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8.The girl is very quiet and she always feels       (leave) out.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mrs Thompson is driving her car. She looks in the mirror(镜卞) .A blue car is behind her. A man is driving the blue car.

The man in the blue car waves at(朝招手) Mrs Thompson. He is saying something, but

Mrs Thompson can't hear him. Mrs Thompson turns left. The man in the blue car turns left,too.

Mrs Thompson turns right. The man in the blue car turns right,too.

Mrs Thompson drives fast. The man in the blue car drives fast,too.

Mrs Thompson is afraid of the man in the blue car. She drives to the police station. The man in the blue car follows her.

Mrs Thompson gets to the police station and stops her car.

A police officer conies to Mrs Thompson's car. The police officer says, "There's a cat on the top of your car!”

Mrs Thompson looks for the man in the blue car,but he is gone(离开了) . Now Mrs Thompson understands:The man in the blue car wanted to tell her, "There's a cat on the top of your car!”


(   ) I) Mrs Thompson is driving her truck.

(   ) 2) A blue car is behind her.

(   ) 3) The man in the car follows Mrs Thompson.

(   ) 4) Mrs Thompson drives home.

(   ) 5) There is a man on the top of Mrs Thompson's car.


1) Mrs Thompson f        a blue car is behind her.

2) Mrs Thompson see the blue car i        the mirror.

3) Mrs Thompson s        her car at the police station.

4) A police t        Mrs Thompson there is a cat on the top of her car.

5) At last she k        the thing the man wants to tell her.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

It is a thousand kilometres1    that desert. The road is2    nearly all the way. There are three small3   along the way.

Vickie reached the first place at ten o'clock. He had his4    in a little restaurant there. It was a warm night in August. Vicki wanted to5    through the night, for the days were very very 6    .

He left the restaurant at11: 10 and drove over7   hours. There wasn't a moon,but the 8   were wonderful. There was nothing else on the road. Vickie thought, "It's an empty desert.

Not a tree. Not a house. Not a man." He could9    the endless white road in the car's headlights. A million stars looked down on him.

It was two o'clock in the morning. Vickie stopped the car. He was two hundred kilometres from the10    town. "I'll make some tea, "he thought. He got out of the car.

He heard some sounds, ten or fifteen metres11    He could not see anything in the darkness. A man said, "Good morning. It's a12   evening, isn't it?" The man came forward out of the night, out of the desert. Vickie did not move.

The man said," You are going to13    some tea,aren't you? I often get a cup of tea at this

time. It's two o'clock. Cars always14    near here at this time. Sometimes I get a15   . Now

listen, and I'll tell you a story. Then you'll give me..."

(   ) 1.A. on   B. in   C. across   D. through

(   ) 2.A. well   B. good   C. long   D. short

(   ) 3.A. towns   B. cities   C. houses   D. islands

(   ) 4.A. tea   B. breakfast   C. lunch   D. supper

(   ) 5.A. walk   B. drive   C. fly   D. stay

(   ) 6.A. cold   B. cool   C. hot   D. warm

(   ) 7.A. sixteen   B. fourteen   C. twelve   D. two

(   ) 8.A. trees   B. birds   C. stars   D. clouds

(   ) 9.A. see   B. find   C. look for   D. make

(   ) 10.A. next   B. home   C. other   D. first

(   ) 11.A. below   B. far   C. high   D. away

(   ) 12.A. kindly   B. dangerous   C. lovely   D. friendly

(   ) 13.A. drink   B. make   C. grow   D. cook

(   ) 14.A. drop   B. land   C. pass   D. stop

(   ) 15.A. meal   B. bread   C. bear   D. rest


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

My classmates are talking about how they spent the weekend. This is what they said:

(   ) 1. Who cleaned the room last weekend?

   A. Jenny.   B. Tony.   C. Susan.   D. Jack.

(   ) 2. Who went to a party?

   A. Jenny.   B. Tony.   C. Susan.   D. Jack.

(   ) 3. Jenny        on Sunday evening.

   A. talked to her friend on the phone   B. watched TV at home

   C.went to a park   D. cooked the meal

(   ) 4.        went out for fun.

   A. Jenny   B. Tony   C. Susan   D. Jack

(   ) 5. What didn't Jack do?

   A. He stayed at home.   B. He watched TV at home.

   C.  He saw a movie.   D. He went to a party.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3.I was very      (sleep)in class in the morning because I stayed up last night.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


The two paintings are different,       they have a lot             .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 7.       listen to some light music? I'm sure you'll feel better soon. 

   A. What about   B. Would you like

   C.Why don't you   D. How do you like


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


We should try              our parents      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 9. The police      the room        the thief for three days.

   A. searched;for   B. searched;at

   C.  looked;for   D. looked;at

