完型填空

Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a ___36___shop, no assistant will come near to you and say “Can I help you? ” You ____37____buy anything you don’t want. You may try to ___38____where the book you want is. But if you can’t , the assistant will lead (引导 ) you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is___39___selling any books at all.
Once a medical student found a very useful book in the shop, ___40____it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn’t get it from the library, ____41___. So every afternoon, he went there to read___42___at a time. One day, however, he couldn’t find the book from its usual place and ___43____when he saw an assistant signing to him. To his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book in the corner, “I put ____44____ there so as not to be sold out,” said the assistant. Then he  ___45___ the student to go on with his reading.

A.goodB. badC.cheapD.expensive
A.shouldn’tB.don’t need toC.mustn’tD.can’t
A.look forB.searchC.find outD.find
A.surprised atB.not surprised atC.interested inD.not interested in
A.eitherB.alsoC.tooD.as well
A.littleB.a littleC.fewD.a few
A.leftB.leaveC.to leaveD.was leaving


科目:初中英语 来源:2010-2011学年浙江省绍兴市初三下学期3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

On a cold November afternoon, my mother and I were walking back home from a pizza store. We had bought many things. We were dressed  26 , and I was feeling a little  27   as I was carrying our shopping, so I decided to throw something away. I was walking towards a dustbin(垃圾箱)  28   I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of us. He headed over to the nearby dustbin and started looking through it. I suddenly felt very   29   because I was about to throw away a new drink just because it was too heavy. I walked up to him and handed the  30   and some bread over to him. The man looked up  31   and took what I gave him. A huge smile   32   on his face. I felt I couldn’t be happier with33  . But then he said, “Wow, this is my son’s lucky day!” With that, he thanked me happily and started off on his bike. I   34   heard him singing as he rode away. I got a warm 35   inside. I now understand what it   36   by the saying “Giving is getting”.

    37   it was only a little action, I got and learned more in those two minutes than I did in the rest of the month. Everyone in the world   38 help. Everyone can give help and everyone will be helped by showing kindness.

The scene of that man’s happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind   39  I have the chance to do something nice. This is the power(力量)of   40 .

1.A. poorly     B. simply           C. warmly       D. expensively

2.A. worried        B. interested           C. surprised        D. tired

3.A. and           B. but                  C. so           D. when

4.A. nervous        B. happy               C. sorry     D. proud

5.A. money      B. toys            C. drink     D. clothes

6.A. in silence     B. in surprise         C. in anger      D. in fear

7.A. turned         B. appeared         C. went         D. ran

8.A. myself     B. ourselves            C. yourself     D. himself

9.A. still          B. once             C. even         D. ever

10.A. idea          B. welcome          C. word         D. feeling

11.A. aims          B. means               C. looks         D. offers

12.A. If        B. Though             C. Because        D. While

13.A. needs     B. gives            C. takes            D. brings

14.A. whichever     B. however  C. whatever     D. whenever

15.A. charity       B. friendship   C. support      D.feeling


