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__________ is really hard __________ them to climb such a high mountain.

A. This; to B. It; to C. This; for D. It; for


科目:初中英语 来源:湖南省2019届九年级下学期期中英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. If we didn't see any rain soon, we would lose everything.

One day when I was in the kitchen, I saw my six-year-old son, Billy, walking towards the forest. He was clearly trying to be as silent as possible. Several minutes later, he had gone into the forest. He ran out again, towards the house. This activity went on for an hour, walking carefully to the forest and running back to the house. I really wanted to know what Billy was doing.

Finally I followed him into the forest. I found that he was holding a cup of water. He walked very carefully not to drop the water.

I saw a baby deer lying on the ground. It lifted its head to drink the water in my son's cup. After the deer drank up, Billy jumped up and ran back to the house to get more water. When he saw me, he said, "I'm not wasting. " I found that his eyes were filled with tears.

“I know. " I watched the most beautiful heart working so hard to save another life. Tears ran down my face. As my tear drops began to hit the ground, other drops and more drops and more suddenly joined them I looked up at the sky. It was raining.

Some people would say this was all just a huge coincidence . Those miracles (奇迹) don't really exist(存在).Iwould like to believe it was a miracle. All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm just like the actions of one little boy saved a life.


1.We can know the writer was _______.

A. Billy's friend B. Billy's parent C. Billy's sister D. Billy's brother

2.Billy walked towards the forest and ran to the house again and again because he wanted to _______.

A. take more exercise B. practice running

C. get water for the baby deer D. get water for his mother

3.What does the underlined word " coincidence " mean "_____" in Chinese?

A. 捐赠 B. 报应 C. 预言 D. 巧合

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. They hadn't got any rain for long.

B. Billy used a cup to hold water for the baby deer.

C. The writer cried because she was moved.

D. Billy walked carefully in order not to wake up the baby deer.

5.What's the best title for the passage?

A. A Miracle of Tears B. A Baby Deer

C. A Beautiful Cup D. A Great Coincidence


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省江阴市华士片、澄东片2019届九年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:多任务混合问题

Think of the empty cities in zombie (僵尸) movies. The streets, the shops and the schools are still there just like they would be on a normal day, except there are no people to be seen. It is the emptiness that makes you scared.

Now a real-life “ghost city” is being built in the US. But luckily, it has nothing to do with zombies –it is going to be a place to test the technology of the future.

Called CITE–the Center for Innovation, Testing and Evaluation (创新测评)–the city is the idea of technology company Pegasus Global Holdings. Covering an area of 15 square miles, this small, empty city sits in the middle of the New Mexico desert (沙漠), since we can't afford to test the latest technologies in the cities that we live in.

“It will be a true laboratory without safety problems that come with people living there. Here you can break things and run into things, and get used to how they work, before taking them out into the market,” Pegasus managing director Robert Brumley told technology magazine Wired.

In fact, without worrying about hurting people, anybody with a new idea can ask to test it in this city.

Just think about the possibilities – A. driverless cars can move freely on the streets, B. homes with robots can be designed, C. shared bikes can be seen everywhere and D. energy sources like nuclear (核的) power can also be put to the test.

As good as the idea may seem, however, there are still doubts about CITE. “One of the most difficult things to do when developing these new technologies is to have them safely move around people, who can suddenly jump out in front of something,” Reese Jones, a beginner of Singularity University, US, Fortune magazine.

Jones is worried that, even if a technology does perfectly well in CITE, introducing it to a real city will still be a whole different story because there will be people living in the city.

But no matter what, perhaps we should wait until CITE is finished in 2019. Maybe it will turn out to work just fine.

1.Why do people need an empty place to build CITE?

A. Because the test will do well with the help of CITE.

B. Because the test will cause danger in our daily lives.

C. Because they can experience the new future technology.

D. Because they can help people get used to the technology.

2.What can we learn from the article?

A. Anyone can ask to try out their new designs in CITE.

B. Things in CITE can easily be broken down and built again.

C. Testing all new technologies in a real city will cause problems.

D. People can suddenly jump out in front of some new technologies.

3.In the fifth paragraph, there’re four examples marked A, B, C and D. Please choose the one which shouldn’t be there.

4.What is the main purpose of this article?

A. To offer a way to develop future technologies.

B. To explain CITE and the problems to deal with.

C. To show that CITE has got a bright future ahead.

D. To explain why CITE is very helpful to technologies.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省江阴市华士片、澄东片2019届九年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

– Why isn’t he showing up at the birthday party?

– He is racing ________ the clock to finish his report on his project.

A. beyond B. over C. against D. through


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省广元市苍溪县2018-2019学年八年级春季期中联考英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Lucy Brown teaches English in a junior high school. She loves her students very much, and she works hard. She often tells them some interesting stories in class and her students like her, too.

Yesterday, Lucy found some boys always made faces (做鬼脸) in class. She didn't want them to do that again, so she got all her students together and said, "Boys and girls, when I was young, I liked making faces in class, too. But one day, my grandmother told me not to do that again." She said, "If you make faces again, you will be ugly when you grow up." "So you shouldn't do that again."

Some students thought she was right, but some students didn't. One of the boys put up his hand. "Oh, Tom! What do you want to say?" asked Lucy.

The boy stood up and said, "Miss Brown, you must regret(后悔) listening to your grandmother now."

1.Lucy is .

A. a Chinese teacher B. a math teacher

C. an English teacher D. a history teacher

2.In her class, Lucy often her students.

A. sings English songs to B. performs magic tricks for

C. tells interesting stories to D. plays the piano for

3.What did Lucy find yesterday?

A. Some boys always didn't listen to her .

B. Some boys always ate snacks in class .

C. Some boys always had fights in class.

D. Some boys always made faces in class.

4.How did Lucy make them not to do that again?

A. She called their parents and told them about it.

B. She told her grandmother about it.

C. She made the boys stand in front of the other students.

D. She told them a story about herself.

5.From the passage, we know .

A. Tom didn't think Lucy was beautiful

B. Lucy will be happy after hearing Tom's words

C. Lucy's grandmother didn't like Lucy

D. Lucy thought the boys in her class were very ugly


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省广元市苍溪县2018-2019学年八年级春季期中联考英语试卷 题型:单选题

Sam and hurt his foot.

A. fall down B. fell down C. falls down D. felt down


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省广元市苍溪县2018-2019学年八年级春季期中联考英语试卷 题型:单选题

(题文)(2016天津中考)I wanted to see the Beijing Opera, so Lingling offered me to watch an opera.

A. took B. takes C. to take D. taking


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市西城区2019届九年级4月统一测试英语试卷 题型:单选题

— What do you think of the film The Wandering Earth?

— It's great. I it three times.

A. see B. am seeing C. have seen D. will see


科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省宜昌市东部2019届九年级下学期期中调研考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

---Peter has changed a lot.

---He ___ spend all my pocket money, but now he ___ saving some of it.

A. used to; used to B. was used to; am used to

C. is used to; used to D. used to; is used to

