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(    )14. ^What about going shopping at the weekend, Ningning?

~The shopping mall is full of people. I'd rather_____________ at home.

A. staying    B. stay  C. to stay  D. for staying


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

7.网上投票选举……    8.出席本年度北京音乐奖


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The man was caught because he_(murder)  an old lady to get her money.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   )4. People__________ always have a cold and wet winter.

A. live in Wuxi   B. in Wuxi  C. are living in Wuxi        D. to live Wuxi


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   )10. Mothers like to   their babies in blue or pink to make them look cuter.

A. wear     B. put on   C. be dressed    D. dress


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1.   Mr. Green is__________ old teacher, but he gets to school really early.

A. a         B. an           C. the              D. /


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A small boy at a summer camp received a bag of cookies in the mail from his mother. He ate a few, and then put the rest under his bed. The next day, after lunch, he went to his tent to get a cookie. The box was gone. That afternoon a camp leader saw another boy sitting behind a tree. He was eating the stolen cookies! "That young man," he said to himself, "must be taught not to steal (偷)."He returned to the group and found the boy whose cookies had been stolen. "Billy," he said, "I know who stole your cookies. Will you help me teach him a lesson?" "Well, yes. But aren't you going to punish him?" asked the puzzled boy.

"No, that would only make him hate you," the leader explained. "I want you to call your mother. Ask her to send you another box of cookies." The boy did as the leader asked. A few days later, he received another box of cookies in the mail.

"Now" said the leader, "the boy who stole your cookies is down by the lake. Go down there. Share your cookies with him."

"But he's the thief!" protested (抗议)the boy. "I know. But try it~see what happens." Half an hour later, the
camp leader saw the two come up the hill, hand in hand. The boy who stole the cookies was trying to get the other
to accept his knife. He wanted to pay for the stolen cookies. The other boy was just refusing the gift from his new
friend. He said that a few cookies weren't that important anyway.
(   )31. When Billy first got the cookies from his mother,_____________ .

A. he ate a few of them himself   B. he gave some to the camp leader

C. he shared them with another boy     D. he hid them away right away

(   )32. When might the cookies be stolen?

A. At noon that day.   B. The next noon.

C. The next afternoon. D. A few days later.

(   )33. Which of the following is NOT the camp leader's intention (意图)?

A. To teach the boy not to steal.   B. To punish the boy for stealing.

C. To teach Billy to forgive others.   D. To teach Billy to share with others.

(   )34. After the incident, the boy who stole the cookies might .

A. steal again   B. hate Billy

C. make friends with Billy   D. give Billy a bag of cookies

(    )35. Which is the best title for this article?

A. A clever boy.   B. A clever leader.

C. A clever mother.   D. A bad idea.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

47.   白色和黑色是完全不同的颜色,却是很好的搭配。

White and black__________________________________ , but they are_______________ •


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   )11. We all found_________ useful_________ English aloud every morning.

A. it; to read  B. it's; reading   C. that; read    D. this; reading

