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Panda Express is a fast food restaurant chain(连锁店)in the United States. It sells Chinese food.  When you go to  31  malls, supermarkets, airports, train stations, parks, stadiums, college campuses and  32  other places, you can see Panda Express. It is   33 chain of Chinese fast food restaurants in the United States. Panda Express  34  in 1983 by Andrew Cherng, Peggy Cherng and Ming Tsai Cherng. They were from Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China. Now Panda Express has 1,321 restaurants in 38 states and Puerto Rico,and the top-selling food of Panda Express 35 Orange Chicken and Beijing Beef.
A.manyB.a lotC.muchD.lots
A.largeB.largerC.the largestD.largest
A.was openedB.openedC.is openedD.opens
A.areB.will beC.wasD.is

短文属于说明文。介绍了美国的连锁店Panda Express。
小题1:shopping mall“购物中心”
小题3:根据后面的范围in the United States,用形容词的最高级。
小题4:Panda Express是open的动作承受者,用被动语态;根据in 1983,确定用一般过去时。
小题5:根据上一句的 “Now…has…”可知and后面这句用一般现在时;主语是不可数名词food,动词用单三形式。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The food my British friends eat in Britain is very different from our Chinese food. For example, they eat a lot of potatoes. They like to eat them every day. They eat bread for breakfast and usually for every other meal. They eat their bread with butter, cheese, or jam, things we don’t eat much in China. Cheese and butter are made from milk. They drink a lot of milk, too. They drink the milk cold or hot, and they put it in their tea. They put sugar in their tea as well. They are the world’s biggest tea drinkers. They like Chinese tea, but they drink mostly strong black tea from India and Sri Lanka(斯里兰卡). They don’t eat much rice. For their main meal they like meat or fish with potatoes and one of two vegetables. They serve(供应) all these together. Later they always have something sweet. They call this dessert. They don’t have Jiaozi in Britain.
小题1:The Chinese food is the same as the British one.
小题2:The British like to eat potatoes very much.
小题3:Chinese like to eat cheese.
小题4:They drink tea with milk in Britain.
小题5:They eat meat or fish every day in Britain.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are many wetlands (湿地) in China and some of them have become the world‘s important wetlands. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are among them. They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. They are home for many different kinds of birds and animals. The world’s largest Milu Deer Nature Reserve(自然保护区) is in them. More than 700 milu deer live freely there. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world, but every winter you can see some in the Red-crowned Cranes Nature Reserve in the Yellow Sea Wetlands.
  The temperature in the wetlands is usually neither too high nor too low. There is a lot of rain and sunshine, too. They are really good places for wildlife. Offering food and home for some special kinds of animals and birds is not the only reason why we need to protect wetlands. Wetlands are important because they also prevent flood. But some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings. This means there will be less and less space for wildlife.
  Luckily, more and more people are beginning to realize the important of wetlands and wildlife. Every year, on February 2nd, many activities are held to tell people more about wetlands.
小题1:The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are in the _______ of China.
A.east B.southC.westD.north
小题2:Usually the weather in the wetlands is _______.
小题3:   The World Wetlands Day is on _______.
A.April 22B.June 25C.February 2D.March 22
小题4:We must protect wetlands because _______.
A.they are home for wildlife
B.they can prevent flood
C.they can offer food to the animals and birds
D.all of the above
小题5:The best title for the passage is _______.
A.China‘s Wetlands Have All Entered the World’s List
B.Wetlands—Home for Wildlife and Human Beings
C.Special Animals in the Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands
D.Wetlands—Valuable Recourses(资源) of Land on the Earth


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Every year people celebrate the Spring Festival in China.Usually it is in January or February.It’s the most important(重要的)festival in China.So before it comes,everyone buys many things,and they often make a special kind of food called dumplings-It means“come together”.Parents always buy new clothes for their children and children also buy presents for their parents.On the Spring Festival eve(除夕),all the family members come back home. They sing, dance and play cards.When they enjoy the meal,they give each other the best wishes for the coming year.They all have a good time。
小题1:Which is the most important festival in China?
A.The Mid-Autumn FestivalB.The Spring Festival
C.Children’s DayD.May Day
小题2:The Chinese usually have their Spring Festival in.        .
A.January or FebruaryB.February or March
C.September or OctoberD.December or January
小题3:What’s the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in
小题4:The food dumplings means“         ”.
A.be niceB.be hungryC.come togetherD.come back


