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补全对话阅读对话,从每题A. B. C.D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)
A: Hi, Lin Tao! Could you tell me something about your new pen pal?
B:         His name is Richard. He is from Canada. But he is living with his parents in Han~hou now
A: Uh-huh.       
B:He's 15 years old.
B: Oh, he speaks English and French, and he is leaming Chinese now.
A: Really? Many foreigners think Chinese is hard to learn.          
B: Yes, he does. But he works very hard at it.He has invited me to take a vacation in Hangzhou  and he can leam Chinese from me by the time.
B: Yes,I have.I will leave next week.
A.Sure.B.Of course not.
C.I don't know.D.Sorry,I can't.
A.Where is he from?
B.How far is it from his school?
C.How old is he?
D.How long has he been here?
A.What does he do on Sunday?
B.Who is his Chinese teacher?
C.How does he leam Chinese?
D.What language does he speak?
A.What about something different?
B.Does he also think it difficult?
C.How does he study for a test?
D.Does he work hard at it?
A.Do you have a pencil?
B.Have you decided to go there?
C.Do you live near a lake?
D.Have you seen the movie yet?


小题1:A. Sure.当然;B.Of course not.当然不;C.I don't know.我不知道;D. Sorry,I can't.对不起,我不能。A问:你能告诉我有关你新笔友的事吗?B:当然。故选A。
小题2:A. Where is he from? 他来自哪里?B.How far is it from his school?离他学校有多远?C. How old is he? 他几岁了?D. How long has he been here?他在这已经有多久了?根据下文,他十五岁,可知应选C。
小题3:A. What does he do on Sunday? 星期天他干什么?B.Who is his Chinese teacher?谁是他的汉语老师?C. How does he learn Chinese?他是怎样学汉语的?D. What language does he speak?他说什么语言。根据下文,他说英语和法语,他现在正在学汉语。故选D。
小题4:A. What about something different? 不同的怎么样呢?B.Does he also think it difficult?他认为汉语难吗?C. How does he study for a test?他是怎样学习,准备考试的?D. Does he work hard at it?他努力吗?联系上下文,很多外国人认为汉语难学。他认为汉语难吗?是的,他认为难。但是他非常努力。可知应选B。
小题5:A. Do you have a pencil?你有铅笔吗?B.Have you decided to go there?你已经决定去那里了吗?C. Do you live near a lake?你住在湖附近吗?D. Have you seen the movie yet?你看过这部电影吗?联系上下文,他已经请我去杭州度假,你已经决定去那里吗?是的。故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

— Do you think it is going to rain tomorrow?
— ___________. We are going camping tomorrow.
A. I hope so            B. I hope not           C. I’d like to        


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

–I lost the watch that my uncle gave me as the birthday gift. 
–Oh, _________.
A.that’s rightB.really C.no worryD.sorry to hear that.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

— Oh, you are here.         ?
— To the toilet.
A.Where have you goneB.Where have you been
C.Where are you goingD.Where will you go


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--I've been waiting for the phone from my uncle since 5 o'clock.
--________. He is not only a skillful driver but he also knows the road very well.
A.How long has he been away?
B.What's the matter with him?
C.I don't think you should worry about him.
D.I'm afraid there's something wrong with the telephone.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Hello! May I speak to Tina, please?
B: Speaking. 小题1:_____________________?
A: This is Bill. I called you yesterday, but you were not at home.
B: I went shopping yesterday. I need to buy something for my trip to Tibet.
A: Tibet? 小题3:__________________?
B: Because the scenery there is really beautiful.
A: Oh, yes, It’s said that there is the most beautiful sky.
B: Yes. By the way, what do you call me for?
A: I’ll have a birthday party next Friday. 小题4:__________________?
B: Oh, I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t. My plane will take off next Wednesday.
A: What a pity that you can’t come! 小题5:__________________!
B: Thank you very much, Bye !
A: Bye!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--___________? –Not bad, we’re having a great time. Thank you.
A.What are you doing?B.How’s the weather in Beijing?
C.How do you get to school?D.How’s it going?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Excuse me, can you use the computer?
—Yes, I          .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

— Mr. Brown, please teach me how to draw on the computer today.
— Oh, no hurry. _________. You have to get familiar with the keyboard first.
A.Learn to walk before you run
B.It’s never too late to learn.
C.Everything comes to him who waits.
D.The early bird catches the worm.

