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7. (2014 •黑龙江绥化)

—What is Amy doing?

—She's her English book.

   A. looking   B. looking for   C. looking out

7. B

7. B 解析:look 意为“看”;look for 意为“寻找”;look out意为“注意,留神”。根据答语句意“她正在找她的英语书”可知选B.

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通中考周内课时练九年级英语下册外延衔接版 > 周测月考卷1 Module 1阶段性测试


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1. (2015 •四川南充) Roy thinks he works as as his friend,Dan.

   A. hardly   B. harder

   C. hard   D. more hardly


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The man was great!He succeeded climbing up to the top of the mountain.

   A. for   B. with   C. in   D. at


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

12. (2015 •江西)

—The scarves are all beautiful. I can't decide which one to choose.

—Oh,look at this red one. I think it's .

   A. beautiful   B. more beautiful   C. the most beautiful   D. less beautiful


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

IV.任务型阅读(5小题,共15分)(2015 •湖南株洲)


Adventure (冒险) travel is a great way to see the world. It is a kind of tourism,often to far places. Adventure travel often includes adventure activities such as mountain climbing,rock climbing and so on.

These activities may bring risks to your health and safety. But they can be fun,exciting,and safe if you prepare for your trip and follow safety rules.

Make an appointment (预约) with a doctor about a month before your adventure travel. Be sure to talk to the doctor about your planned adventure activities. He or she may give you some special advice.

Take a first-aid course two weeks before your adventure travel. Consider taking a first-aid box with you. If you get hurt during your trip,you can give yourself some simple medical care.

You’d better buy travel insurance (保险) before you set off.

During your adventure travel,you should also follow some rules. The following are some of them.

Wear protective clothes when doing adventure activities.

Always follow safety advice from your guides.

If you go somewhere hot,be sure to take sunglasses with you. They can protect you against the sun.


. a great way to see the world

. a kind of tourism,often to 1


. mountain climbing

. 2





risks to your health and safety


Before travel

. talking to the doctor

. taking a first-aid course

. buying travel insurance

During travel

. wearing protective clothes

. 5

. taking sunglasses


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Ⅱ .完形填空(10小题,共15分) (2014 •重庆A卷) 

These days,some middle schools in China are trying to do something different.

The students choose classes according to their own needs. For each subject,they can make a choice from different levels (等级) of difficulty. So instead of staying in the 1 classroom,they go to different rooms to have their lessons. And the teachers make special teaching plans for 2 .

There are different opinions about it.

Xia Rui,a 13-year-old girl,said ,“ I really love it. I think it's nice that we can 3 classes by ourselves. My English is poor. I used to be afraid to answer questions in class. I think that the good students may 4 me when I make mistakes. Now I feel much more relaxed. ”

But her classmate Chen Gang didn't agree. “ I don't think it is so good 5 it is difficult for students to find where the classrooms are”’ he said. “During the break,students can be seen here and there,running and shouting to find their 6 . ”

4Tm worried that some students may think they are in the lower class 7 lose interest in the subject”, their maths teacher,Mr Wang said. “I also 8 that some parents may feel unhappy if their kids study a subject at an easy level. ”

“In my eyes,it is good 9 both students and teachers”,Mr Wang also said. “As teachers,we can make teaching plans more 10 and the students will develop better. ”

1. A. clean   B. same   C. bright   D. empty

2. A. us   B. him   C. them   D. you

3. A. play   B. teach   C. choose   D. work

4. A. laugh at   B. listen to   C. look after   D. wait for

5. A. whether   B. because   C. when   D. before

6. A. parents   B. friends   C. books   D. classrooms

7. A. and   B. but   C. till   D. or

8. A. hope   B. report   C. cry   D. worry

9. A. for   B. at   C. on   D. with

10. A. slowly   B. easily   C. quietly   D. brightly


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

II .完形填空(15小题,共15分) (2015 •四川内江)

I’m  a cook in a restaurant. One day,I went for a walk when suddenly I saw smoke. I went closer to 1 what was happening. It was coming from a house. At that time I saw the firemen rushing to the 2 and I ran to talk to one of them. I asked him 3 there was someone inside. He replied that there was a whole family and my heart missed a beat because I 4 that the family was in danger and that it was 5 for them to run away from the inside.

I asked if there was an extra (多余的) uniform for firemen. He said “6 ”,and I quickly wore it and went in with three more 7 . As I went inside,it was so hot that I felt as if I was melting (熔化) . I passed by the living room and saw the curtains (窗帘) 8 . When the firemen were trying to put out the fire,I found the people who 9 themselves behind the curtains. One of them was unlucky 10 he was seriously burnt and the rest were 11 . I handed them out of the burning house 12 . Finally we were safe from the danger and the firemen put out the fire bravely. The officer of the firemen 13 me for my courage to help those people.

That night I 14 not sleep because of all the excitement. Even now I am still 15 that I saved the people who were in danger. I'll never regret what I did.

1. A. draw   B. see   C. record   D. explain

2. A. station   B. restaurant   C. supermarket   D. house

3. A. why   B. when   C. whether   D. how

4. A. realized   B. mentioned   C. expected   D. told

5. A. simple   B. important   C. normal   D. difficult

6. A. OK   B. Yes   C. No problem   D. No way

7. A. firemen   B. cooks   C. customers   D. doctors

8 A.lost   B. watered   C. burning   D. flying

9. A. enjoyed   B. hid   C. hit   D. saw

10. A. because   B. before   C. if   D. though

11. A. angry   B. wrong   C. scared   D. surprised

12. A. suddenly   B. quietly   C. politely   D. quickly

13. A. called   B. thanked   C. asked   D. found

14. A. would   B. should   C. might   D. could

15. A. proud   B. sad   C. lucky   D. upset


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 1 have three (rose) here:red,yellow and white.

4. My classmates taught me (say) many things,for example “ xiexie” .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

V. 补全对话

A: Hello,Sally. I know you’re one of the best graduates. 1  

B: Yes,please.

A: How do you feel now?

B: 2

A: What are you going to do before leaving school?

B: Tm going to take some photos with my teachers and classmates. I'll miss them very much.

A: 3

B:By sending emails or making telephone calls.

A: 4

B:I'm going to be a scientist,so I'll keep on working hard to make my dream come true.

A: 5

B: I want to say “Thanks” to my teachers for teaching me so well and I wish my teachers and classmates health,happiness and good luck.

   A. What's your plan for the future?

   B. How will you keep in touch with them?

   C. I feel excited and sad.

   D. May I ask you some questions?

   E. What else would you like to say to your teachers and classmates?

