精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:The job is much  _______  than before.  (difficult)
小题2:He eats all kinds of food, so he is   ______  (health)
小题3:Mr Smith  _____  me to play chess when I was a child. (teach)
小题4:Tom and Mike are the _____ (win) of this game. (win)
小题5:Lisa _____ (not clean)her room very often.
小题6:The teacher said that the moon _      (go) round the earth.
小题7:Listen! The birds in the tree   ______ (sing).
小题8:How did you make the baby stop ______ (cry)?
小题9:It was necessary for him _     (talk) with his father.
小题10:______  aloud in the morning is good for the students. (read)

小题1:more difficult
小题5:doesn’t clean
小题7:are singing
小题9:to take

小题1:这份工作比以前难多了,两者比较,用比较级,故填more difficult
小题5:丽莎不经常打扫她的房间。一般现在时的否定句,故填doesn’t clean
小题7:听!鸟儿在树上歌唱。现在进行时,故填are singing
小题8:你是怎么让宝宝停止哭的,stop doing st ,停止做某事,故填crying
小题9:对于他来说和父亲谈谈是必要的,it 代替动词不定式做形式主语,故填to take

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Dear Bruce,
I’m sorry to hear that you feel sad these days. But don’t worry. I think you will be 小题1:.________
(勇敢的)enough to face it. In my 小题2:___________(观点), the first thing you should do is to tell her your problems face to face. After all, she knows what the saying goes, “All work, no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Then she will give you free time. The 小题3:__________ (第二) thing you’d better do is to make full use of time. Everyone knows we can never 小题4:__________(浪费) time. Maybe to your mother, time is life. So please remember: Play while you play, work while you work. Work hard! If she 小题5:__________ (意识)you have tried your best, she won’t let you do so many things.
Good luck!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:You can find lots of useful   (信息)you want on that website.
小题2:He   (躺)on the sofa and did nothing at all the whole day.
小题3:Taking a deep   (呼吸)can help you feel less nervous.
小题4:My parents promised to give me a mobile phone for my   (二十)birthday.
小题5:All you need is far   (超越)my power.
小题6:I'm sorry to say your group scored the   (少)points of the three groups in the game.
小题7:Keep on trying.  Nobody   (怀疑)your ability.
小题8:- What do you think of New York and London?
-I don't like   city. I like Sydney.
小题9:- He fell   and crashed his car into a tree while he was driving.
- Bad news. I was told that he often worked far into the night.
小题10:- Why not buy that expensive skirt? It looks good on you.
-I can't because I am   money to buy a big house.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:There are twelve m______ in a year.
小题2:Mum always cooks for the family in the k______ after work every day.
小题3:Mike likes playing games on the /k?m'pju?t?/ ______.
小题4:It’s quiet here and I can /sli?p/______ well every night.
小题5:I want to go to the library to b______ some story books.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

词汇运用 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。
小题1:The girl felt very ___________(紧张) when the teacher asked her questions.
小题2:You can go to any place you like. You are ___________(自由) now.
小题3:It’s a __________ (多云) day today and it’s going to rain.
小题4:The giant pandas are ________(面临) many serious problems in the wild now.
小题5:Last week, it kept raining _____________ (到处) in my hometown.
B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。
小题6:I don’t know these ___________ (visit) names.
小题7:If it __________ (rain) tomorrow, I won’t go out.
小题8:The students are busy _______ (read) books.
小题9:Hurry up! There is little time ___________ (leave).
小题10:The 2016 Olympic Games ___________ (take) place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
小题11:We got to the cinema late and missed the _____________(begin) of the film.
小题12:When my parrot is full, he sings __________ (happy).
小题13:We became very __________ (exciting) when we saw the model Eiffel Towel.
小题14:Many people don’t understand the ___________ (important) of the wetlands.
小题15:Drivers must be more careful on ___________ (fog) days.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

A. 根据句子意思和音标、首字母提示写出单词。
小题1:The music is too l_____, please turn it down.
小题2:I don’t know _____  /'en?w?n/  in this new school.
小题3:The old man lives alone, he feels ____ __  /'l??nl?/
小题4:He was very sad because he f______ in the long jump.
小题5:If people obey the t_____ rules, there will be fewer accidents.
B. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的正确形式填空。
小题6:Jenny is a ______(love) girl and we all like her.
小题7:My words may hurt Ann’s ______(feel).
小题8:That’s my ______(old) sister, she is four years older than me.
小题9:He was too ______ (worry) to think about what to do next..
小题10:How to remember new words is one of my ______(difficult).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Do you know an old city called "Pingyao" in Shanxi? The old city is not f___ from Taiyuan. It's a town with a long history of more than two t____ years.
The old city is not very large. It is only 2.25 s__ kilometers in size. And there are no tall buildings here. Most of the buildings have only two f___. And most of them are m______ of stones(石头). There are many Chinese-style shops on either side of the street.
Pingyao is a square city. The city has a wall a_____ it.  It's about 6 km long and 12 m high. The wall has six gates. And you mustn't m____ the nice food in Pingyao. Try Pingyao beef and you are s__ to fall in love with it.
Pingyao is a place worth(值得) a visit. You can take buses or trains here. It's less than 2 hours' bus ride from Taiyuan. It c__ you only 20 yuan. If you take a train, it will take you less time, only one and a half hours. And if you want to go to Pingyao from Beijing, the train ride takes o_____ about 6 hours.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Our club has a         (一周) meeting on Wednesday.
小题2:Have you seen the film         (导演) by Zhang Yimou? Not yet.
小题3:These Asian tigers are actually         (消失) quicker than pandas.
小题4:The twin brothers are         (争论)about what TV programmes to watch.
小题5:A poor man was found       (死) at home last week.
小题6:The actors in this film act much         (差) and I feel far more bored.
小题7:Don’t give up easily while         (面对) difficulty.
小题8:The number of wild animals is getting smaller because of the________of their living areas. (丧失)
小题9:The girl is a top student in her school. She will go abroad for________study next month. ( 进一步)
小题10:Would you please pass on a ______________(音信) for me to Jack?
小题11:The car _____________(产业) is important to the United States.
小题12:The year’s Beijing Music Awards will be c___________ live.
小题13:To be a good actor, Eddie decided to put all his         (努力)into practicing.
小题14:His _____________(成就) go beyond IT industry.
小题15:The students all stood up when the teacher _____________ (进入) the classroom.
小题16:Mr Green put a lot of _______________(努力) into arranging the concert.
小题17:Gong Li is a famous Chinese successful _______________ (演员).
小题18:He asked me to stop that _________________  (立即).
小题19:His _________________(die) was a great loss to the whole world.
小题20:You’d better ____________ (not play) on the road.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Is your father used to s     (睡觉0late on Sunday ?
小题2:I prefer to go     (某处) on holiday rather than stay at home.
小题3:Keeping     (日记) in English is a good way to learn English.
小题4:— Jack, why is your mother so angry with you?
— Because I a      (到达 home too late last night. 
小题5:Don’t get too close to the river. It’s d     (danger). 

