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heavy take off knock fast six
61.Someone isknocking  at the door.Please go and see who it is.
62.There are twelve months in a year.And June is thesixth/6lh  one.
63.Please take an umbrella with you.It's rainingheavily
64.The plane from Beijing to Londontook off  five minutes ago.
65.He runs veryfast  and he always wins the first place in the race.

分析 61.有人在敲门,去看看是谁?

解答 61.knocking.
根据空格前面的词语是is,空格后面是at the door,以及后面的句子"Please go and see who it is."去看看是谁?因此可知有人正在敲门,所以要用现在进行时来填空,结合给出的英语提示,所以要用knock来填空knock是动词,意思是"敲门"综上所述,故填knocking.
根据"There are twelve months in a year."一年有十二个月,以及"June is the sixth/6lh  one."6月是一年当中的第六个月,结合给出的英语提示six,所以要用其序数词形式sixth来填空,还可以用其缩略形式6lh.,故填sixth/6lh
根据"Please take an umbrella with you."以及"It's raining"因此可知正下着雨,带把伞吧,结合给出的英语提示,所以要用heavy来说明雨下得大,空格前面是动词rain,所以要用heavy的副词形式heavily来说明雨下得大,故填heavily.
64.took off
根据时间状语"five minutes ago"五分钟以前,所以要用一般过去时,又根据"The plane from Beijing to London"从北京飞往伦敦的飞机,因此可知从北京飞往伦敦的飞机在五分钟以前就已起飞了.结合给出的英语提示,所以要用take off来填空,结合时态,故填took off.
根据"he always wins the first place in the race."他总是在赛跑中获得第一名.因此可知他跑得快,结合给出的英语提示,故填fast,fast是形容词,意思是"快的".

点评 先要掌握句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目以及给出的英语单词提示,就可以确定正确答案.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.If you could make an app (应用程序) by yourself,what would you make?Dylan Puccetti,12,made an app called SaveMePro.He studies at Austin Middle School in Texas,US.His app is cool because it can help you in emergency situations like a robbery(抢劫) or even a kidnapping.
The app is easy to use.When the phone is locked( 锁屏),you can press the button eight times.Then it sends a text message to some numbers.The message receiver will get a GPS map and see where the phone is.Users need to put these numbers onto the app first of course."If I was getting robbed,and I had my phone in my pocket,all I have to do is to press the power button.I hope it is useful for people."Dylan said.
Dylan is not new to make things.In fifth grade,he made something to help young baseball players how to pitch.
"He's always thinking of new things."said Dylan's father,Michael Puccetti.

47.What did Dylan Puccetti make?A
A.He made a new app that helps in emergencies.
B.He made a new kind of power button for phones.
C.He made a new thing to give power to phones.
D.He made a new mobile phone.
48.Which should you do first to make sure the new app works?C
A.Press the power button seven limes.
B.Send a text message to some numbers.
C.Put the message receivers'numbers onto the app.
D.Have a phone in your pocket.
49.What does Dylan's father think of him?A
A.He is not good at making new things.
B.He is good at playing baseball.
C.He can't do one thing for long.
D.He can't have much success.
50.From this passage,we know thatB.
A.SaveMePro is a kind of mobile phone.
B.Dylan is a middle school student.
C.It's not easy to use SaveMePro.
D.Dylan is not a good student.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.All kinds of shopping coupons(优惠券)
6 hours free parking
If you spend  100 or more in our store you will get six hours of free parking.Take this coupon to the service desk on level 4 to stamps.
Buy one,get one free
Buy one shirt or tie at Daniel's Menswear,and get another shirt or tie of the same price free.
10% off
Show this coupon at the Book Store to get a 10% discount(减价) on any book you buy.We have lots of books to choose from,including children's books,novels,travel guides and hobbies.You're sure to find something that you will enjoy.
Free soft drink
Buy any meal for at least 6% discount at Mike's Cafe and receive a free soft drink.We serve the best hamburgers and snacks in the Mall.Come in and try our delicious meals and our excellent service.You won't be disappointed!
Half-price movie tickets
Buy any full-price movie ticket on Tuesdays or Wednesdays,and you can buy a second ticket for a friend for only half price.The latest movies are all here.
56.If you spend 100 dollars or more,you canB
A.get a CD free                 
B.get 6 hours of free parking
C.get some stamps free           
D.get some desks
57.Buy one tie at Daniel's Menswear,you may get anotherCfree.
A.cheaper tie                   
B.more expensive tie
C.tie of the same price             
D.one shirt
58.You can get a 10% discount on any book if youDat the Book Store.
A.buy some gifts                
B.buy some tickets
C.show the coupon               
D.buy some novels
59.If you want to have free soft drink,you can go toA.
A.Mike's Cafe                  
B.the Book Store
C.Daniel's Menswear             
D.any cafe
60.If John pays  10 for a full-price movie ticket on Tuesday,he can buy a second ticket for onlyAA.5          