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Most American students have said goodbye to fancy(高级的) fruits these days. In school canteens across the country, cheaper fruits like apples and oranges have taken their places.
“People are afraid to spend now,” said Linda Morrow, who owns a shoe and handbag store. “They don’t know what the future will bring.”
During the financial crisis(金融危机), several of the country’s biggest banks have been forced to sell or close. This has made lots of Americans afraid to buy expensive goods.
Samira Marino, a restaurant owner in Miami, has found everyone is ordering water instead of juice and more people are sharing meals. In more than two dozen interviews with The Associated Press across the country last month, Americans talked about their concerns, from worries about small businesses to doubts about simply making ends meet.
The crisis began last year. Experts think it was because US banks lend money too easily. Last year a lot of people and companies, who borrowed money, have found themselves unable to pay it back. This left the banks, as well as the people who put their money in the banks, without money. Since the banks borrowed money between themselves and even across borders(国界), the whole world was in trouble.
This month the US government agreed on a $700 billion plan to try to save the financial market. But no one is sure whether it will help or not. President George W. Bush has warned it will take some time.
Last week top finance officials from 20 countries promised to work together to find a way out of the money trouble.
小题1:Why are people in the US afraid to spend?
A.Because they think it’s unnecessary.
B.Because they don’t have the habit of spending money.
C.Because they worry about their future.
D.Because they don’t have enough money.
小题2:The fifth paragraph mainly _________.
A.tells what it is like in a crisis
B.explains why there is a crisis
C.warns people of the danger of the crisis
D.asks people not to borrow money from banks
小题3:People feel ______ about the US plan to save the market.
小题4:The best title for the story is ________.
A.Ways to make ends meet
B.The money problem facing the world
C.Healthy fancy fruits
D.The art of borrowing


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It is December 25th, 2050. The people in the city are all celebrating Christmas. I’m the mayor of our city. My citizens* and I are holding a big party under the sea, though you wouldn’t believe it. But please do not feel excited, you should feel sad because we have to live under the sea. Because of the pollution, the earth has been completely destroyed, from top to bottom. The atmosphere* has no oxygen* and moisture*. As a result, the plants are burned by the strong sunlight with a great number of harmful rays. Of course, none of them are still alive. Not only no green, but also the temperature reaches about 121℃ all day even in winter because there is too much CO2 circling the earth.
On the land, there is no life. Luckily, the sea is not destroyed by human. So, we have to move into the sea. At the bottom of the water, people have built many new cities. There is a lot of advanced* equipment* in each city. Computers are used to control all the machines, even the people’s life. We can also make the seawater into fresh water. There are two machines making oxygen. If they stop working for only one minute, more than 10 million people will die.
The population of our city is over 30 million and, of course, it is quite crowded. We have lots of high buildings and bridges. The roads are wide, too. Our cars are miniature* UFOs, don’t be surprised, it is true. At the bottom of the sea you can’t see anything, because there is no light all day. However, we have advanced lighting equipment so that we can see the “sun” under the sea. Of course, the advanced lighting equipment is very expensive. And if it doesn’t work, we can see nothing under the sea. What should we do then?
小题1:Where are they holding a big Christmas party?
A.On the landB.Under the seaC.In high buildingsD.On the road
小题2:What controls people’s life under the sea?
A.MachinesB.ComputersC.Advanced equipmentD.Human beings
小题3:Why do people have to live under the sea in 2050 according to the passage?
A.It is interesting to build cities and live under the sea.
B.We have advanced lighting equipment so that we can see the “sun” under the sea.
C.There is no oxygen and moisture around the earth as it is destroyed.
D.We can make oxygen under the sea with the high technology.
小题4:What can we learn from this article ?
A.The plants are burned by the strong sunlight with a great number of useful rays.
B.There will be no lives in the world in 2050.
C.People prefer to live under the sea in 2050.
D.We should protect our environment instead of destroying it.
小题5:What might the best title for this passage be                 .
A.A Christmas In The FutureB.A City Under The Sea
C.The Underwater LifeD.The Future Life Under The Water


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Cowboy without a Horse
A cowboy rides into a town and stops at a café for a drink. ___1___ he finishes his drink, he finds his horse is stolen(偷窃). He ___2___ back into the café, holds his gun up into the air and "fires a shot (开枪) ___3___ even looking. ”Which one of you stole __4____ horse?” he shouts loudly.
___5___ answers. “Alright, I’m going to have ___6___ beer, and if my horse isn’t back outside by the time I finish, I’m going to do __7____ I did in Texas! And I don’t like to have to do it.”
Some of the people in the town are very ___8___. After the cowboy has one more beer, he walks outside. His horse is back! He ___9___ his horse and starts to ride off.
The waiter goes __10____ the café in a hurry and asks, “Say, before you go, what happened in Texas?”
The cowboy turns back and says,” I had to walk home.”
A.Because B.When C.While D.If
A.goes B.rides C.flies D.drives
A.with B.for C.without D.of
A.his B.my C.her D.your
A.Somebody B.Everybody C.Anybody D.Nobody
A.other B.another C.none D.no
A.that B.which C.what D.when
A.happy B.excited C.relaxed D.afraid
A.gets on B.gets off C.gets up D.gets down
A.out of B.into C.in front of D.behind


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Secretary needed
Shenzhen Computer Sales Company is looking for a full-time secretary(a lady aged 22-30).
Must have excellent typing, telephone, and computer skills.
60,000yuan a year.
Send your resume(简历) to:
Shenzhen Computer Corner, 518000
Or email us: Shenzhenppp@163.com
Delivery Person Wanted (A man aged 18 to 40)
Driver’s license required.
Must be able to work in evenings and on weekends.
10.00yuan per hour.
Call 5780505 to tell your information to Miss Zhang , or come to visit us(No.2906, LP Road, KFC, Shenzhen) at business hour(518112).
Looking for a Japanese Teacher
Shenzhen Foreign language School is looking for a full-time female Japanese teacher. Must have at least two years’ experience (under 35 years old).
Call Mr. Smith for an appointment.
E-mail: MKSD@126.com
Web: http://SZFS.com.cn
小题1:How much can a secretary make one month?
a.      60,000yuan.   b. 6,000yuan  c. 50,000yuan  d. 5,000yuan
小题2:Who can apply(申请) for the job as a secretary?
a. Miss Li, 25 years old, having a driver’s license
b. Mr. Wang, 24 years old, having typing, telephone and computer skills
c. Miss Zhang, 20 years old, having typing, telephone, and computer skills
d. Mrs. Lin, 29 years old, having typing, telephone, and computer skills.
小题3: What number should you call to be a delivery person for KFC?
a. 5780505  b. 518000  c. 6790393  d. 518112
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
a. As a delivery man in KFC, you can get 10.00yuan per hour.
b. Mrs Zhao can work in evenings and on weekends, so she can work as a delivery person.
c. Shenzhen Foreign Language School is looking for a Japanese teacher.
d. You can’t apply for the teaching job if you have just graduated this year.
小题5:Where can we find these advertisements?
a. In a book on traveling.
b. In a newspaper in Shenzhen.
c. In Mrs Smith’s QQ zone(空间)
d. On Shenzhen Computer Sales Company’s website.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hunter and Sally went down the street with their mother. They could buy a pet today. “I cannot wait to see the pets!” Sally said. She wanted a cat. Hunter wanted a frog or a snake.
They went into the pet shop. “Look! That rabbit made a hole to hide in,” Sally said. “Look at those two cats,” said Hunter. Their cage was on the floor. The small and brown cats were asleep on each other.
Sally leaned over the cage. She wanted a better look. The gold necklace she had around her neck came loose. It fell into the cage. It woke up the cats. “Oh no!” Sally cried. “I lost my necklace! It is in the cage!” Then the shopkeeper came. He opened the cage, and took out the necklace. At last, they bought two cats and took them home.
1. Sally and Hunter would go to  ________________________.
2.  ___________________ went there with them..
3. Sally wanted to buy _______________________________.
4.  ______________________ lost her necklace.
5.  ______________________ took the necklace out of the cage.