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There has been a new trend in food recently---people are becoming not interested in fast food and beginning taking an interest in eating"slow food".
For many years,the pace(速度) of life has been increasing for most people.Buying,preparing and cleaning up after a meal was becoming a big trouble for those busy people.Luckily,there were smart business people who took the opportunity to provide"instant"solutions to the problem.They opened fast food restaurants.Almost overnight,you could go to the fast-food restaurant,order your food and within 2minutes it will be handed over to your hand.
The problem is health.Fast food has much oil,salt and more calories and far fewer vitamins than food freshly cooked at home.And so,since people have always wanted to live longer and healthier,a small but growing population is choosing not only fresh food,but also organically grown food(有机食品)---food that hasn't been grown with chemical fertilizers(化学材料).
  Another reason for changes in eating habits is the society.Over the centuries,meal times have been used to visit,laugh and learn.That doesn't fit with today's busy life and many people are looking for ways to restore(恢复) that.Goodbye MacDonald's.
Finally,there's something special about planning your meal,buying just the right ingredient and seeing something on your table that looks just like the picture in your recipe book(食谱书).So if you're too busy,maybe it's time for you to slow down and enjoy a meal with a friend.

76判断正误("T"表示正确,"F"表示错误); 77-78简略回答问题; 79完成信息;80将文中划线句子译成汉语.
76.People are becoming interested in eating"slow food".T
77.Why is fast food not healthy?Because it has too much oil,salt and more calories and far fewer vitamins than food freshly cooked at home
78.What's organically grown food?Organically grown food is food that hasn't been grown with chemical fertilizers
79.Busy people find it a big trouble tobuy,prepare and clean up after a meal


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.a,idy up,give,hobby,write,As a result,country,I,model,for
Yesterday I was (61)tidying upmy room.I found (62)anold box of my father's.He (63)gave it to me two years ago.It was really interesting to discover some of my father's life as a child.He once told me about his (64)hobbyas a child.he(65)wroteto people all over the world,and they sent him letters back..(66)As a result he had a book of interesting stamps.People also gave him things from different(67)countries ,such as a silk from Japan,a little doll from England,and a small (68)model ship from Australia.My father even kept the ticket from his first football match!It made (69)me think about my hobby.I want to keep my old picture books and magazines  (70)fora long time too.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

friend   accident    waste    tired    address
66.Peter neverwastes  any money on clothes that he doesn't need.
67.Michael had anaccident  this morning and was sent to the hospital.
68.Robert told us his newaddress  and invited us to his birthday party.
69.Mr Smith has been in China for three years and made a lot offriends  there.
70.All the students felttired  when they finally climbed to the top of the mountain.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读表达

When I grow up,①I do not remember______the words"I love you"_______ my father.When your father never says them to you when you are a child,it gets harder and harder for him to say those words as he gets older.
In fact,I could not remember when I had last said those words to him,either.I decided to set my self-esteem(自尊)aside and make the first move."Dad…I love you!"I said to him nervously on the phone.
There was a silence at the other end and he slowly answered,"Well,I love you,too!"
I chuckled(轻声笑)and said,"Dad,I know you love me,and when you are ready,②我知道你会说你想说的话."Fifteen minutes later my mother called and nervously asked,"Paul,is everything OK?"
A few weeks later,Dad got used to ending our phone chat with the words,"Paul,I love you."
Tears were rolling down when I finally"heard"the love.③I realized that this special moment had taken our father-son relationship to a new level.
A few months after this special moment,my father narrowly escaped death following a heart operation.
If I had not taken the first step and Dad had not survived the operation,I would have never"heard"the love.Be sure to let love be heard.

77.将②句译成英文.I know you will/can say what/thewords you want/would like to say
79.在文中找出与After a few weeks,Dad was used to ending our phone chat with the words.意思相近的句子.A few weeks later,Dad got used to ending our chat with the words."
80.在文中找出最能表达该短文主题的句子.Be sure to let love be heard.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.After his father's _____,his life became much more difficult.(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Fast food is very popular in the world.Many people like fast food restaurants.Teenagers(青少年)  enjoy meeting their friends there.They can eat,listen to music and talk.They like to have chicken,French fries,hamburgers and their favorite drink is cola and soda.For dessert,they like ice cream.But I don't think fast food is healthy food.I think vegetables and fruit are healthy food.

38.What is very popular in the world?C
C.Fast food.
39.What do teenagers like doing in the fast food restaurant?B
A.They like doing there.
B.They like eating,listening to music and talking with friends..
C.They like cola and soda.
D.They like fast food.
40.C are healthy food.
B.Fast food     
C.Vegetables and fruit   
D.French fries
41.They likeA for dessert.
A.ice cream     
B.French fries   

